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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God

Chapter 617: Retaliation
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The aftermath of the [Void Tempest] was a ghastly sight, one that sent shivers down the spines of even the bravest of warriors.

The once bustling battlefield now resembled a graveyard, a scorched landscape filled with unidentifiable rubble, which only a few moments ago were towers and walls of the proud dwarven fortress.

The air was heavy with the stench of charred flesh and scorched metal. An ominous silence hung over the battlefield, only interrupted by the occasional groan of a dying soldier or the clatter of a falling piece of debris.

It was hard to comprehend the extent of the destruction caused by the [Void Tempest]. The landscape was littered with the fallen, those who had been caught in the wake of the calamity. The numbers were mind-boggling. It was a massacre.

However, amidst the ruins, the surviving dwarves stood defiant. They were bloodied, injured and their spirits battered, but they remained unbowed. Their eyes burned with determination and a fierce will to protect their disc till their last breath.

Under the leadership of the remaining gods, Brokk and Eitri, they rallied, forming a defensive line around the golden protective barrier. Their stout forms braced, weapons at the ready, they stood between the oncoming Kane's forces and their last beacon of hope, ready to lay down their lives if need be.

Their fight was no longer for victory, but for revenge. Millions of their kin had perished and they would be damned if they did not inflict the same damage on the enemy side before dying.

Each dwarven warrior was a bulwark against the onslaught, fighting with a desperation and a ferocity that stunned the advancing enemy forces.

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Meanwhile, in the thick of the battlefield, the Forger King was a figure of raw fury.

His heart roared with rage, his eyes gleamed with a feral light. The destruction of his fortress, the loss of so many of his kin, it fueled a rage in him that was more potent than any weapon.

He was a storm personified, his [Mountain Shattering Hammer] cutting through the joint attacks of Memphidos and Kane as if he were toying with children.

His strikes, fuelled by grief and vengeance were stronger than his strikes just mere moments ago when he was still able to hold his own.

Kane and Memphidos found themselves hard-pressed, struggling to hold their ground against the frenzied assault.

The Forger King roared, his voice echoing across the battlefield, a chilling promise of retribution. He managed to land a solid blow on Kane, sending him crashing into the ground, followed by a powerful sweep that knocked Memphidos off his feet.

He created a moment of separation for himself using which he turned towards Kane's forces and leaped into the air.

His eyes, burning with a mad determination, narrowed as he began gathering the divine essence for his retaliation.

Kane realising what the forger king was upto, gripped his spear tight as he aimed straight for the forger king and thew it with all his might.

The forger king saw the attack coming, but to dodge it would mean to give up on the spell he was preparing, which he was not ready to do.

Kane's spear pierced his divine armour and chainmail underneath that he had personally crafted, but the force although wounded him was not enough to stop or kill him as the armour did its job in preventing the spear from doing critical damage.

[World's Demise]

The Forger King roared, his voice echoing across the battlefield like a battle-cry of impending doom.

An ominous hum filled the air as he channelled an alarming amount of divine essence. The ground beneath them trembled, not in response to a physical force, but to a foreboding, metaphysical power that was being accumulated.

The soldiers of Kane's forces froze, their hearts pounding as a wave of dread washed over them.

Suddenly, the skies darkened as if night had fallen prematurely. Massive swirling clouds formed above Kane's forces. Divine essence radiated from the whirlpool of clouds, their luminescence a stark contrast against the darkness.

Then, without warning, a brilliant beam of concentrated divine energy descended from the heart of the swirling cloud mass.

The beam hit the ground with an earth-shattering impact, causing a monumental explosion that sent shockwaves tearing across the battlefield.

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The shockwaves razed everything in their path. Soldiers, siege equipment, tents - everything was swept away as if they were mere toys in a gale. The brilliant beam was an annihilator, disintegrating everything it touched, reducing them to nothingness. The battlefield was engulfed in an apocalyptic spectacle, a dazzling display of power that was both horrifying and mesmerising.

The land at the epicentre of the explosion was decimated, leaving behind a massive crater that stretched as far as the eye could see. The destructive aftermath was a chilling reminder of the terrifying might of the [World's Demise].

Kane's forces were devastated, their numbers significantly reduced in the wake of the attack. Soldiers stared in disbelief at the destruction, their morale plummeting as they saw the scale of their loss.

As the dust settled, the Forger King stood panting amidst the chaos, his face hardened, as from afar he could hear the cheers of his fellow dwarves that were still alive.

The forger king's move just now had mowed down the 22 million strong force of Kane down to just 7 million.

Although still outnumbered, the dwarves now had a slight fighting chance in this battle.

But the question was, would it prove enough? Or was it going to make no difference to the protection of the disc in the end?


/// A/N - Chapter 20/20, that's it for the bonus chapter series. Hope you all enjoyed the extra chapters.

Unfortunately guys we ended this month yet again at 11th spot in GT rankings, the fans of lord of the mystery 2 came in with a clutch on the last day and overtook us by 300 votes.

But I'm positive we will get them back next month! ///