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Martial God Asura (Web Novel)

Chapter 4847: Cultivation Treasure
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Chapter 4847: Cultivation Treasure

The voice of the Hidden Dragon Chief Disciple had changed into the sweet voice of a young lady. It was a voice Chu Feng had heard before and had a deep impression of.

Looking at the short and slender frame of the Hidden Dragon Chief Disciple, Chu Feng’s gaze began to change. He finally knew who the Hidden Dragon Chief Disciple was.

She was the legendary cultivation treasure of the Purple Star Hall.

The cultivation treasure was definitely not to be made light of. The Purple Star Hall had spent a great deal of effort in order to find her, and Chu Feng nearly got done in by her too.

She tried to enter Chu Feng’s dantian, hoping to steal the Sacred Tree Seed and sap Chu Feng’s bloodline ability. Her greed led to her suffering a backlash from the Sacred Tree Seed and Chu Feng’s Heavenly Lightning Bloodline, rendering her completely powerless.

As a result, she soon disappeared from Chu Feng’s dantian.

Chu Feng thought that the cultivation treasure had been completely destroyed by his Heavenly Lightning Bloodline, but who could have thought that she was still alive?

Not to mention, she even became a disciple of the Hidden Dragon Martial Sect’s sectmaster!

This didn’t make sense. The Hidden Dragon Chief Disciple was clearly a junior, but the cultivation treasure was something that had existed ever since the founding of the Purple Star Hall, meaning that she was an old monster.

How could she be a junior then?

“You’re that person from the Purple Star Hall?” Chu Feng asked via voice transmission.

“It looks like you finally remember me? I guess you aren’t as dumb as I thought. At least you still recognize my voice,” the Hidden Dragon Chief Disciple replied with a sweet voice.

She laughed in delight upon seeing that Chu Feng still remembered her. The laughter was euphonious, but Chu Feng oddly felt a little unnerved by it.

If the Hidden Dragon Chief Disciple was truly the cultivation treasure from the Purple Star Hall, that would make her an extremely dangerous existence.

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After all, she did try to steal Chu Feng’s Sacred Tree Seed and assimilate his bloodline ability. Even though she failed in the end, Chu Feng still couldn’t help but shudder upon thinking about the incident.

He knew just how powerful the cultivation treasure was, and there was indeed a conflict between them. Against her, he had no choice but to put up his guard.

“You managed to get away that day? But you clearly aren’t a junior. Why weren’t you affected by the barrier in the Seven Realm Galaxy’s True Essence Mountain?” Chu Feng asked.

Even if the cultivation treasure managed to deceive the sectmaster, it was hard to believe that it was able to deceive the formation at the True Essence Mountain too. After all, even Duan Liufeng was caught there despite his best attempts at disguising his age.

Chu Feng couldn’t make sense of this gap in logic.

“I’ve indeed existed in this world for many years now, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t be a junior. When you saw me back then at the Purple Star Hall, I was already a new life form. In fact, my age should be much younger than yours,” the Hidden Dragon Chief Disciple said.

“How did you manage to enter the Hidden Dragon Martial Sect? It shouldn’t have been long since you met the sectmaster judging by the time. Did she find you or did you deceive the sectmaster?” Chu Feng asked.

“You can ask my master about it if you’re curious. Right now, I have something else I need to talk to you about. Follow me out for a moment,” the Hidden Dragon Chief Disciple said.

“We can speak in here instead,” Chu Feng replied via voice transmission, not wanting to leave with her.

The cultivation treasure was simply too terrifying, not to mention that she harbored enmity toward him. At least Duan Liufeng was here to protect him if anything happened, but the same couldn’t be said once they left this place.

It would be the same as delivering himself into the mouth of a tiger!

“Rest assured, I won’t hurt you since my master has a high opinion of you. It’s just that we need to settle something between us,” the Hidden Dragon Chief Disciple said.

“What is it that you can’t talk about here?” Chu Feng asked.

“Chu Feng, I never thought that you were so cowardly. It looks like I’ve overestimated you. What I’m going to talk to you about isn’t convenient to be spoken here. There’s nothing I can do if you refuse to come with me.

“Ah speaking of which, aren’t you acquainted with the princess of the Dragon Clan, Long Xiaoxiao? A few days ago, when I left the Hidden Dragon Martial Sect with my master, I heard some news about her.

“It seems like she’s in a miserable position at the moment due to you,” the Hidden Dragon Chief Disciple said with a slightly mocking voice.

There was no change in Chu Feng’s expression when he heard that Long Xiaoxiao was in a miserable position, but a storm stirred in his heart.

His relationship with Long Xiaoxiao was extremely close, and the two of them had braved through numerous life-and-death situations together. He had considered the possibility that the Holy Light Clan might make an attempt on his friends after he offended them, and it seemed like they had indeed no qualms with stooping that low.

“What happened to Long Xiaoxiao?” Chu Feng asked anxiously.

“Oh? It looks like there’s really something going on between the two of you. I just wonder if the two of you are really that close, or are you just putting on an act. Let me test it out for her then. Remember, come out by yourself. Don’t call for anyone else,” the Hidden Dragon Chief Disciple said before walking out of the room.

Chu Feng hesitated for a brief moment, but he soon made up his mind and followed the Hidden Dragon Chief Disciple out.

They flew for quite a distance before finally landing at a remote location.

The Hidden Dragon Chief Disciple finally took off her mask and revealed a beautiful but young face, reminiscent of a child.

Of course, Chu Feng knew deep down that she was no child. She was an old monster who had existed for many years now.

“Are you finally going to speak now?” Chu Feng asked.

“Chu Feng, I wasn’t close with you back then, and I don’t deny that I desired some things that you have. I’m willing to apologize to you for that. It’s just that I left behind something in your dantian that day. That thing is very important to me. I won’t ask anything else of you except to return my stuff to me, and I’ll consider us equals. As for Long Xiaoxiao’s affairs, I’ll tell you everything I know without withholding any information too,” the Hidden Dragon Chief Disciple said.

Chu Feng knew the item the Hidden Dragon Chief Disciple was speaking of.

Back then, she infiltrated his dantian and attempted to steal the Sacred Tree Seed and his Heavenly Lightning Bloodline, only to suffer a severe backlash for that attempt. She managed to escape with her life, but she left behind a light orb reminiscent of a pearl in his dantian.

That light orb shared the same aura as the Hidden Dragon Chief Disciple, and it harnessed great power too.

“I want to hear about Long Xiaoxiao’s affairs too. As long as there’s no falsehood in your words, I’ll return what you want,” Chu Feng said.

“Haaa,” the Hidden Dragon Chief Disciple sighed.

A sharp glint flashed across her innocent eyes.

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“It looks like I’ll have to do it myself.”

The Hidden Dragon Chief Disciple plunged her hand toward Chu Feng’s dantian. Her hand was small, but her sharp nails were extending outward like claws. Her movement was so fast that it was nigh impossible for Chu Feng to dodge her attack.


Yet, her attack fell empty.

Chu Feng’s body rose into the sky

She rose her head and saw another figure standing beside Chu Feng. It was Duan Liufeng.

“Brother Chu, it’s fortunate that you called me over. Just as I expected, this fellow is not one to be trusted!” Duan Liufeng said.

Chu Feng had hesitated for a moment before heading outward, but in truth, he was sending a voice transmission to Duan Liufeng to have the latter follow and protect him.

He simply couldn’t trust the Hidden Dragon Chief Disciple, so he could only resort to this measure.

“Despicable fellow!”

The Hidden Dragon Chief Disciple also swiftly understood what was going on. She turned to look at Duan Liufeng, but surprisingly, her eyes only contained rage and no fear.


The Hidden Dragon Chief Disciple suddenly vanished the next moment. When she finally reappeared, she was already right behind Chu Feng.

It was a surprise attack, but Duan Liufeng reacted equally quickly too. He quickly shoved Chu Feng aside before releasing a punch toward the Hidden Dragon Chief Disciple.

This punch didn’t look too strong at one glance, but it would be foolish to underestimate the might it harnessed.

Yet, instead of dodging Duan Liufeng’s attack, the Hidden Dragon Chief Disciple raised her little hand to face it straight-on.


She actually blocked Duan Liufeng’s punch with her own body!