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Mommy daddy is the lycan king by Glory Tina

Chapter 55
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Chapter 55
Julian’s POV
“It was to save my life and the lives of my sons. Your sons.” She said the last part, to
his surprise.
A part of him didn’t want to believe what she had told him, but there was nothing to gain for her. He needed more clarification on
her words.
His eyes narrowed at her at her words and what they meant: “What do you mean, my sons?”
Her silence angered him. “What do you mean, ‘my sons?” He demanded, his tone growing rigid and cold.
Her eyes grew glassy, and he saw this might as well be her breaking point.
Still, she spoke, “You do not remember, and that is fine, but I remember a few details of that night. You were in Reign, and I woke
up in a strange bed with no knowledge of how I got there, but I was n*ked and wrapped in your arms. You were also n*ked, and
that only meant one thing; we had been together the previous night. I ran away before you could wake up because I was
ashamed and wanted to put that event behind me, but I was wrong. I discovered a month later I
1 was with your child, and that was how I ended up on trial. I didn’t even know you were the Lycan king until I found you in the
council court in Langfield.”
The memory was vague, but he remembered waking up one morning in Reign and finding himself alone in bed. He didn’t know
what happened the night before. but he knew he was with someone, and she had left before he could wake up. He soon moved
on from it because he came to strengthen the forces of Reign against the rebels‘ attack and couldn’t halt that mission to find the
one he had spent the night with.
He didn’t know anything would come from that night, but it did. He had felt a bond with June and Jashin from the very first day he
set his eyes on them, but he never thought more about it. They were his sons.
This was why she ran away from the werewolf world: she was pregnant.
He remembered interrupting the trial and finding her there, but he assumed that she had committed a grave offence to be there,
and when she ran away from Ken it further confirmed it.

Vivian, who had bravely helped them fight off the rebels, told him the rebels came
Choppy So
for the criminal on trial, as she was one of them. He believed her; he had no reason not to. She told him that with his orders, she
would rally around until Fiona was found, and he gave her his permission.
Ken didn’t like that he had given her the go–ahead, but he told his beta and friend that they needed as many allies as possible.
Vivian had proven herself to be an ally, and that was what they needed now more than ever.
He should have done more investigation to find out the actual cause, that was on
A tear rolled down Fiona’s face, snapping him out of his thoughts. “Say something.”
He ran his hand through his hair. He had gotten more truth than he came for, but he had to see it through to the end. “I need to
see them.”
She nodded without any argument from her. She led the way, and he followed behind. The journey to the twins‘ mansion was
done in silence. He didn’t know what to say, and she didn’t seem to have anything else to say.
They arrived at the mansion belonging to the boys, and she entered with him behind her He heard noises, and he felt incredibly
nervous and unsure. It had been a long time since he felt unsure about anything, but now he did. He wondered if he would be
good enough for the boys and be a real father.

They came into the room allocated to the boys, and on sight of her, they ran from their bed over to her. She dropped to her knees
and wrapped her arms around them, just as they did for her as well.

“Mommy!” Jashin called with a happy tone. “You are here.”
She smiled, and leaning in, she k*ssed their heads and said, “I am.
June looked away from her, and his green eyes settled on him. His expression was unreadable, and for a second, he forgot how
to breathe.
“June” He replied.
The little boy’s brows narrowed at him. “You stopped coming, and you never told us why,” he said, and his voice held a level of
disappointment in it.
He opened his mouth, but he couldn’t speak. He couldn’t tell them their mother had told him to stay off, and he had to obey her
wishes. “I am sorry.” “That was all
Fiona turned to him and then back
to stay away.” She confessed to them, taking responsibility for her actions.
June frowned at her. “Why?”
“I did it because I wanted to keep you safe.” She revealed and sniffed.
She had told him to stay away after finding out about his plague. She did it to keep
them safe.
The boys didn’t doubt her words, and they nodded. “Remember when you asked about your father, and I told you Isyould tell you
when the time was right?”
They nodded, and she continued. “Well, your father has been with you all along.” The twins held confusion in their eyes, but she
turned from then and to him again before adding, “He is your father.”
The eyes of the boys turned to him, and they didn’t leave. He could see that they were still yet to process the truth just revealed
to them.

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Fiona got up from beside them, and he took that as his cue to draw closer to them. He took a step closer, and when he got to
them, he stooped low so he could come close to their small statures.
“Mommy said you are our father.” June said in a quiet tone. He glanced up at Fiona and found her eyes glassy, and she blinked
back the tears. He turned to the boys and nodded. “Yes, I am.”
“Then why did you stay away for so long?” Jashin asked.
“Did you not want us?” June added in a small voice, and that broke his heart.
He shook his head. That was so far from the truth. “I never knew you two existed.”
“You saw us when you came visiting back then, we existed.” Jashin reminded him, knowing the boy’s understanding of words
was still small.
He chuckled a little. “Yes, I did. But I never knew you were mine?
They didn’t say anything, and he took it that they believed the words he spoke.
“I am sorry I haven’t been in your life, but I promise that I am not going to leave again.” He vowed, before adding, “Can I get a
Chapter 10
he said in response
Fiona turned to him and then back to the boys. “I am sorry, June, Jashin; I told him to stay away.” She confessed to them, taking
responsibility for her actions.

June frowned at her: “Why?”
“I did it because I wanted to keep you safe.” She revealed and sniffed.

She had told him to stay away after finding out about his plague. She did it to keep then safe.
The boys didn’t doubt her words, and they nodded. “Remember when you asked about your father, and I told you I would tell you
when the time was right?”
They nodded, and she continued. “Well, your father has been with you all along.” The twins held confusion in their eyes, but she
turned from then and to him again. before adding, “He is your father.”
The eyes of the boys turned to him, and they didn’t leave. He could see that they were still yet to process the truth just revealed
to them.
Fiona got up from beside them, and he took that as his cue to draw closer to them. He took a step closer, and when he got to
them, he stooped low so he could come close to their small statures,
“Mommy said you are our father” June said in a quiet tone. He glanced up at Fiona and found her eyes glassy, and she blinked
back the tears. He turned to the boys and nodded. “Yes, I am.”
“Then why did you stay away for so long?” Jashin asked.
“Did you not want us?” June added in a small voice, and that broke his heart.
He shook his head. That was so far from the truth. “I never knew you two existed.”
“You saw us when you came visiting back then; we existed.” Jashin reminded him, knowing the boy’s understanding of words
was still small.
He chuckled a little. “Yes, I did. But I never knew you were mine.”
They didn’t say anything, and he took it that they believed the words he spoke.
“I am sorry I haven’t been in your life, but I promise that I am not going to leave Again.” He vowed, before adding, “Can I get a
hug?”Please bookmark site .org to read lastest content. If you want to read light please visit allnext.com to read fastest content.

The boys didn’t complain, and they ran into his arms. He felt wholeness at the simple act, and his b*dy received strength it didn’t
think he needed.
He had missed so much: five years was such a long time, and he would never get it back, but he would make sure to stay for as
long as necessary with them. He wanted them with him always, and he wanted the world to know they were his
Were you ever going to tell me about them at some point?” he asked, coming to where Fiona had stayed, staring at them quietly
for the last couple of minutes. He couldn’t blame her for the decision she made, but he needed to know the truth for
“At first, I wasn’t.” She found her voice to say, “You had a perfect life here with Lady Nina, and I didn’t know if telling you the truth
would make things better or worse. I knew how far the pain of rejection could go; I lived it as a child. I didn’t want the same for
my boys. Yes, it was selfish, but it didn’t matter. Vivian was also here, and I knew what evil she was capable of. I don’t want my
sons to grow up around such evil”
“I am sorry about your parents.” He said, not knowing what better way to say those
She pressed her l*ps together, and sadness showed itself in her eyes. She shook her head and said, “It was all Vivian’s doing. I
should have known from the very beginning
He shared equal blame with Vivian for the deaths of her parents, and he would carry this guilt to the grave.
“I am just as responsible for what happened. I didn’t do as much as I should have Vivian will face justice, and it won’t be long,”
he assured her in a certain tone.
She bowed her head, and when she smiled, it reached her eyes. “Thank you.
“I understand if you hate me, but what you have done for my sans is something I can never repay you for
“They are my sons as well,” she pointed out.
He agreed, “You’re right. My life can never be the same after today. I am not just the Lycan king: I am also a father, and I don’t
know the first thing about being one. He revealed it with honesty.

She shook her head. “No one knows how to be a parent. It is an every–day journey
with readiness to learn.”
“Will you help me?”