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Mommy daddy is the lycan king by Glory Tina

Chatper 105
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Chapter 105

The sound of a firm knock on the door woke Julian up from sleep. He almost thought it was his dream, but he

also saw Fiona awake and adjusting. The knock cagain, and it further confirmed it was real. He kissed Fiona

on the forehead and then made his way over to the door to find out who would knock this early morning.

He opened the door just before Marion could knock again, and a scowl of displeasure settled on his face. “What?

Why are you here so fucking early?” he demanded.

Marion opened his mouth to speak but snapped it shut and glanced at him from head down, then back up.

His eyes grew wide with apology. “Oh, I didn’t mean to interrupt, my king, but you need to cdown; there is

terrible news.” He told them and walked away from the door.

Julian turned to Fiona and saw her putting on her clothes without saying a word. Seeing her get ready gave him

no room to be slow. He reached for his clothes on the floor and put them back on.

They arrived at the living area, and there they found Marion standing there with Alpha Jose of Bayland and


Alpha Jose had once been a physician at the settlement three years ago, but after his father died in Bayland, he

had to return hand take over his role of being the new king. He still involved himself in the citadel’s affairs,

but his prresponsibility was to Bayland now.

They all bowed when they saw them cin. Julian’s eyes lingered longer on Kenneth because, unlike the

others, there was a bloodstain on his shirt and on his hands. Rage and sorrow also showed themselves in his


That didn’t look or feel good.

“What is going on?” Julian asked.

“There was an attack last night,” Marion began to say. “The elders of the council of truth are all dead.”

Julian didn’t want to, but having seen Kenneth before Marion began speaking, he immediately suspected he

might have had

a hand in what happened. Yes, he broke the spell the Dark World's masters placed on him to carry out their

bidding, but maybe they got him back and he was now doing their bidding from the inside.

“It isn’t him, my king.” Marion jumped into Kenneth’s defence as if reading his mind.

His eyes moved to Marion. “How do you know that?”

“Because they killed Lily and forty-nine other alphas in their communities, including alpha Jax.” Marion


Hearing Lily and Alpha Jax’s deaths, having seen both of them yesterday, felt wrong. He didn’t know how

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Kenneth was holding on through all this.

“I am sorry.” He said that, and Kenneth nodded, trying his best to keep his emotions under check.

“Thank you, my king”

“All their deaths have the hand of Doom in them. This is how he operates. He is coming for us all, and he wants

us to know,”

Marion said.

“He wants me; why didn’t he just cfor me?” Fiona asked, and their eyes turned to her.


“I do not know why Doom does what he does, because we have never had to deal with it since our world began. |

will say when a predator wants to attack. He would cut down everyone around you; his primary aim is to make

you feel as powerless as possible.” Marion answered.

“Forty-nine alphas, eight elders, and Lily, what do you think this death means then?” Julian asked.

“It is the seal that separates the werewolf world from the world of humans,” Alpha Jose answered, and all eyes in

the room


12:50 Mon, Feb 12

Chapter 105

turned to him. “I have devoted the last few months to reading the chronicles of the creations.”


Julian had read the chronicles of creation growing up; every future Lycan king needed to know the story about

how the world cinto existence. This was not in-depth knowledge, but the very basics. To have in-depth

knowledge, one had to dedicate tto studying the chronicles of creation, and only a few did.

“After her first loss, the moon goddess created children again. However, she realised sof her children

differed from others, and so she created a barrier to keep the stronger from invading and harming the weaker

ones. Two worlds were created: the werewolf world and the human world.” Fiona repeated the tales Julian had

told her about the two worlds.

“Yes, Luna. That was how the two worlds were created,” Alpha Jose answered. “But it wasn’t as simple or basic.

The moon goddess needed pillars to hold on to this barrier, and those were the number of times she bled before

separating the two worlds. Most scholars in the last hundred years believe she used the blood of eight stronger

and forty strongest, while others argue it was her blood. To take down the barrier, there had to be a balance to

override the first order in place. Doom knew this, and that was what he did.”

“He needed forty and eight; then why did he have to take Lily?” Fiona asked after Jose finished explaining.

Jose nodded. “This was probably a way of getting back at the Lycan king for taking Kenneth back. Losing one’s

mate is a fate worse than death, and so they took her.”

Kenneth’s teeth clenched and his hands balled into a tight fist, but he remained silent.

“The masters of the Dark world hope to get back at the moon goddess, and what better way to spit in her face

than to kill her children? Stomping on as many as they can on the way to their goal is all they want. They are

coming, and all we can do is prepare for the inevitable fate.”

“Why would Doom and Mischief need to bring the barrier down if they already penetrated it to kill so many?”

Fiona asked.

“Because this massacre, as gruesas it might be, is not the doing of Doom and Mischief but that of those

under their control. Unless the barrier we have falls, Doom and Mischief cannot cin; they can only

manipulate those under their control from outside.” Marion answered.

“When you say under their control, you mean like Kenneth was?” she asked.

Marion nodded. “Yes, Luna Queen, anyone can be under the influence of the dark world, and we wouldn't even


“You knew Kenneth was under their influence after the second moon.” Julian pointed this out to Marion.

“Those who are close to them can spot the difference; as much as they are the sperson, there will be a

change in the their drive, and their goal. Isis must have placed them under the dark masters’ control while she

was still here, and they all waiting for the signal to strike. They probably got it last night. Marion replied.

Fiona drew a shaky breath from beside him, and he could see how conflicted she was by this truth. She was

blaming hersel for everything that had happened so far; he could read it on her face. He took her by the

shoulders and made her look at him. “None of this is your fault.”

Her glassy gaze locked on his, and he saw her struggling to believe him. “Doom wants me; this is his way of

winning everything. He already killed so many; he already won.”

“No, that is what he wants you to believe. The only thing he wants is to rule this earth and spite the moon

goddess. With or without you, he would have done this because he is the master of all forms of evil,” he said,

and he prayed to the stars above that she believed him.

She nodded, placing faith in it. He pulled her to himself and wrapped his arms around her tightly.

“When is the barrier separating the two worlds supposed to fall, then?” Fiona asked as they pulled away a few

moments later.

Jose shook his head, he didn’t have this information either. “We are still calculating how long this should take,”

he began, but he didn’t get to finish because Kenneth spoke.

“In the next two full moons.” He said it with certainty.

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12:50 Mon, Feb 12

Chapter 105




Julian's eyes narrowed at him as he asked. “How do you know this?”

He didn’t hesitate to speak. “Mischief spoke about going the natural route the day she sentto kill you. She

called it the reaping and said they had to wait for two moons. It didn’t make sense tothen, but it does now.

The barrier that separates us from the world of the living will fall, and it will fall in the next two full moons. Then

they will cfor us all.”

“We need to find those under their control, every last one of them.” Julian turned to Marion and said, “I place you

in charge of this task.”

“We need as much information about what we are up against as we can. Alpha Jose, | call on your wisdom and

expertise. Research the chronicles of creation and see if there is anything we missed. Gather up everything you

think it's important, and we will look at it together.” Jose nodded, already knowing what he was to do.

“Fiona and | will visit the affected communities and send a preparation team to help prepare the pathway for the

dead to the Life beyond.” He said it dismissively.

“What about me?” Kenneth spoke up, and their eyes turned to him.

Julian had purposely left him out of the task at hand because of the tragedy that had happened to him. The last

couple of months had been the worst for him. First, he fell under the control of Doom and Mischief, and he finally

broke free, only to lose his mate the very day he chome. It was a fate cruel to man; he had lost too much.

He gave him a pitiful look. “You need to go hand mourn the loss of your mate Kenneth. | give you my

deepest condolences.” Julian said.

Kenneth shook his head, and pain took over his face. “No, my king, please do not sendback there.”

“This isn’t a punishment; this is for you to heal.”

“I will heal when our world is safe. Please do not sendhome. He begged again.

“He can cwith me, my king.” Marion said. “I will need his help and knowledge.”

Julian stared at Kenneth, who was yet to speak. “Is this what you want? You can only run away for so long.”

He nodded. “This is what | want, my king.”