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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 619: Shock The World
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Scar-Face was extremely frustrated when the report came in that the elites had somehow sealed the two holes in the western walls shut.

How was it even possible to construct such a large section of wall in one night? He wondered as he crushed the report in his hand.

Despite his anger and frustration the reality remained that all their gains from day 2 were made pointless with the wall standing tall once again.

This packed a psychological impact that was felt not only by the leaders of the group , but even the most basic foot soldiers as morale was low in the blood merchant camp after two days of war.

The merchants had undoubtedly lost a lot more forces than the elites and despite themselves being the superior force , there was no tangible progress in the war against the Elites.

Hence day 3 started with a frustrated note for the merchants , who now stepped out with the might of their full forces rather than sending smaller segments.

For scar-face , day 3 was the limit of his patience. It was logistically impossible for him to partake in a long drawn seige war against the holed up elites , as one needed a city full of supplies to feed a 25 million strong army.

Although the army could move through Aquahose kingdom unperturbed , if it wished to set up an actual food chain and control mechanism for importing food from friendly nations , the forces that scar-face would finally have left for war would not even be a full 5 million.

Hence a drawn out war was catastrophic for the merchants , much more so than for the elites and also the reason behind why day 3 was the boiling point for the group.

Uptil now the elites had unexpectedly put up a strong resistance by shocking them time and time again , otherwise there was no fundamental strategy error committed by the blood merchants.

Their losses , undoubtedly heavy , were the lowest that they could have got out of the situation as while Rudra could think of a hundered worse decisions made , he could only think of one better .

All this culminated in day 3 of war starting , as it was a literal , jam packed sea of humans crashing into another sea of humans.

The Battlefield was literally not big enough anymore to hold any more soldiers , as there was a greater chance to die by stampede than being actually stabbed to death by an enemy.

The human tide technique had the highest chances of success to topple the wall , as slowly but definitely 4 million soldiers were anyhow going to force 1 million to press back and retreat .

The only way out for the elites after being pressed too hard was to die from the front line to the last after they had no more room to maneuver , or open their own wall gates to rush to safety , at which point the tier 4 generals would make sure that the once opened gate does not close back down again.

This was the only way day 3 was supposed to go and father hour one of fighting it seemed like that would be the eventual outcome of the fight anyways , as the elites had lost nearly 100 meters in ground in just one hour.

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While the losses on the side of the merchants were three times higher , they had more to lose too and the war seemed like a sealed deal.

The world watched the situation develop and the poll that had predicted an elite victory at 3% , now showed it at a pitifully low 1 % and that 1% was only from fanatics living in country J that refused to accept that the elites could fall.

Any logical man would conclude that the elites had no chance of winning and this point in the fight felt like they hit a rock bottom. However they were wrong!

They were all wrong!

The entire world was wrong!

The elites had not hit their rock bottom , they had just hit their bottom line where they snapped.

The moment Rudra released the green flare towards the sky , and it exploded with a loud bang a killometer high in the air . All 4 Battlefronts knew that it was finally time.

They had been oppressed enough and now was the time to fight back !

Now was the time to show the world what the elites were truly capable of!


( Rudra's POV )

Fighting against the densely packed and well trained blood merchant army , Rudra felt intimidation for the first time in his entire life.

The enemy strength was so high , a single slash cut two opponents at once , whereas there was simply no room for him to run wild. It was a wall of humans and the wall was at the density where cutting down one made no sense at all.

The fight was a field day for AOE type attacks , as every attack caused maximum casualties upto their potential limit , as there deployment was in the densest possible human concentration.

However the AOE spells and the bombs and other petty tricks were all just a bait to get the enemy comfortable before the real slaughter began.

For one entire hour , Rudra let the enemy advance and get into formation .

He allowed them to press his troops and he gave them their well deserved ground as he made the elites fall back .

However just when the blood merchant troops felt comfortable in their new roles . Their new surroundings and the mob that they were a part of , Rudra decided to bring out the big guns!

The greatest weapon of the elites in this war and something that could neutralize the enemy numbers , Rudra ordered to bring out the handheld pulse cannons!

The front lines consisting of the tier 3 troops instantly parted to open up a clear view of enemy forces , as 200,000 tier one troops pointer their handheld pulse cannons towards the enemies and open fired!


Blue color pulse beams shot out of the ancient weapon and burnt a hole through one or maybe two tier 2 blood merchant soldiers at once!

However just as round one was over , killing nearly 300,000 troops , there was round two of firing , killing 220,000 more.

In just 5 seconds , over 520,000 soldiers were dead as a visible 200 meter vaccum was created in the Battlefield as the front lines had completely crumpled.

What followed was a strong sense of fear gripping the blood merchant forces , as they scrambled to flee the battlefield in absolute horror as the tier one Elite soldiers advanced and took control of the battlefield.

A single handheld pulse cannon had 5 charges to shoot inside it with a full fuel battery.

The strength of a single shot was equal to a peak tier 3 attack and while it could not kill tier 3 or tier 4 soldiers in one shot , it was definitely powerful enough to cause injury.

Capable of one shot'ing tier one and two soldiers however , it was extremely effective in cutting down enemy force numbers.

Hence when the first two rounds of shots cut down nearly 520,000 soldiers and that to just on the nothern Battlefront , the tide of the war had changed completely.

The blood merchant forces controlled by their own fear broke ranks and ran in a haphazard manner to save their own lives starting a deadly stampede of utter chaos.

Rudra was relentless in his pursuit of their lives as he urged the tier one forces holding the cannons to push as far as they could and finish all the shots they had inside their cannon core.

Shot three - four - five were shot at the convenience of individual soldiers , however everyone completed their three shots in the next 20 minutes as only on the nothern Battlefield , the enemy casuality totalled a whopping 1.12 million lives.


( The world news )

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People live commenting and analysing the war were shocked silent , as the world firsthand witnessed the power of what seemed like semi-modern weapons that could be mass produced.

It was like witnessing the birth of machine guns or airplane bombs , as the world understood the importance of this technology and that with it being in the hands of the True Elites guild , they were bound to be sovereign overlords of all the guilds in nothern continent.

In just 20 minutes , across all 4 Battlefronts a total of 4.4 million soldiers had died and a total of 240,000 were crushed due to stampede and chaos.

By the time the elites used up all their shots in their pulse cannons the entire Battlefield was a different place as the momentum of the war had shifted completely.

The analysers silent , the haters of the elites silent and the pro - players who understood what it meant for such weapons to exist also silent.

In 20 short minutes , the world was stunned silent by the elites as the supreme guild once again showed why they were bound to become number 1 someday.

The visuals of the blood merchant soldiers having a hole the size of a basketball burnt through their chest served as a bone chilling warning for all the enemies of the elites .

The message was clear : Bow down or be killed!

[ War Recap Counter ]

Blood merchant deaths in this chapter : 5 million

Elites death in this chapter : 60,000

Total force strength left alive

Merchants : 17/ 30 million

Elites : 6.9 / 9.2 million

/// Current progress for :

1125/1200 for GT bonus

735/1500 for PS bonus.

Comeon guys , i know we can hit atleast 1 target everyday . Let's go get it! ///