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Mine – The Alpha's Possession by Kylie

Chapter 29
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When I left school, I didn’t know where I was going. I didn’t want to go home. And I definitely wasn’t

going back to school after that. And I knew that the woods

were out of the question because he’d already have the patrols watching out for

So, I headed to the last place that I could

think of. It was on the other side of town

and when I got to the beaten down old cabin, I found the key in the usual hiding

spot that hadn’t changed in over a year and I let myself in.

No one lived in the cabin, and it wasn’t in the woods either. But it was right on the edge of town. I would

have been really surprised if anyone saw me in there.

It was starting to get cold around this time of year too. I was pissed that I couldn’t have the fireplace

going, but I

put my bag down and I looked around the cabin. It didn’t look like anyone had been here in a really long

time. So, I dusted off the couch and I grabbed one of the many books on the bookshelf and I sat down on

the couch with it.

My phone was blowing up from everyone

who knew that I had a phone, so I eventually turned it off. I just announced to the whole school that the

Alpha was

my mate. I knew that there were going to

be questions after questions, and

honestly, I couldn’t answer any of them.

I didn’t know what our mate pairing was right now. I didn’t know if I was the Luna of this pack because I

didn’t know if he was going to keep me as his mate. And these were questions that I was desperately

trying to avoid.

To be honest, I already felt rejected. He might as well just do it and put me out of my misery. It can’t be

any worse than what it already is right now. I was feeling

absolutely miserable since I found out that he was my mate and I couldn’t even touch him. Girls are

meant to be excited about finding their mates. So, why the hell did it have to be so hard on me. Was this

some sort of test that the Moon Goddess was putting me through. And if so, why? What the hell did I do

to deserve this? I didn’t think I was that much of a

brat to deserve something like this. Not to have my mate bond being screwed

around like this.

I was more determined now than ever to

get the hell out of here. I had to get away from Jackson. If he wasn’t going to

choose me as a mate then I needed to

leave. I couldn’t stay here in this misery anymore. It really was hurting me. It felt like torture. To see him

every day and not touch him. Especially after having already slept with him. I know exactly what I am

missing out on. And I hated that even more. That he knew I was his mate and he slept with me before I


meant to know about it. He just didn’t

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

know that I did know I was his mate. And

the whole time he was still planning on

rejecting me.

How the hell could I have been so stupid. I’m usually smarter than that. But I guess when it comes to

guys, I’m just a typical teenage girl. I stop thinking altogether. That was my problem.

I’d been in the cabin for a couple of hours when I heard footsteps coming up the

stairs and onto the veranda. It didn’t

scare me at all, because I knew that they could only belong to one person. And as

soon as the door opened, I knew that I

was right.

“Hi Edward.” I say and he came in and shut the door.

“A lot of people are out looking for you.” He says coming over and sitting on the chair across from me.

“This place is pretty dusty. Haven’t you

been here since I left?” I asked changing

the subject.

“No. I didn’t want to bring anyone else to this place. It’s our place. No one else’s.”

He says.

“I guess so. What would Hannah think?” I


“She’s already pissed off with me. She knows that we’ve been talking behind her back.” He says rubbing

her face.

“I haven’t been doing anything behind her back. You’ve been seeking me out.” I


“Yeah. Because after I saw you when you came back, I thought I made a mistake by getting with Hannah

and that you were the one that I wanted to be with.” He says looking at me and I closed my eyes and

started shaking my head.

“Can you please not add to my drama

right now? I’ve an Alpha who is crazy and

my mate. Jackson let the head warrior of the Richmond pack join this pack and he’s now living in the

packhouse, where I live, and we had a thing going while I was away. And now you’re saying this shit to

me, it’s way too much for me to handle right now.” I say staring straight at him.

“You’re faced with three guys that want you?” He asked.

“I’m faced with three guys that I’ve slept with.” I say pinching the bridge of my


“Holy crap. You have slept with the Alpha?” He asked.

“It was before my 18th but it was after the rumours were going around that we were sleeping together.

So, at the time of the rumours, they were just rumours. We weren’t hooking up yet.” I explain.

Holy crap. No wonder you’re a fucking mess right now. And what about Alpha Jackson rejecting you.

What was that all

about?” He asked.

“Jackson has been telling me that he was going to reject his mate when he found her. He just didn’t know

that I already knew that I was his mate. And it was

before he slept with me. But even after we slept together, he said that he was still going to reject his

mate. Which kind of killed me a little inside. And I’ve been in a

bitchy mood ever since my 18th because

I’ve felt that pull to him. I want him. I

want to touch him. I want to be with him.

But he says that he’s going to reject me. So, I’ve been avoiding him. Except for

days like today when I abused him in front of everyone.” I explained staring off into the distance.

“Why the hell have you been keeping all of this to yourself?” Edward asked leaning forward on his chair.

“You know me. I’m more of a fixer at school then a complainer. I’m the one that everyone comes to when

they have a

problem. But I don’t really have anyone at school that I can go to who can fix my

problems. If people have problems with bullies, then I go bash the bullies. There’s no problem there. But

there is definitely not anyone at school that could help me with this.” I say.

“I know. This is pretty intense.” He says.

“Yeah. Just a bit.” I say looking back down

at my book.

“Are you just planning on hiding out here for the rest of your life?” He asked

looking around at the old dilapidated dusty cabin.

“Not my whole life. But until I figure out what the hell I am going to do. He’s trying to stop me from leaving

the pack. Which means he doesn’t want me to go. But he won’t accept me either. Have you ever heard

of a guy mind fucking his mate like this before?” I asked looking up at him. And I could see the real

concern in his

voice. He was really worried about me. I

was certain of that.

“No. I’ve never heard of that before. And

it’s not fair that it’s happening to you.

You deserve so much better than him.”

Edward says.

“Thanks. I just wish he realized that too.”

I say trying to control the tears that were

threatening to come out.

“Taylor. It’s alright to cry, you know. This is really messy with your emotions.

He should know that. He should be

feeling the same way but he obviously

doesn’t give a shit.” Edward sound

almost angry. And Edward doesn’t get angry at anything.

Well, it took a lot to get Edward angry at anything. But he was clearly getting angry right now, but this

wasn’t his fault. And he couldn’t go at Jackson the way he normally would protect someone. Alpha

Jackson will kill him on the spot. We both

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

knew that. Jackson has his reputation for a reason. I’m the only one that he’s ever

bent the rules for, and we all know why

that is. But he would definitely kill


“It’s fine Edward. I can handle myself.

You know that. By the way, how the

teacher that I punched?” I asked


“Broken nose and eye socket. But she’s a werewolf. She’s already healing.” He says smirking at me.

“I really hate the collateral damage in war. She just happened to be the one today.” I say.

“Yeah. But you definitely got his attention with that.” Edward says.

“Yeah. Him and the rest of the damn

school.” I scoffed


a Edward started

“It was a classic Taylor Stevenson move

though. I wouldn’t have expected

anything less.” He laughed out.

“Too bad it won’t get me kicked out of

school.” I say.

“You punched a teacher. How do you

know that you didn’t get kicked out of

school?” He asked.

“I told you. He’s doing everything he can to keep my here. There’s no way in hell he will let them kick me

out of school.” I


“Good point.” He says.

All of a sudden the door to the cabin was kicked open and Jackson walked inside. Edward jumped up

from his chair and Jackson examined the room and saw Edward there and his eyes instantly turned


“Don’t you fucking dare.” I growled at Jackson as I got up from the couch..

“You’re in a cabin with an unmated male.

“Jackson said through gritted teeth.

“Why the fuck do you even care?” I snapped at him.

“You’re mine. No one else’s.” He

declared. And before I had a chance to say

anything the whole cabin was lit up with a really bright light that made up all shield our eyes until it died

down. And

then I lowered my arm and I saw Jackson

and Edward standing there in shock.

“Layla. What are you doing here?” I asked completely unfazed that she was here.

“Protecting you. It’s my job. Remember.

She says.