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Meet My Brothers by Red Thirteen

Chapter 1149
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Seeing Patricia's shocked expression, Mia wasn't surprised at all.

She tenderly caressed Sage and Ginger's heads and said, "Yes, I brought them to visit you." "Good, good!" Patricia responded, discreetly wiping away a tear. As she gazed at Sage and Ginger, memories of Mia's childhood resurfaced in her mind.

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With immense joy, Patricia warmly welcomed Sage and Ginger, setting out a delightful array of snacks.

Turning to Mia with a touch of reproach, she said, "You should have toldyour kids were coming! I could have prepared gifts for them. It's their first visit, and I haven't made any arrangements. It just doesn't seem right." Looping her arm through Patricia's, Mia said gently, "There's no need for that. The kids have plenty of toys. This visit is about spending twith you." Originally, Mia had planned to wait until Sage was fully recovered before visiting Patricia.

However, Laura's unexpected awakening and subsequent health complications disrupted her plans.

"There's a difference," Patricia emphasized. "Those are toys you bought for the kids. Gifts fromwould hold a different sentiment." With her sweet, childlike voice, Ginger added, "Grand-Aunt Patricia, I'm a good girl, you know. I love you, whether there's a gift or not." Patricia couldn't help but be charmed by Ginger's sincerity. "You're such a clever child, speaking as sweetly as honey," she remarked with a warm smile.

As Sage and Ginger continued to spend twith Patricia, Mia couldn't help but notice the unwavering smile on Patricia's face. It brought a slight uplift to Mia's mood.

However, amid the warmth of the moment, a fleeting image of Timothy's solitary figure standing outside the operating room flashed in Mia's mind, momentarily overshadowing her emotions.

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As Mia lowered her gaze, she silently wished for Laura's quick recovery.

Indeed, she couldn't bear the thought of anything unfortunate happening to her.

After their meal, Patricia took Sage and Ginger for a stroll around the neighborhood.

As Patricia proudly introduced Sage and Ginger, Mia followed closely behind. "These two are my beloved grandchildren," Patricia beamed. "Aren't they just adorable?" "They're twins, right? What a blessing! Has your niece from Nord City cto visit you?" the neighbor inquired.

Patricia nodded affirmatively. "Yes, she's been quite busy with work, but she's finally found the tto cback." Stepping forward, Mia expressed her gratitude to the neighbor, saying, "Thank you for looking after Aunt Patricia all this time. It means a lot to me." The neighbor casually waved off the thanks, remarking, "It's no big deal. Aunt Patricia is cherished around here, and everyone is happy to help.

"Plus, you've gone above and beyond by arranging a caregiver and a family doctor for her regular care. That's truly considerate of you." Patricia quickly interjected, "I've already told her not to bother with hiring a caregiver or a doctor. It's too costly, but this kid just won't listen." Despite her words, Patricia's face lit up with a smile.

Mia couldn't help but find the situation somewhat amusing. Was this the adults' subtle way of boasting? Previously Dominic had arranged for Patricia to have a 24-hour caregiver and a hdoctor, tointo account her solitary living situation and need for constant care. However, Patricia staunchly refused. Eventually, they reached a compromise, settling for a scheduled housekeeper who cfor regular cleaning and a family doctor who visited once a month. "I must say, Patricia, this is how Mia is showing her gratitude for your kindness. Just look at that contented expression of yours! If et you keep this up, I might start feeling jealous," the neighbor teased playfully. Later, Patricia took Sage and Ginger to the neighborhood playground, where several other kids were already playing. Although Ginger was eager to join in the fun, Sage, while not as enthusiastic about such activities, followed along. After all, he felt responsible for keeping an eye on Ginger in case she got into any trouble.