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Mommy daddy is the lycan king by Glory Tina

Chapter 65
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Chapter 65
Julian’s POV
Julian turned away from her to hide his pain, and he ran his finger through his hair, gripping it tightly. He never thought anything
would make him feel this lost, but right now, watching his Lana cry out in agony at the loss of her sons made him feel lost more
than ever.
In silence, he stepped out of the room. He needed to think, gather his thoughts, and figure out a way out of this mess. This
wasn’t how he thought the day would go, but it had taken this turn, and they had to go with it.
Vivian was behind every one of these ill–fated happenings.
After hearing about Vivian and Nina’s escape from their cell. he wondered who had aided their escape. Whoever it was, he had
to be strong enough to take on five guards and come out victorious. He also couldn’t be just anyone.
The guards were lower–ranked betas, and many were omegas, yet they were trained as soldiers before being appointed as
guards. So, whoever took them on had to be a highly ranked beta in the estate. All the way back, he tried to decipher who it was.
He couldn’t be trusted every beta that was highly ranked because they had dignity and loyalty to him. He wouldn’t have known
who it was if Bella hadn’t said his name.
He had joined the team almost the same time Vivian did, and he had worked his way up, being diligent and loyal to the cause. At
least, that was what he once thought.
Putting it together that he worked with Vivian all this while scared him because he was one of those he trusted. No. he didn’t tell
him everything because only the elite, which were Ken and Marion, knew personal details about him. However. Brock knew him;
he knew his strengths and weaknesses from the last five years of working with him. Learning that he had betrayed him by siding
with the enemy made him question everything.
He also took his sons, which meant he had drawn the line of battle. He didn’t care about his intentions; he had committed an
unforgivable sin. His sons were the line that not even the moon goddess would cross without a fight.
“Where are you going?” Fiona asked as he almost stepped out of the mansion

He turned to find her behind him. Her eyes looked puffy and red from grieving her sons, but she looked composed and less
shaken than a few minutes ago. He wished he could have contributed to her calmness, but she had pushed him away, and he
had to give her space. Now he had to do his duties as a father and protect his children. He couldn’t leave it to the men he sent
out anymore; this was his responsibility. “I am going to find our sons.” He replied.
“I am coming with you,” she said, stepping towards him.
“No, you can’t. Listen to me, I will find them, and I will bring them back to you. You have my word,” he vowed.
His words didn’t help because she frowned at him. They are my sons, too.”
He knew that, but he feared her emotions might just get in the way of the mission ahead. “This might be the most brutal scene
you ever witnessed,” he said, but he didn’t get to finish because she spoke. “Good, you will need help cleaning up.”
They stepped outside together, and there they found Marion, Ken, and Yao standing as if waiting for them.
hat are you doing here?” Julian asked.
mes of the appearance of your sons, as well as Brock’s betrayal, had reached us all. We are here p you find your sons, Ken
king’s force no lon
o longer exists, and this is my fight,” he told them.
belief, not buying that line. “It has everything to do with us. Your pont are

future leaders of our world. It has everything to do with us.”

“The clouds are heavy, and it looks like it’s going to rain soon. I gather they are heading east. We should get going while their
scent is still strong. Yao spoke up, bringing their mind to the weather.
They headed out, following the scent of June and Jashin. Fiona would have been the weakest had he not marked her. Now she
was able to keep up, and her healing ability helped heal her and keep her from wearing out. The scent, just as Yao pointed out,
led them eastward past the community of Reign. They found the gigas, which were around the necks of the prisoners at the
border of Reign. They must have taken it off longer and only thrown it away now. This meant they were back to their full strength.
They also found the bodies of the men sent first to capture and return the runaway prisoners, torn to pieces–all twenty of them.
He had sent them out without knowing Beta Brock was on their side. The guards were no match for him, and it was a known fact.
Their deaths, however, will be avenged. He was certain of that.
They have split up; I think they know we are fast closing on them.” Yao raised the alarm after a few minutes. “I picked up the
footsteps of two, and I will follow their lead. One of them belongs to Brock.” Julian knew Brock was stronger, and more brutal
than Yao would ever be. Yao excelled at hearing just as Chad did, but that would not save him if he were to meet Brock in
“I will come with.” Ken said before he could speak up in his objection, and he followed Yao behind. Ken was stronger than Brock,
but Julian still had a lingering fear. They were to expect the worst from a betrayer, and he didn’t want to lose anyone. “Be careful”
Ken nodded. “We will be you too. Be careful.”
They continued on in their trail, and it didn’t stray from the east even after passing by Bayland, which was the last land before
they would exit the werewolf world, Julian didn’t want to accept that this was where they were going at first, but it was so obvious
They came to a thick forest, almost void of any lights or life. Julian felt his strength reduced, but he kept going, his sons were
there, and he would not leave until they were returned to him. With every pace they covered, they drew closer, and with every
pace, his strength reduced.
“What is happening?” Fiona asked, and her tone was laced with confusion.
“We are entering the realm of the dark world.” Marion, who also had knowledge of it, answered. “What does that mean, and what
does it have to do with my sons?”

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Julian couldn’t explain, even if he wanted to. It was a whole lecture. “The dark world is the third world in creation. Just like the
name implies, all forms of darkness exist in this world; hence, only a few know of its existence. Because of its darkness, it
subdues the majority of our powers as long as we are within its territories. I believe Vivian and her minions brought June and
Jashin here to offer them up and gain
Her eyes paled, realising the answer he gave was the truth. “No!” she screamed and took to her heels, running as fast as her
feet could take her.
Julian and Marion followed behind her, knowing she wouldn’t be able to take the enemy alone, no matter how angry she was.
They soon arrived at the entrance of the dark world and found Rufus and Caroline holding onto June and Jashin, while Vivian
stood at the entrance with her hands stretched out. There were many others standing behind Caroline and Rufus, but Julian
couldn’t make out their faces because of how dark it was. This surprised Julian because he never thought Vivian had this many
people supporting her
“Mommy! Daddy!” Jashin called out, looking terrified and shaky.
“Daddy! Mommy!” June called out, his eyes not displaying the fear that Jashin had.
Vivian turned around to them, and her teeth clenched. “Do not come any closer, or they will die,” she threatened.
That wasn’t enough to stop Fiona, because her motherly protective instinct kicked in. She launched at Rufus, who held onto

Jashin, and ripped his hand out of its socket.
She attacked Caroline without looking out for the ones behind her, hidden in the shadow of darkness. They came out to attack,
and Julian moved in to fight them off. Jashin and June were safe and kept under the protection of Marion while they moved to

face the rest. They took down the dozen that came on to attack them. Even without their powers, they could still put up a good
fight, and they did.
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Meghe Nga on Ken’s team, but before she could speak, Fiona thrust into her
stigat berbau has the back. The lite in her eyes went off, and Julian released her lifeless
The most was a Mann tacsown on the ground, and Vivian had her claws around the boys‘
pulled bom towards the entrance of the Dark World, which was now opening up.
gresied at her with glowing red eves and stepped forward, but Vivian’s hand.
UsNks, making ber halt.
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pice to she enters
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out or should I say Luna?” she mocked.
Her eyes used be the boches on the ground and then back up at him. “If I’m being honest, I never really
the Sys
So thank you for taking them off my hand. Now I no longer have to. ween these we meg ser ces for the passage I need. Do not
worry; I am not as heartless as you would be think ons wood one lite to cross over. Pick which of your sons you love the most,
and I

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“That’s not the
Stad is if she were being considerate.
ke them choc
hoose between one of the boys, knowing fully well they loved equally
seated at her and ber eves grew glassy
swer I want to hear. Vivian answered
ber of them” Julian said in a commanding tone.
butan Freworst in hun. You are not my king not here, not anymore. Choose now, or they both come
rously close to the entrance, her hands still around their
There was no way to counter her and save the boys: she had their backs against the wall. Julian saw red, and his hands balled
me a st
this ok momme une said, I be fine. Take care of Jashin
Avilen back hand came from inside the entrance of the dark world and wrapped around Vivian to guiller in while she wrapped her
claws around their necks.
Na Firma ched our, and they raced towards her
“Now” Jashim wold June, and he nodded, and together they stomped their heels hard on Vivian’s feet. Woman growled, and the
same second she released her hold on them, Julian and Fiona took advantage of agovettumite and wrapped their arms around
the boys. They moved them away from her reach
The realision of what had just happened dawned on Vivian, even as she was being pulled into the dark werd. Fear set in
because she knew that without her peace offering of pure blood, the creatures in the duck world would feast her upon.Please bookmark site .org to read lastest content. If you want to read light please visit allnext.com to read fastest content.

“NO” she cried out in beere, and it was a deafening fear–filled sound.