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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 687: Rudra's surprise
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Rudra was completely stunned following the cuber Corp's Declaration as his mind boggled at the absurdity of the situation.

It was like a massive bomb had been dropped over the world as everyone was plunged into chaos and uncertainty all of a sudden, however the army of the nations across the world was seemingly ready to tackle the situation.

The army patrolled the streets and prevented civil order from breaking down , as those who wanted to protest had to forcibly calm down and assess the situation humans were in first.

Apparently humans were not the only species in the universe and apparently they were not even the only human species in the universe at all.

The only reason why humans could not picturise the wider universe and find life was because they were isolated using the universal filter and allowed to grow as a species first.

Hundereds of thousands of years ago the intelligent species of the world came together and decided to end the bloodshed amongst races for once and for all by creating the ultimate virtual reality game called ' Sigma '.

Every member of the universal alliance was connected to Sigma and all conflicts were resolved within the game itself.

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Territory in real life , power , money , resources everything was decided through Sigma and hence the universal alliance allowed every single intelligent species to join this game peacefully and integrate into the universal ecosystem to prevent unnecessary bloodshed and violence.

The current ruler of the Milky way galaxy was the goddess beniogre and humans from earth were technically under her faction as of this moment. Which was why she was the patron goddess of Al light faction players in Omega.

However her Territory was also under seige by Lucifer the fallen angel , which was why he was the dark faction patron.

Currently Lucifer had incredible momentum within the milky way and although on paper beniogre still ruled it in its entirety , in practice she only controlled barely 30% of its lands , with a grand showdown between the two sides scheduled .

Should at the end of Omega , the dark faction be more prominent than the light one , earth would join the universal alliance as a member of Lucifer's faction while if the light faction was more dominant it would join as a member of beniogre's faction.

All the NPCs in Omega such as emperor Cervantez or the shaman or scar-face , were actually prominent players who had played the tutorial Omega long ago and were recorded into the history of the game as a legend.

Somewhere in the wide universe these characters were actually real and the results of the tutorial greatly affected how these characters interacted with the newly integrated race and planet.

Hence when Rudra was invited by Gaia after the event ended into a seperate system space and given a detailed explanation of how the universe actually worked , Rudra's initial bafflement only increased tenfold as all of a sudden his horizons had broadened beyond beleif.

2 years was all that mankind had before Omega ended and humans integrated to the universal AI called the ' Omnipotent Queen ' and began their journey into Sigma.

Apparently Rudra was chosen as one of the seven candidates who could become the leader of all mankind going into the first awakening , and his every action now affected the fate of all humans on a grand scale.

If within these two years Rudra was able to significantly reduce the influence of Lucifer over Omega then it would lead to beniogre valuing this planet more upon its integration into the universe , giving all humankind a better chance of survival .

While if the dark faction representatives managed to reduce beniogre's influence in Omega it would lead to Lucifer claiming earth as his terf.

While outcomes one and two were the only likely outcomes until very recently , with the rise of the church of death a very slim third scenario could arise due to Rudra.

Should Rudra manage to defeat Lucifer alongside Hades and route him from Omega it would lead to Hades and Beniogre both valuing planet earth as a planet filled with talents and valuable individuals extending their protection to the planet during its initial days into universal integration.

It was the best case scenario that would lead to humans achieving maximum profit which was why Rudra was given one last quest by Gaia herself to achieve for the betterment of all mankind.

Rudra had to bind himself to universal laws once he obtained this knowledge and could not act or spread this knowledge to anyone intentionally or unintentionally until the first awakening as the universal AI monitored this vow.

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The terms for Rudra became clear .

Succeed and provide all of humankind with the best opportunity for survival and be appointed as the leader of all humankind.

Fail and lose that spot and see humans integrate into Lucifer's faction .

Lucifer was known to be a narcissistic ruler who did not care about the newcomers into his faction as he allowed the oldtimers to bully the newbies as they liked and plunder their planets .

He was a nightmare of a ruler to come under for first timers and earth faced a perilous situation should he be allowed to rule over it.

According to the universal laws of peace , all life upon the start of the tutorial was given free and open choice to chose any faction they liked upon the description while being unbiased , hence the cuber corp could do nothing as it saw players choose the dark side.

Even the classes of the dark faction leaned towards being immoral and self centred as that was the life of the territories that resided within the dark faction of the universe.

The question now was ... How would Rudra rise to this challenge , with the fate of entire humanity hanging in balance and a short time limit of two years to fulfill his role upon.

/// Guys from this point on , the story will go into a full-blown Hypernova of action packed sequences and a plotline that the entire story has been building on from the start.

Trust me it's going to be the start of the most beautiful arc in the books history , as we enter the ' Devils downfall arc ! ' ///