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Meet My Brothers by Red Thirteen

Chapter 1163
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Mia cast a sidelong glance at Timothy as he turned back, raising an eyebrow in curiosity. What could he possibly be planning now? Timothy stood tall, his authoritative demeanor exuding an aura of intimidation that left Mia feeling somewhat uneasy.

He pressed his lips together nervously before softly saying, "Goodnight." With that, Timothy turned on his heel and walked away.

Mia remained rooted to the spot, completely baffled.

Was this speculiar display of heterosexual romance? As Mia turned around, her attention was caught by Ginger and Sage standing by the door, their small heads peeking out. Clearing her throat awkwardly, she stuttered, "W-Why are you both here?" Ginger's hand flew to her mouth upon hearing Mia's words. "Sage askedto calong," she blurted out nervously.

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Sage shot Ginger a disapproving glance, surprised by her quick admission.

Stepping forward casually, he remarked, "I just wanted to get sfresh air." Despite Sage's nonchalant demeanor, Mia could easily sense his underlying motive. He clearly wanted to cout to keep an eye on things.

As Mia approached Ginger and Sage, she clasped their hands gently. "Shall we make our way back? It's tto get ready for bed," she suggested.

Sage glanced up at Mia with a curious expression. "Why didn't you tellabout the telescope?" If he had known it was a gift from Timothy, he certainly wouldn't have accepted it.

Mia affectionately ruffled Sage's hair, transforming his tidy look into a playful mess.

With a satisfied smile, she remarked, "Why are you being so uptight? He's simply trying to make things right, so it's only fair he showers you with gifts. If you like it, keep it. If not, consider passing it on to someone who will." Unmoved, Sage maintained his stoic demeanor. "But I don't want anything from him." "It seems like you care more than you're letting on," Mia teased.

"Who said I care about him?" Sage shot back, his annoyance evident.

Observing the sstubborn expression on Sage's face that Timothy often wore, Mia couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "If yotruly didn't care, why are you s bothered by his gifts? Look at your sister. She's as cool as a cucumber." "I'm not as easy to please as she is," Sage retorted.

Meeting Sage's gaze directly, Mia advised, "If there are issues between you and him, it's best to resolve them directly. Don't involvein the middle." Sage lifted his head, visibly distressed. "Mommy, are you just going to forgive him like that? He caused you so much pain back then!" "To be fair, it wasn't solely his fault. We were both manipulated. As for our past, it's not something you need to worry about. Anyway, it's bedtime." Looking back on what had transpired, Mia realized that whether or not she forgave Timothy was no longer relevant.

After all back then, Timothy wasobligated to marry someone like her-a orphan. It seemed unlikely that a man of his pride would have embraced such a notion. S Nevertheless, Mia hadn't anticipated Timothy's persistent pursuit in the present, finding it somewhat bothersome.

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But should she consider rekindling this past romance? The next day, Mia accompanied Ginger and Sage to the hospital to visit Laura.

To their delight, Laura's condition had improved, and her face beamed with happiness upon seeing them. Ginger had put together a special dance routine for Laura, which she executed with great enthusiasm. Despite Sage's initial hesitation, he eventually joined in to support Ginger during the performance. As Mia looked at Laura's emaciated form, she couldn't help but feel a surge of sympathy.

If Luna hadn't orchestrated such malicious schemes, Laura could have had several more years of life ahead, free from the pain and suffering she was currently enduring. Mia was determined to ensure Luna faced consequences for her actions.

If it weren't for Luna's actions, Laura wouldn't have experienced the fall down the stairs, leading to years of being in a vegetative state.

Furthermore, Mia wouldn't have almost lost her children prematurely, and Sage wouldn't have been born with such delicate health. Consequently, holding Luna accountable for her actions beca steadfast commitment for Mia.

Glancing back, Mia couldn't help but notice Timothy diligently engrossed in his work outside, his meticulous demeanor unchanged from before.