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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 831: A battle of strategy
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Chess was a game of strategy and probability, meant to be played by the sharpest of minds as with every move of the opponent, a thousand potential moves opened for the player however only one of them is the right move to be made.

Ozriel was extremely confident in his own skills and he did not expect that Rudra could beat him in a game of chess. Although chess was not a representation of one's actual combat strategizing skill , in itself chess was a mini combat strategy game so winning in chess did hold some merit to a great mastermind.

Rudra used to play chess as a way to sharpen his brain after his rebirth , and he would play against the highest level of human created AI and manage to play 100/100 games to a draw.

This was the reason why Rudra was confident in playing against Ozriel as he did not think a being got much smarter than artificial intelligence who could process all probabilities in a matter of seconds.

The first game started and Rudra deliberately used a piece to piece cover approach to neutralize any attacks by Ozriel tit for tat until the first match ended in an unceremonious draw after 11 minutes played.

Ozriel looked a little disgruntled as he shouted " Again ! " And set up the second match , he playing the white player this time and making the first move.

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Rudra changed his approach this time and he was agressive from the get-go making sacrificial challenges if it meant that the opponent lost as much as he did , and unsurprisingly the second match ended in a draw as well.

This game of draw for draw , blood for blood and piece for piece went on for a full 22 hours until Ozriel finally began to realise that his opponent was just as good as him in chess and the only way to beat him was if he made a slip-up.

At the 744th game , Rudra noticed Ozriel's mental fatigue and decided to play it bold as he played the one strategy he had been saving since game one to be played on Ozriel.

Rudra initiated the Queen's Gambit when he became white , making a play on the centre of the board as he moved up two of his pawns to the centre of the board as the first two moves of the game.

This left his pawn exposed and defenseless for the taking by Ozriel who checked again and again for trade possibilities or even long term possibilities, however finding none he put his horse forward and claimed the piece while Rudra was left wincing as if he made a mistake.

The game was an even trade for trade , however Rudra was categorically progressing his opening pawn forward and it was dangerously close to the enemy's base and only two moves away to become a new queen.

To stop it's progress, Ozriel positioned a bishop in its ongoing position and a horse on his current position.

The move was in Rudra's court now , however Rudra chose to foolishly eat the horse with his queen who had no cover whatsoever in a move that completely took ozriel off-guard.

Ozriel now had an open chance to capture Rudra's queen and his tired mind tried to scan for potential traps but Rudra had seated the trap too deep for ozriel to realise.

Chuckling, the angel took Rudra's queen as he said " Hahaha , rookie ". However what he did not realise was that his bishop had moved and was no longer covering the pawns move forward.

In Ozriel's mind he was going to position it in a way to kill the pawn in the next move , however this was when Rudra placed his horse near Ozriel's king and gave him a check!

Ozriel was stunned , the queen moving forward had thrown him off-guard from his previous line of thought, the positioning of the horse was initially in such a way that it covered this very check , however with Rudra taking that piece that cover was blown.

Groaning , and defenseless ozriel needed to move the king to the only safe place in the game , as Rudra got a free pass to move his pawn forward now one step away from becoming the queen.

Ozriel's eyes widened when he realised Rudra's play however it was too late now , he had already lost when he took the bait to kill the queen and now although he had superior pieces left on the board , Rudra had the 100% winning hand.

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Color quickly drained off Ozriel's face as the angel looked as pale as the white wings on his back , contemplating again and again as to if he could walk away from this situation.

A devilish smile spread on Rudra's face as he calmly stretched his shoulders and said " You have 20 seconds to make a move , or you lose automatically".

Ozriel grit his teeth so hard the sound could be heard crystal clear to Rudra , and the angel said in a low growl " How dare you insult me mortal! ".

However none of his empty threats mattered as when he reluctantly made his move , Rudra finally managed to send his pawn off to the last row of enemy base and change it into a queen , giving Ozriel the check!

Having nowhere to wiggle it was also a checkmate, as Rudra won the game against the angel!

Rudra stood up and did some light stretching as he said " No disrespect but , you're not quite at my level when it comes to strategizing. Pay me with appropriate treasures and if I'm free enough I'll tutor you to become a better strategist in my free time ".

Ozriel's face was like he wanted to devour Rudra like a hungry cannibal right here and now , however the system contract was absolute and he could not defy it no matter what his personal feelings were.

He needed to announce to the world now , that he ozriel , the strategist of heaven lost to a mortal in a game of chess.