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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God

Chapter 678: Mira unleashed
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Max charged towards Satan's army with the dragon's over his head and the Bloodfall clan on his back.

Before he could even reach the sea of ghoulish soldiers who were the ground support for Satan's dragon army, powerful explosions rippled across the battlefield as [Dragons Breath] met with [Dragon's Breath].

Max was undeterred by the explosions as he ignored the shock-waves and simply scanned the ground troops to figure out their strength and numbers.

At about 600,000 strong the army of ghouls were outnumbered by the Bloodfall vampires and with only two tier6 god's amongst their ranks, Max knew he could make short work of the forces.

[ Danek Ghoul ] ( Tier 4 ) - A dark faction warrior by the name ' obie' of the ' Danek Ghoul ' species.

This species is known for its cannibalistic tendencies and extreme aggressiveness.

They have a slightly curved spine like apes and retractable claws like werewolves, Although they have a high battle IQ, they are incapable of learning Bipedal English and cannot communicate using verbal language.

Max read the information about one of them to understand just what kind of beast they were and once he got the confirmation that they were indeed alive and physical type of beings that could burn, he did not care to inspect anymore as he jumped straight at the heart of their formation and landed with a massive [ Compressed Inferno ] explosion in their midst.


A fire circle rippled around him with him at the epicentre burning all the ghouls around him for up to 25 metres across all sides to ashes.

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Max could see vividly as the remaining ghouls charged at him from all sides, however, although he had to calculate a 100 different trajectories at once and react to it, his body felt as if it were on easy mode as he did not even break a sweat manhandling all the troops that charged at him.

Every sword thrust, every wild swing, every precisely conjured attack spell, Max could see almost everything in slow motion and evade it all to open a path to counter effortlessly.

As he was playing the character of Ravan Bloodfall, he could not use a sword in his current setting which would have made his life a lot simpler, however, shockingly Max found out that he did not need to use the sword at all.

By simply stopping an incoming ghouls sword strike by holding onto its arm and sending it flying, Max could make the ghoul collide into 10 other charging ghouls and collectively break bones of all 10 through sheer impact.

The same result could be achieved by kicking a charging ghoul in the chest and sending it flying into 15 others.

In his god form, his simple physical prowess had developed to a point where his crude martial arts were unstoppable on the battlefield.

Through sheer power he could decimate the ghoul army alone, but thankfully he did not have to as the clone and the Bloodfall army joined him in his endeavour pretty soon.

Unlike him, the clone who played the role of Max Rajput had no qualms about using the sword as he came off as an absolute unstoppable beast cutting through ghoul enemy lines as if they were made of paper.

Max did not have the luxury to observe the clone for too long, but just in the 5 odd seconds that he observed it, the clone had killed close to 20 ghouls.

At this rate of DPS, the clone could kill nearly 250 enemies a minute, decimating about 1000 ghouls every 4-5 minutes and killing 12,000 every hour.

Considering that he was not even using any special moves, just through sheer physical prowess his DPS was insane and just went to show just how unfair it was to pit mortals against god's.

And just how the clone was dominating to his left, Sebastian was dominating to the right.

His cowardly friend was in full action as he too brandished a sword and was tearing through enemy lines solo.

Apparently Sebastian had scanned and determined that this was a safe battlefield for him to display his full abilities and hence he was fighting without restraint.

At a DPS of 3 kills per second, he wasn't as impressive as the clone, but still had close to 10,000 kills hourly rate which was insane for one individual.

Hence with both his first and second army commanders leading the charge so well, Max turned his focus to the two tier 6 god's that hid behind the frontlines and were observing the fight unfold with their freaky monster faces.

" Time to burn! " Max said as he lept in the air and pointed his runic bone staff straight towards his enemy.


( Meanwhile Mira )

Mira did not join the assault on the ground troops alongside Max.

Just like her mother and the rest of the Black and gold dragon's who were burning in the fire of revenge, she too went straight for the neck of her dragon counterparts.

Dragon's were resilient creatures, when a dragon took on a dragon, their battle was usually drawn out long if both were in comparable realms of power, however, Mira stood out from the rest.

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While all other dragon's met Dragons Breath with Dragons Breath, she simply cast a flight shield in front of her head and dove straight in towards the white dragon who was breathing fire towards her.

The shield she had cast was a peak tier5 spell which would usually cause a significant mana drain on the caster for every second that it remained active, such was the price for its sturdy defences, however, for Mira, a golden child born with infinite mana, this was never a concern.

Pushing against the opposing tier6 dragons dragon's breath till it ran out, Mira waited and bided her time inching closer and closer to her opponent while withstanding his flames.

The moment his opponent ran out and had to take a gasp of breath, Mira capitalised as she viciously went for her opponent's neck and bit her teeth into the white dragon's neck biting off a huge chunk.


The white dragon howled in pain drawing attention of all the surrounding dragon's to his plea of help, but before anyone could even move a muscle, Mira finished her opponent off by using [ Dragons Breath ] of her own as he sliced the white dragons head off from the portion where she had bit into its scales.

And just like that a lifeless white dragon body fell down towards the battlefield below as all eyes were drawn towards Mira whose large white canine teeth still dripped with the blood of her fallen opponent.

Cruel- Intimidating- Savage.

All these were not words one would use to describe the fighting style of a dragon, however, Mira was not just another run of the mill dragon.

Strong like her father and cruel like her mother, Mira was groomed to become the next dragon monarch from birth.

It was the fear of her powers and potential which made the other clans rebel in the first place as they knew that with Mira born in this generation none of their children could ever set their eyes on the throne.

For too long had Mira suffered in silence, forced to hide her strengths, forced to hide the results of her training.

For too long had she swallowed her discontent, pride and hatred but she would do it no longer.

Today she wished to unleash all her fury on the dragon community which had been the cause of her misery all her life.

Today they would all fall to the heat of her Dragons Breath!