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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

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SMG stormed the western Battlefield with a heavy heart as he could not imagine what Jhonny must be feeling at the moment facing the the threat of utter annihilation.

The elites were a force that had been always accustomed to having annihilating their opposing forces in war and had never faced such a setback themselves.

Many who had joined the guild had even developed the notion that the guild was undefeatable and untouchable as no matter how ridiculous the odds were , the elites always came out on top !

It was due to this reason that the defeat on the western frontier would be a slap to their fantasy image of the guild and a morale dampner for all the remaining forces.

' No i cannot let it happen ! ' thought SMG as the war on the western Battlefield was still not over until the last elite was still standing.

Initially scheduled to fight under the Sigma boys banner to create sheer confusion at the backstabbing , SMG dropped that idea to rally a command that he thought was the most important at the moment.

Shouting as loudly as he could , SMG said " SOLDIERS ..... HOIST THE COLORS PROUD ".

Instantly the flags of the Sigma boys guild were dropped by the flagbearers as a familiar Grey wolf insigna unflurred itself on the battlefield taking the blood merchants by surprise.

For SMG , the message to give was that ' HOPE! ' was still alive! hence for the elites to still fight to the bitter end and not give up , because Reinforcements had arrived.

" SNEAK ATTACK .... SNEACK ATTACK , WATCH YOUR BACKS ". The blood merchant captain's shouted as soon SMG and the Reinforcements tore their way through the blood merchant backlines.

SMG charged with the 2 million soldiers at the exposed backs of the blood merchant forces , starting a pincer attack on the western Battlefield plunging it into utter chaos!

' What is happening? ' Was the thought that every single blood merchant had on the battlefield as soon they realized that an ally had backstabbed them .

" Dronacharya that mot******* f****** PIM* has sold us out , there are no mercenary reinforcements , only Elite soldiers ..Aghhhh ". Said one captain as he died to SMG's daggers.

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( Jhonny's POV)

Jhonny had lost all hope once he saw additional 2 million troops charge towards the western Battlefield with a battle flag he was unfamiliar with.

But for them to pass through the blood merchant camp without being attacked it meant that the forces were most likely there to support the merchants.

It was like having a bird poop on his head after his leg already landed in dog poop as the misery seemed to keep piling up for him when he needed miracles the most.

Looking at the heavens , he said " I know you hate me ... It is clear from how ' lucky' i am ! But save me this once and i will never ask you for anything ever again ! ".

Jhonny pleaded god in his moment of vulnerability and to his absolute delight..... God responded!

SMG unflurred the grey wolf insigna!

For Jhonny seeing the familiar Grey wolf insigna appear out of nowhere was nothing short of a miracle as life re-entered his old bones along with the hope for survival.

" ITS NOT OVER YET , WESTERN FORCES HOLD THE LINES ". Jhonny gave it everything he had and the other soldiers who were struggling just a minute ago also saw the reinforcements arriving and found second wind of their own , holding their grounds till the bitter end.

The tides of battle had turned!

It was the misfortune of the blood merchants to be fighting in the trident formation , as it was one of the weakest formations vulnerable to backstabbig the most.

The result was that within half an hour the blood merchant attack lines were completely dismantled as the flanking troops led by SMG were a slaughter crew that nobody could match upto.

Mostly consisting of high damage dealing classes like theives and assassins , the unit consisted of the black ops and the special ops trainees of the elite academy specialised in the job of killing.

This made the flanking unit nearly unstoppable on the battlefield as they soon forced the blood merchant forces to turn to face them at the risk of leaving their backs exposed to the war machines at the wall.

Looking as a third person , the elites looked like an incredibly lucky group to have help show up at the critical moment that they needed help , however only the elites themselves knew that it was Rudra's planning that made this situation possible and had nothing to do with luck.

Now with the wall of Purplehaze city on one end and nearly 2 million strong army on the other , the blood merchants found themselves in a situation between a rock and a hard place as they had to pick their fights carefully.

At the moment turning their backs to the attacking army was more dangerous than being stabbed by arrows and hence the direction of the war had changed completely , but it also meant that with fighting while facing towards their own camp , there was no path to progress for the merchants.

The tier 4 generals understood this peril , but with only two of them having the luxury to run freely as they pleased as the others were fighting tier 4 counterparts of their own the possibilities were highly restricted.

For even the tier 4 generals facing a 2 million strong army they needed time to cause tangible damage and with SMG trying to keep one of them busy , it essentially left only one tier 4 general to do as they pleased.

Losses naturally mounted on both ends , however the elites bought themselves precious time due to the timely help of the Reinforcements , giving them a fighting chance to hold the wall till the end of day 2.

While this intense fight brought a lot of excitement to viewers worldwide , it brought a myriad of problems for dronacharya who was sweating buckets at the central camp at this moment.


( Dronacharya's POV)

Dronacharya was completely sure of victory , so much so he had even started to prepare his war horse to ride into the Battlefield as he started to gear up for battle.

His mood was excellent and he had broken into singing with joy , all of which became his undoing.

When the expected reinforcements suddenly changed flags and attacked the blood merchants , the first thought everyone of the merchants had was that dronacharya had backstabbed them .

Everyone threw a myriad of curses at dronacharya who himself was the biggest victim.

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Dronacharya could simply not understand what was going on and how the mercenary help he hired after making them sign an air-tight contract backfiring on himself?

However it was the disgusting looks that the others gave him within the central camp that truly made dronacharya realize his dire situation.

" No , nononono , this has nothing to do with me , IM INNOCENT , IM INNOCENT , I DID NOT PLAN THIS ". Dronacharya pleaded for mercy as he saw several tier 4 generals circling his way with Extremely unkind expressions on their faces.

The fact that he was singing happily while sending Elite forces to backstab their army , and preparing a war horse to run away did not help his case of innocence at all as his plea was not bought by anyone.

Getting on his knees , tears flowed out of Dronacharya 's eyes as he begged the others to give him a chance to prove his innocence. However it was all for nothing.

He was given the seat at the war council only because he promised to bring 2 million troops for the cause. But now that his promised force had betrayed the blood merchants , naturally it made dronacharya a traitor.

As scar-face arrived at the scene and looked into Dronacharya's eyes soullessly , dronacharya knew at that moment that he was going to suffer a fate much worse than death.

A myriad of emotions raging in his heart , he could simply not understand where he had gone wrong ? Or how was the mercenary force swapped by the Elite forces ?

However he knew one thing for sure and that was the fact that it had something to do with his arch-enemy Shakuni.

Although he had no proof , he knew it in his heart that it was somehow that man's doing and hence the last words that came out of his mouth before being knocked unconscious by scar-face's brutal punch was a borderline insane chant of " SHAKUNIIIIIIIIIII ".

[ War Recap Counter ]

Blood merchant deaths in this chapter : 800,000

Elites death in this chapter : 200,000

Total force strength left alive

Merchants : 23.5/ 30 million

Elites : 7.8/ 9.2 million

Special Note - The reinforcements are already a part of the total forces the elites have on their side and not a third party force , hence the total numbers will not be increased from them joining the fight.

/// Next GT target - 900 , with the double tickets event ongoing it should not be long till we hit it! Let's get it you all !!! ///