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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God

Chapter 581: Tactical decision Or cowardly one?
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( Falken Twilight's POV )

The atmosphere was sombre in the twilight clan. The joy of victory that came from repelling the mercenary attack not even 72 hours ago was now replaced by gloom as the scouts from across the half-line brought back the news about the approaching armies.

Upon receiving the King's letter the previous day, Falken had initially dismissed it as an overcautious warning. However, the reality of the situation was dawning upon him, and it was far more grave than he had anticipated.

Falken found himself chastising his past self for having underestimated the gravity of the threat. A day hadn't even passed since receiving the King's cautionary message, and already the ominous shadow of a formidable army loomed on the horizon.

The gravity of the situation hung heavily in the council room as Falken asked his legion commanders, "How long can we hold out?" The commanders exchanged grave looks before one by one, they reluctantly shook their heads. The answer, when it finally came after a weighty silence, was like a cold gust of wind. They had concluded that, at best, they could hold out for no more than three days.

Three days. The number echoed ominously in Falken's mind. Three days against a force unlike any they'd ever faced before. Every single warrior within the Twilight clan would be tested in ways they could scarcely imagine. The next few days would demand more of them than ever before – their strength, their courage, their will to fight and to survive.

But the question was if fighting so fiercely was even worth it in the end?

Even if they repelled this attack for a month against all odds, there would be a day when they could no longer hold the mountains.

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The orbs near the borders on both sides were expected to be destroyed sooner or later and with Regus already deeming the Twilight clan's service as enough, was it really necessary for them to fight till the bitter end?

Instead of the surge of defiance, a stark realisation began to settle in Falken's mind. The upcoming confrontation was one they were unlikely to emerge victorious from.

The thought of retreat, an action almost unthinkable for the proud Twilight Clan, wormed its way into his mind as he felt like he aged five years just thinking about it.

A retreat would mean admitting defeat, a prospect that made Falken's heart ache with despair. And yet, he couldn't deny the cold, hard logic of it.

"Maybe... maybe we should consider a retreat," he voiced, his words ringing ominously in the council room as the legion commanders looked at him in stunned silence.

A retreat wasn't just a tactical decision, it was a decision that carried with it the heavy weight of their honour, their pride, their promise to the protection of the vampire society as a whole.

His commanders' silence weighed heavily in the room. He could see the inner conflict reflected in their eyes.

Each of them, brave warriors, contemplating an action that went against their very ethos. He knew the words tasted as bitter to them as they did to him, yet they were warriors, realists who understood the direness of their situation.

There was a tense pause before one of the commanders, a veteran of countless battles, spoke up. "If we are to retreat, we must leave behind a rearguard. They will need to hold the enemy at bay for as long as possible, buy time for the rest of the clan to escape."

The room fell silent once again. Everyone understood what it meant for those who would be left behind - it was a suicidal mission, a certain death. The decision was heart-wrenching. Yet, they all knew it was necessary.

After a tense discussion, they agreed to leave behind a tenth of their clan members. These brave individuals would be tasked with delaying the monstrous army marching towards them, allowing the rest of the clan to retreat and live to fight another day. Their names would be engraved in the annals of Twilight Clan's history, a sombre reminder of the price they paid in the face of overwhelming odds.

As Falken finally dismissed his commanders, a feeling of dread mixed with reluctant acceptance hung in the air. The decision had been made. The Twilight Clan would retreat, a strategic move born out of dire necessity.

Taking out pen and paper, Fallen began writing two identical letters. One for the king and one to Ravan as he expressed his decision to retreat.


( Meanwhile Max )

" We're fucked… " Sebastian said as Severus presented the most grim scouting report that he had ever heard of in his life.

" 6 FUCKING GOD'S ALONGSIDE SPECIALISED MERCENARY GROUPS- " Sebastian shouted as he paced around the room clutching his head as if the thought itself gave him a severe headache.

As Max took a look across his council he saw a hint of fear in all individuals present inside the room except the old man who was sitting with as serene of a smile as ever.

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" DarkSorrow what do you make of this? " Max asked as he expected DarkSorrow to know more about the exact strength of the Mercenary legions marching towards them given his own background as an ex-mercenary.

" My lord it doesn't look good. All of them are legends in their own right, even the lowest and newest F ranked Mercenaries would recognise each one of their posters even if they have just woken up in the middle of the night.

These are units that have faced very tough fights before and survived.

They won't break rank or be thrown off by confusion tactics.

If we fight it will be a brawl " DarkSorrow said as he shuddered a bit thinking about all the towering legends that were now marching for them.

Max let out a breath of cold air.

Land, Air, Water every scenario that they had prepared for and even forces like giants and Assassin's which they had not especially prepared for were marching towards them.

For now he only needed to worry about the forest and the air, but once the mountaintop fell which it would, the Bloodfall clan would be surrounded from all sides.

Gritting his teeth Max looked towards the only calm person in the room as he turned towards the old man and said " What do you think we should do old man? "


/// A/N - Bonus chapter for hitting the GT target good job everyone ///