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Meet My Brothers by Red Thirteen

Chapter 1172
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Mia rose from her seat, instructing, "You two go ahead and order something to eat. I'll step out for a moment and return shortly." As she exited the lounge, Mia noticed that the earlier commotion had settled.

Standing alone, Sharon looked disheveled, her clothes wrinkled and her hair tousled.

It appeared that the once-elegant aristocrat had undergone a transformation, now resembling an ordinary person. Looking at the disheveled Edith in front of him, Timothy stated, "I'll have Heath take you to the hospital for a check-up." A tumult of emotions engulfed Sharon as she looked at Timothy. "When did you discover the truth about your parentage?" Unbeknownst to Timothy, the revelation of his true origins had shattered Sharon's world.

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She had invested her heart in nurturing the son she believed to be hers, only to realize he wasn't biologically related to her. What cut even deeper was the realization that he was the result of her husband's infidelity-a truth that engulfed her in profound disgrace.

Despite this, Sharon's marriage had always been a cold, calculated business arrangement, devoid of any genuine affection or emotional connection.

Her sole aspiration had been to bear a son to secure the Barrett family fortune, envisioning a future where she could thrive independently.

However, she hadn't foreseen the obstacles her body would pose in conceiving a child.

After enduring the arduous process of childbirth and devoting herself to raising her son, she eventually uncovered the devastating truth-her husband had switched him with his mistress's child.

Yet, even upon discovering the truth, Sharon hesitated to speak out.

After all, revealing Timothy's true identity would jeopardize everything she had worked tirelessly to achieve.

Consequently, Sharon's feelings toward Timothy remained entangled in a complex web of emotions.

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Nonetheless, what truly caught her off guard was the revelation that Timothy had been aware of his background all along. Reflecting on Timothy's calm demeanor just moments earlier, Sharon was able to piece together the puzzle.

With disdain evident in her voice, she accused, "It was Mia who spilled the beans, wasn't it?" Standing nearby, Mia was utterly bewildered. What did Sharon mean by implicating her in Timothy's revelation? After all, she had no inkling of such matters. It was only recently that Timothy had disclosed the truth while explaining Sage's lineage.

Timothy remained composed as he responded, "I only found out about it five years ago." "Does that mean Luna's husband is your biological brother?" Sharon demanded.

Timothy nodded in confirmation. "Yes." Sharon appeared to buckle under the weight of it all. "This is sheer cruelty. Not only did you robof my child's life, but you also subjectedto the humiliation of raising another woman's child!" Timothy remained silent, allowing Sharon to release her pent-up anger before calmly stating, "I've conducted an investigation. Your child did indeed pass away due to health complications." "That's not true! It's because of all of you that he died!" Sharon accused, her voice tinged with bitterness.

"I'll arrange for someone to escort you to the hospital now," Timothy intervened calmly.

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