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Madam Winters’s Fight For Her Children

Chapter 608
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Chapter 608

She and Duke had only recently gotten married, and their relationship was not close enough for her to r

ecognize his underwear at sight

Adina lost herself in thought while taking a shower, and when she got out of the bathroom, the man wh

o had been smoking on the balcony was gone.


soon as she opened the bedroom door and walked out of it, she saw Mrs. Winters pacing anxiously in t

he living room.

“Addy, Duke suddenly had some things to take care of at the company, so he just left,” Mrs. Winters hur

riedly explained. “I‘ll scold him for you when he gets back. It‘s late now. Hurry and get some rest.”

Adina nodded and smiled as she said, “You rest early too, Mom.”

She went back to her room, locked the door, and made a call.

“Pete, can I ask you some questions about psychological conditions?”

“Are you having nightmares again, Addy?”

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Pete was Adina‘s overseas personal psychiatrist. She had nightmares every night while she

was abroad because she believed her two children were dead.

For four long years, she had to visit Pete‘s clinic once a week for treatment and consultation.

Adina shook her head and said, “I‘ve

recovered already, but I have a friend. He usually looks gentle and elegant, and is the kind

of person who is easy to get along with, but recently, he seems to have changed. Not only in the way h

e speaks or behaves, even the details of his daily habits have changed. Could you

perhaps explain it to me from a psychological point of view, Pete?”

After a silence on the other end of the line, he continued,” There‘s a saying in Cairnstan, stating that

a leopard can‘t change its spots. In other words, it‘s very difficult to change someone‘s personality, and

it‘s quite impossible to do it in such a short amount of time. So, there‘s only one possibility.”

“What kind of possibility?”

“He may be experiencing multiple personality disorder .” Pete said in a serious tone, “In which

there are two personalities hidden in a person‘s body, the main personality is the side they would displa

y more often, and the secondary personality is the side that

would rarely appear. When you feel like the person has changed, then it should be because his second

ary personality has taken over his consciousness.”

Adina‘s eyes widened in disbelief. “What causes might lead a person to

develop multiple personality disorder?”

“Severe childhood trauma, a sudden death of a loved one, witnessing the death of the next of kin, and

many more.” After a brief pause, Pete continued, “Of course, he might

not be dealing with multiple personality disorder. This is just

my speculation based on my psychological knowledge. I need to meet him in person before I can make

a precise diagnosis.”

Adina closed her eyes.

There was a good chance that it would be multiple personality disorder if Pete had said so.

Because it was impossible for a person to stop loving their wife and kids in just a few days‘ time.

Except in cases where their personalities were altogether different...

She took a deep breath and asked, “Could the secondary personality recall

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what occurred to them if the personalities changed?”

“That‘s hard to tell. I need to analyze the problems specifically,” Pete said. “Why not bring him

to my clinic, so I can see him? If you don‘t have the time to travel, I can recommend a therapist to you.

She recently opened up a clinic in Sea City, and she‘s far more of an expert than me.”

“Thank you, Pete, but I don’t think I need that for now,” Adina answered with a shake of her head.

Duke and her relationship had drastically deteriorated. Thus, it would not be

easy for her to take him to the doctor.

“Is there any way for the main personality to return?” she asked after pausing for a moment.

“Then you have to know

what he went through in his childhood,” Pete said slowly. “Eighty percent of the

reason a person develops multiple personality disorder is because they have some psychological trau

ma. People of that type enjoy sweet foods and fluffy, adorable things. The main personality ought to

naturally reappear once you‘ve helped them in

finding the light and given them a sense of warmth and affection.”

That night, Adina and Pete talked for a very long time.

The sun had already risen by the time she ended the call, and

the world had started to slowly pull a blanket of the dim morning light over itself.

Adina did not feel sleepy, so she changed her clothes and headed downstairs.