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MMORPG: Rise of the Peerless Pumpkinmancer-Novel

Chapter 150: Scheming Demon King! (1/2)
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Chapter 150: Scheming Demon King! (1/2)

━━━━━━ POV ━━━━━━━

In New Leaf forest, shouts and clangings of weapons repeatedly resounded. A few dozen players diligently trained: they were the last remaining D.L. players.

They all had their reasons to remain in the legion. They were either loyal, hopeful, or plain crazy. Some would really just follow the Demon King because he was as insane as they were!

At the end of the day, they were all hiding away like defeated thieves, uselessly plotting revenge that would perhaps never come.

It wasn't like they had anywhere better to go than the forest, not since I.R.L. had kicked them out of the training grounds.

They swung their weapons with incredible fervor as they practiced their skills…but was there even a point?

A man by the side was sitting on a log, sighing as he glanced at their futile efforts.

His physique looked valiant, but his slumped shoulders betrayed how depressed he was feeling. He kept raising a flask full of a troubled liquid and taking big gulps: he reeked of cheap booze!

Igor was at an all-time low! Anyone watching would have inevitably shaken their head in disappointment. The previous hero had lost the drive that made him great.

This much was to be expected. He had recently lost everything!

He had lost his honor, his title as a training instructor, but most importantly, he felt so helpless!

This new kid, the Jack fellow, had been so damn promising! So promising that he had wanted to help him, just to see him develop his potential!

Igor regretted giving the kid false hope. He had failed him when it counted the most! So he drank, drank, and drank some more! It didn't erase the sadness, but it made him feel as shitty in body as in mind.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

But just as he was about to take another large gulp, a hand suddenly came out of nowhere to snatch his flask.

"Hey! Who do—" Igor drunkenly thundered only to turn meek.

Jack'O was there. The man he had failed was right in front of him. This was his chance to apologize! But just as he was searching for the right words in his half-drunken haze, he couldn't help but be stunned.

Why did he seem in an incredibly good mood?! Was he putting a strong front? No, this happiness was genuine!!

"Partying without me?! This is unacceptable, hahaha!" Jack chastised as he drank directly from the flask. "Right, Igor. I need your help with something. I feel like it will be right up your alley!"

No, he was 100% in a joyous mood! Igor had been blaming himself for failing him…but the victim didn't even seem to mind?!

"W-what?" He muttered.

"Can you sculpt me a Demon King throne? It doesn't have to be that detailed. It just has to scream badass!" He eagerly explained.


"Nice! I'll be counting on your then!" The young man gently slapped the NPC's back, obviously grateful. "Everyone from D.L. Is there anyone here who has woodcutting as a profession?"

There were instantly a few people excitingly lining up. A large chunk of wood was waiting to be carved by his hand in a matter of minutes.

Igor got to work feeling at an incredible loss.

What the fuck was happening?!

━━━━━━ POV ━━━━━━━

In the forest clearing, a man sat on a wooden throne.

With his left hand, he was lazily petting a very peculiar wolf. The orange fur and the dark demonic patterns hinted at its mystical background! This was already a testament to his power.

He held a bony book that reeked of Demonic Energy in his right hand. The content was definitely forbidden knowledge! Chances were that anyone glancing at it would lose his mind. Well, not him.

He would sometimes be waving a hand as illusory white bones seemed to grow out of his palms, only to disappear a second later. He was obviously training yet so casual!

But one thing made this scene appear so very striking: the NPCs that were coming one after the other! He kept training and kept gesturing them to freaking wait on the side!

Players usually did everything they could to please the big shots of New Leaf village, yet there he was treating them so badly! What kind of influence did he have?!

He had called for a meeting, and they answered his summons.

The florist was the first to arrive.

Jack mentioning the word "magic" was enough to get him to charge over. He was now staring at the wolf and the grimoire with incredible greed. He wouldn't leave this place before he learned something new!

Steven showed up early. He looked highly awkward, but he understood that whatever happened that day would determine the village's future.

The butcher came over to sell sausages. God, did he freaking love the D.L. members! These guys understood his art and allowed him to get creative! So what if there was a bit of human flesh in there?!

The blacksmith came last. He had been busy in his forge and hadn't seen the time go by.

Igor was still watching, eager to see what would happen.

After a silence that seemed to last an eternity, Jack finally opened his mouth.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"The Village Chief is drunk with power. He wants to control the braves, but he doesn't understand them. It will only spell calamity." Jack slowly uttered, cutting to the chase.

Even now, he was still freaking training! This just showed how easy he found confronting the NPCs. So what if they were all higher level than him? He was the freaking Demon King!

"I'm calling for a Vote of Confidence Loss," Jack spat out.

The NPCs instantly showed great shock.


"Are you crazy?!"

"There's no way that this will work!"

"The vote has to be unanimous to remove a chief from his functions! No villager missing!"

"If it fails, he'll be able to use the momentum to gain even more power! No freaking way!"

They clamored one after the other, all opposing the idea and filled with disbelief. After all, they knew for a fact that the old potion lady would side with her crush. This was 100% a lost cause!

Faced with their objections, Jack chuckled. Wait, even now, he was still training while laughing!! What was up with his level of composure?! This was insane!

What gave him such confidence?


[A/N] Hype! Feb Mass Release Time! ??

Day 1: #Last PRIV Tier #BlameRAJ ?? (4/6)