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Meet My Brothers by Red Thirteen

Chapter 1118
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Sensing Nicholas' implication, Mia masked her awkwardness with a quick smile.

Timothy also heard what he said from the Apple Watch. Infuriated, his grip on the cup in his hand tightened.

Sure enough, that evil bastard Nicholas had finally revealed his true colors! Listening to their conversation, Timothy remained silent. He had been anticipating Mia's response, yet the call ended abruptly.

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He paced the room anxiously, pondering what he should do to stop all of this.

Timothy had been texting Ginger, but she didn't reply at all. He even began imagining Mia accepting Nicholas' proposal, and them having a wedding together.

He shuddered in fright. Sitting up on the sofa, he glanced at the time. He only slept for two hours and ended up having a nightmare.

Thankfully, it was just a dream.

Timothy reached for his phone and checked his messages again. There was still no response.

He really resembled a man deep in love, who was eagerly waiting for his lover to reply. His so-called "lover" was only four years old, but she caused him anxiety nonetheless.

He had never waited desperately for someone's response like this before.

Awash in dread, he texted Ginger again.

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"My baby, why aren't you replying to my messages? Where did you go?" Did she go out with Nicholas? Where did Mia go? Timothy felt like he was about to go insane. How he wished he could fly to the Lane residence in a helicopter and snatch Mia away. But his rationale kept him in check.

Meanwhile, Ginger was in a dilemma. Staring at her Apple Watch, she remembered how Sage warned her not to talk too much with Timothy. But he just called her his baby! "I'll just talk to him one last time. Just this once," she murmured.

indiately replied, "I was det After convincing herself, she now. I'm about to now." swno Timothy's spirits instantly lifted upon hearing Ginger's response.

"Ginger, do you like me?" Actually, he intended to ask who preferred between him andet But he didn't do so. He was afraid of the obvious answer. Ginger gave his question a serious thought and finally answered, "You're not too bad, actually." Timothy sighed. "Ginger, would you get angry if I said I wanted to take your mommy back?" "Um, but I think the chances of your success are slim." "Why?" "My uncles won't agree to that. Uncle Dominic is super scary when he gets angry." Feeling defiant, Timothy retorted, "Don't you want our family to be together?" "But I'm fine with how everything is now. I have my uncles, Aunt Eva, Mommy, Sage, and Uncle Nicholas..." At the end, she added, "And you. So, I think everything's pretty good this way." Timothy was touched, but he wasn't entirely ecstatic. He hoped to gain turer's favor, but everything s e turned out just as he had expected. Suddenly, Mia's voice echoed through the phone.

"Ginger, aren't you asleep? Who are you talking to?"