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Meet My Brothers by Red Thirteen

Chapter 1083
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Chapter 1083 Luna had endured it for five years, but now, she was Raymond's daughter.

Shelly, that bitch, dared to humiliate herself in this way. She couldn't bear it any further.

After being slapped, Shelly was shocked. She covered her face and exclaimed, "How dare you slap me?" € Sharon, standing next to her, gently grasped Shelly's arm. "Calm down, Consider the event today. Don't act impulsively." Shelly shielded her face and said with a mix of despair and hope, "Aunt Sharon, I was slapped. Do you still expect me to endure it? You just stood by and watched her bully us. We're the

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Barretts!" Shelly's loud outburst immediately captured everyone's attention. The unexpected slap at the banquet prompted many people to cast their gaze in their direction.

Mia was taken aback when Luna didn't hesitate to slap Shelly directly. It was evident that Shelly had been mocking Luna within the Barrett family during those five years, which explained Luna's strong reaction. Mia winked at Jasmine, signaling her to begin the performance.

Jasmine smiled and promptly stepped forward, standing beside Luna. "How could you possibly slap someone at a banquet? Please apologize to Ms.

Barrett immediately." Luna exclaimed in disbelief, "Why

A * J +15 BONUS should I apologize to Shelly? She humiliated me with her crude words. I only reacted when I could no longer bear it. You have no idea how I suffered during those five years with the Barrett family. Despite everything, she still has the audacity to continue mocking me like this. Why should I have to endure it?" Luna finished speaking in one breath, and her heart suddenly filled with joy.

She glanced at Shelly, who was slapped by her, and felt no remorse for what she had done. She had been waiting for this moment for so long, and today she finally released all her pent-up anger.

At that moment, Raymond's voice came through. "Luna, what are you doing? Apologize to Ms. Barrett now.

She's a guest. How could you slap

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QF TIS BONUS her?" As Luna turned around, she began to slowly regain control of her rationality when she saw Raymond. However, her unhappiness persisted. "Dad, I don't want to apologize to her. Shelly used to bully mea lot in the past." When Shelly heard her calling Raymond "Dad", she was utterly shocked. "You called Mr. Shelbert 'Dad?' But isn't your father a general worker who passed away long ago?" Luna's expression abruptly shifted.

Just as she was on the verge of explaining, Jasmine interrupted eagerly and said, "What did Luna's father used to do? I'm really curious." "He's a security captain who worked at

ashopping mall." After Shelly spoke, Luna's face turned pale. She was so embarrassed that she wanted to diga— hole and disappear inside it.

Her origin was the one thing she desperately wanted to keep hidden. She | yearned to establish a new identityand join the ranks of the affluent, but she never anticipated that the bitch, Shelly, would expose her inglorious past so brazenly. It was utterly hateful! Luna felt the weight of everyone's scrutinizing stares on her and was overcome with acute embarrassment, Instinctively, she turned to Raymond, silently pleading for his support.

However, Raymond couldn't help but frown as well. He couldn't help but question whether Luna's mother had actually married a security guard in the

end. At that moment, Raymond couldn't shake off the feeling thathis status had been somewhat dirninished- Jasmine glanced at Raymond and uttered, "Dad, considering that Luna's father was a security guard, it seems like you and him were destined to have a connection." Someone nearby also said, "Yes, Mr.

Shelbert. Why haven't we heard you mention such an old friend before? Is there a story between you two?" Raymond hesitated to respond, feeling somewhat uneasy. What sort of encounter would he have with an unimportant security guard?