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Meet My Brothers by Red Thirteen

Chapter 1128
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Mia's voice turned serious. "Initially, I shared your perspective. However, Ms. Maynard's behavior at the kindergarten was anything but casual.

"If she's intent on escalating tensions with the Lane family, then so be it. I refuse to keep a potential threat near my children. That settles it." With that definitive statement, Mia abruptly ended the call.

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She had no intention of giving Raymond any satisfaction.

By the tDominic intervened, there would be no room for negotiation. Mia knew her brothers cared deeply for her children and wouldn't tolerate any form of mistreatment.

After hanging up, Raymond stormed back home, his anger evident.

Upon seeing Raymond return, Luna quickly nudged Asher. "Dad, look at what they've done to Asher. The Lane family has gone too far. You must stand up for him," she urged.

Raymond's hand swiftly met Luna's cheek with a hard slap. "Luna, look at the chaos you've caused. What nonsense have you been spreading?" Stunned by the slap, Luna stammered, "B-but Dad, I haven't said a word." "You haven't said a word? Haven't you been using my nto wield influence and intimidate others? Now, Asher is being forced to switch schools because of your behavior." "What? How could Asher possibly be forced to switch schools? He wasn't the one who started the fight," Luna protested.

Struggling to comprehend the situation, she added, "But Dad, you're the mayor." "Enough!" Raymond interjected sharply. "You have no sense of decency. All you ever talk about is my position as mayor.

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"Do you realize the tremendous effort it took forto reach where I am today? If your words were to spread, do you understand the repercussions it could have for me?" After regaining her composure, Luna asked, "Did the Lane family do something?" "Are you beginning to catch on now?" "Dad, could it be that you're intimidated by them?" Raymond snorted dismissively in response. "Afraid of the Lane family? Not me. It's just not the right tto confront them directly. Anyway, you should begin making arrangements to enroll Asher in his new kindergarten." Though Luna struggled to contain her frustration, she remained silent in the face of Raymond's anger, simply nodding in acknowledgment. "Dad, what about Asher's birthday celebration?" "It will proceed as planned." "Will it be held at Aide Castle Hotel?" Despite the hotel being Mia's property, if Asher's celebration were to take place there, Alison wouldn't be able to use the venue, and someone would need to assert their authority by then.

Raymond nodded in response. "Certainly, the event must be held at Aide Castle Hotel." Luna's eyes sparkled with satisfaction. It appeared she had secured a victory for now.

But for the tbeing, Luna could only restrain herself, cautiously testing the waters. "Dad, what if we consider partnering with Yellow Island?" "I don't need your input on these matters. Your sole responsibility is to look after Asher," Raymond retorted sharply before walking away.

It didn't take long before Jasmine caught wind of their conversation With a disdainful snort, she declared, "Luna, mark my words-at the banquet in three days, your aspirations will crumble." S Three days later, at Aide Castle Hotel.

Mia managed to carve out stto attend the event in person. After all, she had designed the thand felt it necessary to promote it herself.

Upon her arrival at the venue, Mia couldn't help but notice Luna's flamboyant attire, commanding attention as if she were the focal point of the banquet.

As Luna caught sight of Mia, she approached her, holding her glass with an air of self-satisfaction. "Ms. Lane, + don't recall extending an invitation to you, did I?" she asked, sarcasm dripping from her voice.