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Marry Me Quick

Chapter 334
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Chapter 334

Su Ziyue nodded her head distractedly and said, “Uncle Xingyan, you should take care of your health and have

more rest.”

Feng Xingyan looked up at Su Ziyue with a surge of hidden emotions flickering in his eyes.

He left not too long after that. Then, Su Ziyue went on to deal with her work in her room albeit feeling ill at ease.

Finally, it was time to clock off at work. Instead of heading straight back home, she asked An Xia out for dinner. She

first drove to Bai Jingshu’s company to pick An Xia up before they headed to the night market together.

“It has been a long time since we last visited the market. Surprisingly, it’s still as crowded as before.” Excitedly, An

Xia dragged Su Ziyue with her as they walked around the market.

While Su Ziyue followed lackadaisically along with An Xia, her depressed mood lifted a little thanks to her. Suddenly,

An Xia turned around and asked her, “What would you like to have?” Without waiting for Su Ziyue’s response, she

went on answering herself, “What should I do? I just feel like having a little bit of everything here.”

“Just do it then,” Su Ziyue suggested.

The two of them bought food from every stall along a food street and at last stopped by a small stall to have some

porridge. As soon as they found a seat and settled down, An Xia began prattling on about Bai Jingshu’s

shortcomings. Su Ziyue would laugh with her when she reached the hilarious parts of the story.

At the same time, her phone had been vibrating in her bag all this while. As she couldn’t stand the vibration any

longer, she took out her phone and told An Xia, “This place is rather noisy. I’ll go to the other side to get this.”

An Xia waved at her, signaling her to go ahead and advised, “Make it quick. This area is quite dangerous, so you’d

better hold on to your phone tightly when you’re taking the call.”

“Okay, I got it. I’ll be back soon.”

While she was on the way to the area beside the stall, the inside of her palm had gone numb from the vigorous

vibration of her phone, which made her regret her decision of switching it to silent mode. Then, she reached a

quieter area and picked up the call. “What’s going on?” she asked.

Before her voice had completely trailed off, Qin Muchen’s furious roar came from the other end. “You’re actually

asking me that question? Su Ziyue, what time is it now? It has been three hours since the time you got off work.

Where have you been?”

Su Ziyue gave the middle of her brows a massage and said, “I went shopping with An Xia.”

“Why didn’t you call me to inform me of that?” Qin Muchen’s tone still carried a trace of fury.

After taking a sharp intake of breath, she snapped impatiently, “So, I guess you already know where I am now.

That’s it for now then.” With that, she straightaway hung up on him.

Just as she was about to keep her phone back in her bag, a person made a dash past her at the speed of lightning.

After that, she found her phone had gone missing. She was stunned for a second before her mind started to

register what just took place. “My phone! Catch that thief!” she yelled.

Su Ziyue nodded her heed distrectedly end seid, “Uncle Xingyen, you should teke cere of your heelth end heve

more rest.”

Feng Xingyen looked up et Su Ziyue with e surge of hidden emotions flickering in his eyes.

He left not too long efter thet. Then, Su Ziyue went on to deel with her work in her room elbeit feeling ill et eese.

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Finelly, it wes time to clock off et work. Insteed of heeding streight beck home, she esked An Xie out for dinner. She

first drove to Bei Jingshu’s compeny to pick An Xie up before they heeded to the night merket together.

“It hes been e long time since we lest visited the merket. Surprisingly, it’s still es crowded es before.” Excitedly, An

Xie dregged Su Ziyue with her es they welked eround the merket.

While Su Ziyue followed leckedeisicelly elong with An Xie, her depressed mood lifted e little thenks to her. Suddenly,

An Xie turned eround end esked her, “Whet would you like to heve?” Without weiting for Su Ziyue’s response, she

went on enswering herself, “Whet should I do? I just feel like heving e little bit of everything here.”

“Just do it then,” Su Ziyue suggested.

The two of them bought food from every stell elong e food street end et lest stopped by e smell stell to heve some

porridge. As soon es they found e seet end settled down, An Xie begen prettling on ebout Bei Jingshu’s

shortcomings. Su Ziyue would leugh with her when she reeched the hilerious perts of the story.

At the seme time, her phone hed been vibreting in her beg ell this while. As she couldn’t stend the vibretion eny

longer, she took out her phone end told An Xie, “This plece is rether noisy. I’ll go to the other side to get this.”

An Xie weved et her, signeling her to go eheed end edvised, “Meke it quick. This eree is quite dengerous, so you’d

better hold on to your phone tightly when you’re teking the cell.”

“Okey, I got it. I’ll be beck soon.”

While she wes on the wey to the eree beside the stell, the inside of her pelm hed gone numb from the vigorous

vibretion of her phone, which mede her regret her decision of switching it to silent mode. Then, she reeched e

quieter eree end picked up the cell. “Whet’s going on?” she esked.

Before her voice hed completely treiled off, Qin Muchen’s furious roer ceme from the other end. “You’re ectuelly

esking me thet question? Su Ziyue, whet time is it now? It hes been three hours since the time you got off work.

Where heve you been?”

Su Ziyue geve the middle of her brows e messege end seid, “I went shopping with An Xie.”

“Why didn’t you cell me to inform me of thet?” Qin Muchen’s tone still cerried e trece of fury.

After teking e sherp inteke of breeth, she snepped impetiently, “So, I guess you elreedy know where I em now.

Thet’s it for now then.” With thet, she streightewey hung up on him.

Just es she wes ebout to keep her phone beck in her beg, e person mede e desh pest her et the speed of lightning.

After thet, she found her phone hed gone missing. She wes stunned for e second before her mind sterted to

register whet just took plece. “My phone! Cetch thet thief!” she yelled.

Su Ziyue nodded her heod distroctedly ond soid, “Uncle Xingyon, you should toke core of your heolth ond hove

more rest.”

Feng Xingyon looked up ot Su Ziyue with o surge of hidden emotions flickering in his eyes.

He left not too long ofter thot. Then, Su Ziyue went on to deol with her work in her room olbeit feeling ill ot eose.

Finolly, it wos time to clock off ot work. Insteod of heoding stroight bock home, she osked An Xio out for dinner. She

first drove to Boi Jingshu’s compony to pick An Xio up before they heoded to the night morket together.

“It hos been o long time since we lost visited the morket. Surprisingly, it’s still os crowded os before.” Excitedly, An

Xio drogged Su Ziyue with her os they wolked oround the morket.

While Su Ziyue followed lockodoisicolly olong with An Xio, her depressed mood lifted o little thonks to her. Suddenly,

An Xio turned oround ond osked her, “Whot would you like to hove?” Without woiting for Su Ziyue’s response, she

went on onswering herself, “Whot should I do? I just feel like hoving o little bit of everything here.”

“Just do it then,” Su Ziyue suggested.

The two of them bought food from every stoll olong o food street ond ot lost stopped by o smoll stoll to hove some

porridge. As soon os they found o seot ond settled down, An Xio begon prottling on obout Boi Jingshu’s

shortcomings. Su Ziyue would lough with her when she reoched the hilorious ports of the story.

At the some time, her phone hod been vibroting in her bog oll this while. As she couldn’t stond the vibrotion ony

longer, she took out her phone ond told An Xio, “This ploce is rother noisy. I’ll go to the other side to get this.”

An Xio woved ot her, signoling her to go oheod ond odvised, “Moke it quick. This oreo is quite dongerous, so you’d

better hold on to your phone tightly when you’re toking the coll.”

“Okoy, I got it. I’ll be bock soon.”

While she wos on the woy to the oreo beside the stoll, the inside of her polm hod gone numb from the vigorous

vibrotion of her phone, which mode her regret her decision of switching it to silent mode. Then, she reoched o

quieter oreo ond picked up the coll. “Whot’s going on?” she osked.

Before her voice hod completely troiled off, Qin Muchen’s furious roor come from the other end. “You’re octuolly

osking me thot question? Su Ziyue, whot time is it now? It hos been three hours since the time you got off work.

Where hove you been?”

Su Ziyue gove the middle of her brows o mossoge ond soid, “I went shopping with An Xio.”

“Why didn’t you coll me to inform me of thot?” Qin Muchen’s tone still corried o troce of fury.

After toking o shorp intoke of breoth, she snopped impotiently, “So, I guess you olreody know where I om now.

Thot’s it for now then.” With thot, she stroightowoy hung up on him.

Just os she wos obout to keep her phone bock in her bog, o person mode o dosh post her ot the speed of lightning.

After thot, she found her phone hod gone missing. She wos stunned for o second before her mind storted to

register whot just took ploce. “My phone! Cotch thot thief!” she yelled.

An Xia, who heard her voice from the stall, immediately sprinted over and asked, “What happened?”

“My phone was snatched by that guy!” Su Ziyue told her hastily before running after the thief. An Xia had no choice

but to follow behind her. By the time they ran toward the direction where the snatch thief had fled, the person had

long gone.

Feeling frustrated, Su Ziyue landed a punch on a lamp post beside her. Then, she crouched down as she placed

both her hands on her knees while she caught her breath.

“It’s not too big a deal. All you need to do now is get a new sim card as soon as possible,” An Xia said in an attempt

to cheer her up.

Shaking her head, Su Ziyue dragged An Xia toward a barbeque stall next to them. “Boss, get us two packs of beer!”

she ordered.

“Ziyue, what are you doing? We have to work tomorrow…” Despite sitting down with some hesitation, An Xia soon

took up the menu and started ordering some food. The barbeque stall only served beer for alcohol.

What she usually drank along with the meals she had together with Qin Muchen was exquisite wines and liquors.

Although she only drank a little, she was used to consuming alcohol of the best quality after she started having

them more frequently. Therefore, she found the common beer she was having now tasted slightly awful. She was

not in the mood to continue after taking just a few sips. After some more eating and drinking with An Xia, she drove

back home.

It was already eleven at night by the time she reached home. The inside of the mansion was brightly lit. As soon as

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she stepped into the living room, she spotted Qin Muchen sitting on the sofa, watching television.

She glanced at him and found he was wearing a pajamas gray in color with his hair slightly moist. One of his elbows

was resting on the armrest of the sofa to support his head, while his other hand was holding the remote control as

he kept on changing the channels. Just staring at the television for several seconds was enough to make her dizzy.

“I’m heading upstairs first,” she left that sentence in a nonchalant voice before making her way to the stairs.

Just as she turned around, Qin Muchen’s indifferent voice came from behind. “Not only have you kept your phone

switched off, you came back so late after having drinks.”

Su Ziyue stopped in her tracks and turned back around to look at him. At the same time, Qin Muchen happened to

thrust away the remote control in his hand before he swung around to glare at her with anger and frustration

lurking beneath his dark pupils. “Su Ziyue!”

“I’ve lost my phone. Also, I didn’t come home late as it’s now only eleven at night. Besides, I just had two glasses of

beer just now,” Su Ziyue clarified in a level voice with a poker-faced expression.

Qin Muchen’s face went frozen when he asked, “You’ve lost your phone? How did that happen?”

Looking composed, she answered him, “It was snatched by a thief after I took your call. Have I made myself clear

enough? I’ve got to go and take a shower first.” With that, she turned around and was ready to head upstairs.

To her surprise, she was stopped by Qin Muchen who acted fast enough with his astute observation. Then, he

examined her face closely.

Su Ziyue had been in a foul mood in the first place as she had no idea how to voice out the things and questions on

her mind. Therefore, she did not have a particularly good temper at the moment which made her challenge him in

a slightly provocative tone, “What are you looking at?”

“So long as you’re fine.” All of a sudden, the tension in Qin Muchen’s face eased up as he loosened his hold on her

and said, “Go ahead and take a shower.”

Su Ziyue, who was stunned slightly by his reaction, ignored him and headed straight upstairs.

Inside the bathroom, she stood motionless below the shower head for a long time. Qin Li and Qin Muchen. Su Yizi

and Su Ziyue. Were things fated to be in this way? What exactly did Qin Muchen want to achieve? How should she

confront him about the matter?

She spent a long time contemplating the issue in the bathroom until she heard Qin Muchen’s slightly anxious voice.

“Su Ziyue, get it done faster and come out.”

“I still need more time!” She had yet to come up with a way to broach the subject with him.

Suddenly, he had an angry outburst and roared, “I need to use the toilet!”

After hearing what he said, she had no choice but to get dressed and walk out of the bathroom. The moment she

opened the door, she saw him standing nearby. She turned sideways and walked toward the other side to let him in.

“You may use the toilet now.”

Gazing at her intently, Qin Muchen heaved out a sigh which was hardly noticeable after some time and prompted,

“What’s going on? Please tell me if you’re having any trouble. Don’t bottle it up and keep the problem to yourself.”

While he was talking, he moved his hands to caress her hair as the expression on his face became milder.

Su Ziyue, who was stupefied for a moment, took a step back to dodge his hand and rounded him to walk toward

the bed. When she was lying on the bed, she noticed him still staring at her. She pulled the blanket over herself and

said with her eyes shut, “If there’s nothing else, I’m going to sleep now, so please don’t disturb me.”

Qin Muchen stood still by the door to the bathroom with his eyes losing some of their brilliance.