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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God

Chapter 681: Fools
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(The Light Faction)

A very disturbing report came across the table of every Light Faction monarch.

Just yesterday the Dark Faction was 9 orbs away from their next raid, giving them 4-6 days of buffer time to prepare; however, the Dark Faction suddenly went batshit crazy and sent many of their Tier 6 gods on suicidal missions to destroy Light Faction orbs at all costs. They managed to destroy 7 in a span of a few hours.

The cost of these raids was by no means small.

The Dark Faction lost over 25 Tier 6 gods in the process of launching these suicidal attacks; however, they did not seem to be stopping.

As if the Dark Faction already knew where the disc raid was going to be and could see the end of the line, they were hell-bent on activating the next raid no matter the cost, as they continued sending armies after armies to well-fortified locations.

The Elves and the True Elites, who were already on standby to help whatever disc defending party needed help, made a snap decision to start marching towards the Vampire base, just in case it was the one to be triggered.

However, to completely mobilise an army of their size, both of them needed at least 5-6 hours to reach their intended location and then a couple of hours more to dig into defensive positions and set up supply lines.

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Unfortunately, they did not have the luxury of taking such time.

The concerning fact in the report was not that the opposition had gone crazy, it was the fact that a sizable contingent of Lucifer's demon army had already begun mobilisation with their destination was the now relatively empty Vampire fortress.

They were only 3 hours away from the fort, and should the disc raid be triggered now and should it indeed turn out to be the vampire fortress, then the demons would reach the fortress before the reinforcements could arrive.

The same way that the Light Faction lost the Elven disc, they would also lose the Vampire disc, and there was strategically nothing that they could do to stop it.

The rules of war suggested that any disc could be randomly triggered after the destruction of 100 orbs, but if the enemies already knew in advance which disc it would be, they would undoubtedly have a big advantage.

If the Light Faction monarchs acted now and mobilised their forces to defend the vampire fortress or intercept the marching demon army and then the disc that was triggered was the one that they were supposed to protect instead of the vampire disc, then there would be no bigger fools than themselves.

At 98 orbs destroyed they could not risk making a move and leave their own territories defenceless, essentially making them puppets at the hands of Lucifer and the queen who were taking advantage of the 'random' nature of the game.

Also reports suggested that Memphidos was lurking like a hawk on the border.

Learning from their previous mistakes, it was decided that when the time of the disc raid drew closer, the Forger King should check the advance of the rogue sovereign Memphidos.

This was done to prevent Memphidos strolling into disc raids alone and coming back out alive, however, with the forger king checking his advance, there was no-one left who could be mobilised to stall the demon army without risking to leave their own territory unprotected.

"This is ******, why has Lucifer mobilised his army to attack the vampire fortress unless he already knows that it will be the disc to be activated after the 100th orb is taken down?" Cervantez said fumingly as he stomped his right foot on the ground in frustration creating a mini earthquake.

Although he asked the question, he already knew the answer to it in his heart as the rational part of his brain pointed it out that it was obvious that the devil knew.

However, admitting that answer meant admitting that the administrator of this war was no longer neutral.

The queen that was trusted with the governance of the universe and was the highest authority that was not supposed to actively meddle in the petty affairs of the controlled universe was breaking her own governance rules.

If that was the case then it was no wonder that the previous raid to be triggered was the elven disc.

If it were the case then it was no surprise that she had bent over backwards to kill Shakuni. Because she knew that if that man was left alive he would never let her schemes succeed.

As if the war was not difficult in itself to win, Cervantez realised that the chips were truly stacked against them with the queen biasedly favouring the dark.


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( Meanwhile Rudra )

As the 99th orb was destroyed, Rudra smiled an all-knowing smile.

With his omniscient vision he could see everything across the Dimensional Battlefield, getting a look at the bigger picture and understanding perfectly as to what was going wrong.

He could see Satan laughing on his balcony as he was waiting for the 100th orb to be destroyed so that Regus would panic looking at his back and realising that it was the Vampire Fortress.

Rudra could already see Regus undergoing an internal struggle when Satan would jump cruelly from his balcony and start slaughtering vampire soldiers, forcing Regus's hand into a fight.

He could also see the werewolf forces pretending to be lured by the retreating vampire forces, when their real intention was to break free and make a run for the vampire fortress the moment the disc raid was triggered.

It was funny to him, how the vampires on the western front and the werewolves were playing a game of cat and mouse because the triggering of the disc raid was taking longer than expected.

The vampires who were thinking that they were outsmarting the werewolves purposely slowed their retreat when they felt that the werewolves were not giving chase or were lagging behind.

On the other hand the werewolves would slow their advance towards the vampire army as they knew that if they continued to chase for too long they would come into the sphere of influence of the southern army and then it would be impossible to disengage and make a run for the fortress.

Rudra who saw it all laughed at the games of the mortals.

To him it was fools trying to fool bigger fools, while the real masters of the battlefield were Lucifer and the queen.