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Madam Winters’s Fight For Her Children

Chapter 1265
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Chapter 1265 

“I…” Harold gulped and said, “Is accidentally stealing her first kiss considered a small advantage?” 

Ninian was puzzled. 

Melody was speechless. 

“Accidentally?” Ninian asked, “Did you accidentally kiss  her?” 

“I… It was an accident at first… Then, it felt too good… so I kept kissing her…” Harold said diffidently. 

Ninian and Melody widened their eyes at the same time. 

How… How could this be? 

Ninian stared at Harold seriously and said, “Hal, Lana is very innocent when it comes to relationships, unlike you.

You’re an expert in getting involved with countless 

women! How can you do this to her? Are you playing with her feelings?” 

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“I’m not!” Harold covered his face and said, “I didn’t do it intentionally! At that time… my heart fluttered, and she

didn’t reject me either, so I kissed her. Later, she slapped me and ran away, so I regretted it too!” 

“How could you do that?” Ninian anxiously stomped her feet. “You don’t like her. How could you take advantage of


“Who says I don’t like her?” Harold anxiously said, “If I didn’t like her, could she have been so presumptuous toward

me for such a long time?” 

Right after he said this, Melody and Ninian became silent. 

They stared at Harold with a gaze that gave him goosebumps. 

“So, Hal,” Melody asked, “do you like Lana?” 

Harold said, “I…” He paused for a while and was low in spirit. “So, what if I like her? She clearly treats me as a


Girls would only be reckless and not care about their image in front of men they did not like. Whenever they faced

the person they truly liked, they would become careful and reserved. 

Lana was clearly not among the latter. 

“Perhaps she’s just not enlightened yet,” Melody tried to explain. 

They had witnessed Lana’s demeanor lately. If she really did not have any feelings for Harold, she definitely would

not act like that. 

That little girl must have been enlightened by the kiss, and she was freaking out. 

“Really?” Harold asked without confidence for the first  time. 

“If you don’t believe us, why don’t you go and ask her?” Ninian suggested. 

Harold considered it for a while before he nodded  strongly. “I’m going to ask her now!” 

Before he could go to Lana, he received a call from a subordinate of the Winters family. 

“Young Master Harold, Ms. Sutton has secretly bought a flight ticket to go back. She just sneaked out through the

hotel’s backdoor, and she’s about to take a cab and rush to the airport.” 

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“What did you say?” 

Harold’s expression instantly changed. He did not look as reserved as he did just moments ago. Instead, he emitted

a sense of oppression as if a storm was coming. 

“Does this woman want to run away after making my heart flutter? Does she not want to be responsible now? 

“Cut her off for me. I’m going over right now!” 

After Harold spoke, he could not even be bothered with his sisters. He just rushed out. 

Melody and Ninian subconsciously sighed at the back. 

“We really can’t keep a grown man down!” 

“I like this part of the story, “The Prideful CEO’s Runaway Wife.“” 

The two of them looked into each other’s eyes and smiled. 

It looked like they would have a second sister–in–law  very soon. 

“Mel,” Ninian suddenly said as she looked at Melody with a bright gaze. “You said that Lana wasn’t enlightened

previously. What about you?” 

“Um…” Melody raised her eyebrows slightly. Something flashed in her indifferent eyes, and she smiled faintly. Make

a guess.”