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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 842: The reason why people respect Beniogre
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Beniogre's home was the largest in the entire heaven , she had countless female angels working as her maids and almost all of them seemed to have a strong disgust for Rudra and the ones who did not showed exactly opposite emotions and tried to constantly gain his attention and affection.

" Girls don't bother our guest " Beniogre said

And with one word from Beniogre and all of them vanished into thin air.

For five minutes Beniogre and Rudra strolled in silence as Rudra noticed how just by stepping on grass Beniogre made flowers bloom or how her kindly stroking a leaf turned a plant into a tree as he was mesmerized by the true extent of her powers.

Beniogre said " Are you chosen by my husband to be one of his champions? I sense the fire or rebirth within you ".

Rudra raised an eyebrow and said " Your husband? "

Beniogre calmly replied " My husband , humans have given him many names but still he has no name, it's like none of the names have been worthy enough for his existence in this universe hence why the legend calls him the unnamed god ".

This was like the dozenth time Rudra had heard legends about the unnamed god , however he truly had no idea who he was and he wasn't willing to reveal the existence of his rebirth to the goddess so he just replied " The beast king Omar taught me the Nirvana Flame, it does indeed burn strongly within my body".

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Beniogre shook her head and said " A human , or whatever you were before being a half angel , cannot learn the Nirvana flame, neither can a phoenix bestow it upon you.

Unless you are blessed by my husband you cannot learn that move ".

Rudra chose to remain silent , he was not going to reveal anything to Beniogre.

" I have not seen my husband in over 50,000 years , not as much as heard a whisper of his sound. Although im not his first wife and not even his only wife , he should be more diligent as a husband don't you think so ? ". Beniogre asked Rudra with a sweet smile.

Rudra had no idea about the unnamed god's circumstances or how he was as a man or a god , so not wanting to offend anyone he once again chose silence.

" The Nirvana flame , i taught him that move , i was a young maiden back then and still practiced active combat as the battlefields felt my rage.

However after he tamed me i have never blessed anyone with the skill to use this move or any of my combat moves ". Beniogre stated.

Rudra looked surprised by the reveal of this information, no history books mentioned this past of Beniogre. It seemed like an ancient time that was before the dawn of mankind.

" You know , halfling if i did ever pick up a sword again i could cut Micheal down with a single flick of my sword? " Beniogre asked Rudra in a sweet voice as Rudra choked on his own saliva when he heard that.

" You may think that my ramblings about peace and non-violence are madness , however give me the chance to present my end of the story to you for once .

Trust me it won't dissapoint ".

Rudra was not going to reject the tale of the goddess, even he was interested in what kind of a being she was to command so much respect amongst the elites of heaven.

" I was called ' Beniogre the merciless ' , the ' Bane of men ' and the ' widower of a million ' , a long time ago i was not the goddess of light but the destroyer of darkness , as i rid the three realms of every last one of the darkness spawn.

Oh right i forgot , you don't know about the era of the darkness spawn do you ? ".

Rudra shook his head , the human history had forgotten a lot it seemed.

" It's expected , humans came much later afterall. Let me begin from the beginning then , before humans , before elves, before the beasts roamed the world , this world was riddled with creatures of darkness that thrived in the lightless world and prevented the growth of any new life in the world.

They were creatures who resemble the alligators of middle realm , however they were black , had no scales but a hideous body and they were cannibals.

This world was overhelmed with the law of darkness during that age , and there was no plant or vegetation life whereas dragons and phoenix's were hunted like chicken by these darkness spawn.

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I had thought during that age that what good are the darkness spawn for? They bully the weaker races , kill their own members for food and the males are just interested in mating with any and every female they laid their eyes on.

Hence i decided to destroy the world from its darkness, as i vowed to eliminate the darkness spawn and eradicate the law of darkness from the planet.

Does my ambition seem justified to you ? ".

Rudra thought about it for a while and then nodded , it seemed like a noble enough cause and from how she portrayed the darkness spawn they needed to be killed for this world to be a better place.

" I was wrong .... I did destroy the darkness born , every last settlement of them , i brought light and life back to this world as plants bloomed and beast population blossomed , however it took me a long time to realise that i had made the world a worse place to live in rather than a better one".

Rudra looked a bit surprised, this story had now completely piqued his interest.

" The three ancient beast races who had survived being slaughtered by the darkness spawn like common cabbage became the new enslavers of the world.

They hunted the sheep and the cattle for food , they fought amongst themselves for land and resources and the overall life density of the world went 25% lower than it was when the darkness spawn ruled the world .

I had made the world a worse place to live in ".

/// Bonus chapter for the supergift by Cervantez91, please thank him in the comments for this one ///