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Meet My Brothers by Red Thirteen

Chapter 1104
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"Yes, he's gone." "Didn't he say anything?" Mia felt a little strange that Timothy left just like that.

Not long after, Peyton walked in with an exquisite meal box. "Ms. Lane, supper is here. Grab a bite." "How did you know that I'm hungry?" Mia took the meal box from him. Upon opening it, she noticed that it contained her favorite dishes. She paused for a second and looked at Peyton. "Did you order this?" "Yes, I did. I bought supper for all the overtstaff." Peyton was surprised that Timothy actually sent them food.

But Peyton said he bought it to avoid the risk of a bonus deduction.

When Mia saw her employees outside holding the smeal box, the doubt in her mind vanished.

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She glanced out the window casually, and there was no sign of Timothy.

After finishing her food, she looked at Peyton. "Ask everyone to go home. They'll get double pay for today." Mia grabbed her handbag and left her office.

Right after she left, a black car emerged from the dark.

Timothy looked in her direction and said, "Follow her." Holding the smeal box, Caleb was eating while saying, "How could you leave just like that earlier? All your effort went down the drain. She's obviously avoiding you." "I know that, but it was late. I want her to get off work and go hearly. If I hadn't left, she wouldn't have left as well." Timothy's voice was low.

"Tsk, tsk... I didn't know you love her so deeply. It's a pity that Mia knows nothing about this." "She doesn't need to know," Timothy said.

Leaning against the seat, Timothy fixed his eyes on the car ahead. His gaze was deep and inscrutable.

An hour later, Mia's car went into the Lane residence.

Timothy was relieved to see Mia arrive hsafely with his own eyes.

"Tim, how are you going to discuss br Collaboration with Mia? H s definitely won't Heret agree f they find out about this," Caleb said. "I don't care whether she'll collaborate withor not. As long as she wants to build her career in Bern City, I'll remove all the obstacles in her way." O' Despite his calm tone, Timothy sounded very arrogant.

However, Caleb knew that Timothy was a man of his word.

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When Mia reached home, Ginger was holding a delicate handmade gift.

"Look, Mommy, I made a present for Sage. Is it nice?" "Yes, it is." Mia stroked Ginger's head. All her exhaustion disappeared when she saw Ginger.

"Mommy, when is Sage coming home?" "He'll be back the day after tomorrow. Let's pick him up together." Ginger nodded her head adorably. "Sure." "Wash up and sleep early then. Do you wantto read you a bedtstory?" Ginger shook her head. "I'm a grown-up now, so I don't need bedtstories anymore." When Mia saw Ginger washing up herself, she was surprised that her daughter was so diligent now.

Gertrude walked over and said gently, "Ms. Ginger has becmuch more thoughtful and independent now." Mia knew why her youngest daughter had becmore.

thoughtful and independent. Her brother was coming back, so she wanted to take care of him at school. After tucking her daughter in, Mia left Ginger's bedroom.

The moment she walked out, Ginger took out her smartwatch and made a call.

"Hello, what's the matter?" Timothy's low and gentle voice sounded on the other side of the phone. "I...I have good news for you. Sage will be discharged and he will chthe day after tomorrow."