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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 826: Rudra's evolution
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For the next 2 hours , Rudra struggled a lot.

He went from a grown man who knew how to walk and venture alone into the big bad world and instead became a tumbling , stumbling new born baby who had just learnt how to crawl.

Rudra no longer relied on just his understanding to make sense of the world around him , but rather did what all babies do and started to learn the laws of the world for the first time.

He touched every surface , and then tried to lick it as he tried to understand the texture of things around him.

While it took him sometime, but he started to realise that in this warped space where everything was not what it seemed to be , everything tasted exactly like what it was meant to be.

The floor tasted like tiles , the water tasted like ocean water , the wood tasted like grass and the grass tasted like wood.

It was then that he burnt a piece of grass , to find out that it indeed burnt like an ideal fuel for his cooking needs.

Happy , Rudra collected a lot of grass for his needs as he also started to go onto the hunt once more . This time with a new clinical approach to his hunting.

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When closing his eyes to contemplate, what was the one absolute thing that every creature needed to survive.

The first answer that came to his mind , was ' Air '. Even a child can kill a cockroach if he trapped it inside a airtight container for long enough , which is why when he found the flock of thousand butterflies flying around , instead of using his physical attacks , he used gravity manipulation to create a vaccum like space , devoid of any air , and choked the insects to death.

He was a little iffy about it , however he used his bare hands to cook the dead insect over the flame, until it smelled like barbeque before popping one into his mouth.

+20,000 HP!

Rudra beamed at this success and quickly started to roast other butterflies one after another as he ate to replenish his stamina , mana and health!

Afterwards, he started to approach the world around him with a confidence boost and a open mind , as he did not jump to conclusions about anything but rather approached every problem with a lot of curiosity.

By day 7 , his brain started to feel different. Like it was somehow enlarging in his mind. It was a feeling akin to having an insane pump for a muscle in a gym , however this one seemed to be for his intellect.

Rudra was sharper , his problem solving ability has improved by leaps and bounds and most importantly the way he looked at the world had changed.

By day 10 , he could traverse the new world almost as good as the old one , as he more or less got accustomed to the place.

He had became the apex predator of the space , killing 12 of the 13 creatures inside , while uncannily torturing the last one for his curiosity and pleasure.

When Raphael came back to check on him , he was pleasantly surprised to see Rudra in green HP bar and with a smile to his face as he had half expected him to go insane.

" Well , looks like you had fun ". Raphael said to Rudra , who bowed infront of the archangel and replied politely " indeed i did ".

Raphael then clapped his hands twice , and within a moment the entire world around Rudra came to a standstill.

Raphael said " The reason why this training was important for you to undergo is because you have learnt a lot of things since you were a child about this world , many of which are untrue , and to change those misconceptions overnight is difficult.

After this training your mind becomes like a sponge ready to absorb anything thrown at it , making my job of educating you a lot easier.

Since you have completed phase one of your training , we shall start with phase two , which is me revealing to you the real understanding of the laws of the universe.

How much you can pick up from me is completely dependent on your skill , however trust me its going to be worth your time ".

Rudra felt his memory to have evolved into becoming photographic , he could recall everything Raphael said in the last sentence word for word as he felt excited about finding out the truth about the universe around him.

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Raphael led Rudra into what Rudra beleived was a soundproof room , as he started his divine revelation about the laws of the universe.

Raphael started his lecture from the six laws , as he broke a lot of Rudra's misconceptions about every single element , right from water to the law of time.

For two days , Raphael talked non-stop , demonstrating as he explained the basic laws one at a time , and Rudra absorbed everything up like a dry sponge until his mind became near saturated at the end of day 2.

Only after listening to Raphael did Rudra realise that his initial understanding about the laws was extremely flawed and with it he could never understand more than 80% of any law whatsoever. However Raphael pushed his understanding of all the laws from 50-55% levels to over 90% , even for the one law he failed ' Wind '.

Raphael apparently wanted to impart many more complex secrets to Rudra however Rudra's mind was incapable of understanding divinity yet , which is why upon Rudra's request the two of them started to practice Rudra's practical implementations of the laws into combat.

Uptil this moment , Omega had been a game which just made an individual learn to perform a move like the windslash by thinking about performing the move by reading a skill tablet once.

However, never did a player truly think about how the sword created the particular gust of wind when using windslash , when neither the muscles of the player created the necessary strain , nor was a special technique involved in the way the sword was slashed.

Then how exactly was the move created?

It was a manipulation of the laws , and only now did Rudra understand how it was done!

He now had theoretical understanding to convert any of his slash into a windslash , waterslash , fireslash or even spatial slash at his whim , no special skill move needed!

By day 14 , Rudra's combat potential had increased by leaps and bounds alongside his brain and fundamental understanding of the world around him.

Raphael had successfully completed his job in training the leader of the elites.