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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 769: beware of snakes
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( 2 days later ,a day before the day of the attack )

A lot of things had happened in the two days that Rudra attacked the walls and retreated back as the defending forces were thrown into shambles by the show of power by the leader of the elites.

Constant bombardment could be heard in the open lands from the village Thames to the city of whispers as deep trenches were dug and craters were made in the plain fields to stop the smooth advancement of the tanks.

It was a crucial and extremely important strategic decision by the demons as after witnessing the power of the tanks firsthand, they realised that if the war-machines were left unchecked they would wreak havoc on the walls of the city.

The reconstruction of damaged sections of the wall started at a rapid pace , such that wooden closings could be seen everywhere, as all the damaged areas were patched with wood , even if it was not the most sturdiest of build choices.

In the 10 meter wide hole that the elites had punched open in the wall , gravel , stones , cement and dead bodies were piled up one after another to create a new temporary wet seal in the wall meant to temporarily block the invaders once more.

This time around , the defensive forces understood that it was just a stupidity to unleash a tier 4 attack on Rudra's convoy and decided to use alternative measures to stop advancing forces instead of AOE spells that could backfire.

Although not as effective, with the other measures as the AOE attacks were for crowd control , it was the best option they had considering that nobody had the power to stop Rudra's space buster.

However while the demons were busy rebuilding their walls and preparing trenches for the tanks , the humans within their camp were brewing a conspiracy of their own.

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( A secret meeting of the dark faction players )

Man 1 : " Are we going to follow shakuni? "

Man 2 :" What choice do we have ? "

Man 1 : " But he is a light faction player , imagine the disgrace that falls on us when the news gets out in the wide world? ".

Man 3 : " Ofcourse it's disgraceful, what did you think it would be , its either death or disgrace and i don't know about you lot but i choose to live ".

Man4 " I agree , the tanks and shakuni are too powerful, look at how he was not even taking this whole fight seriously ... He-he can't be beat.

The only option we have to live is to join his crew ".

Man 5 " There has to be a better way no? ".

Everyone looked at each other waiting for a better answer to be discussed, however nobody said a single word even after 5 minutes of silence.

Man 1 " I guess then there is nothing that can be done about this , we must follow his instructions"

Man 4 " Well his instructions do make sense , we are already Manning the main gates , if we can backstab the forces ontop and then open the gates by the time the elites are on the doorstep, then we can easily use the chaos to escape the city after and if shakuni honors his agreement, we can be safe in the town of gates in a few hours time ".

Man 5 " But will he do it? Will he honor his agreement? "

The room plunged into silence once more , nobody knew this answer for sure which was the biggest reason of their unease.

To gamble their gaming lives on the word of one man was not a small ordeal , and many had their well earned doubts as within the dark faction , one of the most notorious and criminally painted players of all time was shakuni.

Especially after his route against the top 10 rankers and his capture of the dark elven land , the hate against shakuni was at a alltime high within the faction.

He was basically public enemy number one and now for the dark faction players to join this very enemy in desperation was something they did not wish to do.

However it was at this moment that one of the wisemen in the group suggested something sinister.

Man 2 " How about we play a double-bluff? , We help shakuni in the start and open the wall doors and kill the men on the top , but when the elites invade we start recording and kill one or two top figures of the elites as well and then post a video on our community forums about our valor!

This way the community won't be angry and due to the chaos none of the elites would be any wiser ".

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Man 3 " Good good , good plan , let's kill shakuni himself in a backstab! "

Man 4 " What good plan? Are you guys morons? We will take asylum with the elites , we cannot kill them and post videos and not expect them to find out!

What happens when they see it and decide to kill us all in the town of gates for this treason?

Idiots ".

Man 2 and 3 shuttup listening to this as they did not think about this aspect of the scenario at all .

Man 4 continued " We have no other option. We are at Shakuni's mercy ".

Man 4's words brought a heaviness in the room , but it was a consensus that every man had reached after exhausting all other options.

The only way out now was to lay in wait and bite like a coiling snake.

/// Bonus chapter for the supergift by Sivanthe, please thank her in the comments for this one.

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