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Mommy daddy is the lycan king by Glory Tina

Chatper 112
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Chapter 112

A lot of things happened differently at the citadel without Marion's supervision. Fiona had to take on full

responsibility for both his role and hers. There was no one better than him at the job, though, and so she didn’t

seek to replace him in his absence.

It wasn’t even an option.

She did what she could, following Julian's advice, and left the rest for the next day. She also worked closely with

Hanna, and the beta proved to be much more helpful than she expected at the beginning. It was the right call to

bring her onto the team.

Today, like a few other days in the past, she found herself thinking about the human world.

Camila and Peter were back from their honeymoon, according to her calculations. They were now back to their

jobs and daily lives. Before leaving, she left Camila a message, telling her friend why she had to leave. Camila

didn’t know about Julian’s return, so she had to explain why she needed to leave the best way she could.

She promised to keep in touch, but she had not kept true to those words. She couldn't. The werewolf world

suffered a massive loss on her return, and it has not gotten any better since then. It might never get better, and

she had to accept that fate while hoping for the best.

She picked up her phone, dialled Camila’s number, and waited for a few seconds to hear it ring. She had hope

that it would ring into voicemail and she would have reasons to end the call, but her friend picked.

“Fiona.” She called.

“Camila.” She answered.

“How are you?”

She didn’t know how she was doing, but Camila couldn't know that. She would never stop worrying if she found


“I'm fine. Thank you.”

“And June and Jashin, how are they?”

“They are alright; they asked about you too. | told them you got married. How is Peter?”

“He is fine. Back to work, saving lives.”

Fiona’s eyes fluttered. “I miss you.”




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Chapter 112

“I miss you too,” her response calmost immediately. “You didn’t have to leave, not after everything he put

you through.”

“I had to, and it wasn’t about Julian; it was and still is the only way to protect everything. | care about in the

human world.”

“I hope you are right.”

She was, and when the tcame, Camila would know too. “Has Peter said anything to you about Cillian?” she

asked, and her tone held curiosity in them.

“The last the spoke about him, he said he hadn't cto work. He said the board said something about him

returning to the Netherlands.” She answered. “You should call him when you can.”

“I will.” She answered, and that was a lie. Her guilt and shwouldn't let her call him, not after what she did to

him. “Do take care of yourself, okay? And send my regards to Peter.”

“I will; please take care of yourself and send my regards to the boys.”

The call ended, and Fiona thought to Cillian. She wondered what he could be doing now. Hopefully, he will be

moving on at this point. Someday she would meet him, and he would be a much better man.

The day ended, and she drove over to pick up June and Jashin from their school and take them home. Just like

always, they were excited to see her, and she was excited to

see them too.

“Mommy, we learned about the full moon!” Jashin said, and they got into the car.

“Really? Well, what else did you


“When we turn eighteen during the full moon, we will find our mates.” Jashin looked so


Sometimes that wouldn't happen; she didn’t find her mate, and even the mate she got wasn’t her true mate.

Everyone's fate differed from the rest, but the exception wasn’t always the rule.

“I will be mated to Blake.” Jashin continued.

“Blake.” She repeated, and he nodded.

“Yes. We are meant to be, and that is why, when | turn eighteen during the full moon, | will take Blake as my

mate.” He said it with assurance.

Fiona wanted to tell him that was not how mating worked, but she didn’t want to kill his



09:59 Sat, 17 Feb

Chapter 112


hopes and dreams. A boy could only dream so much.

Eighteen years was ten years to come, and they had a lot of tto learn who Blake was because this was her

first thearing the name.

She turned her attention to June, who had remained silent through all this discussion. “What did you learn in

class today?”

“The chronicles of kings.” June replied, adding. “We learned about the full moon yesterday.”

“So have you found someone you want to make your mate?” she asked.

“I don’t want a mate.” He said it flatly.

Fiona’s eyes narrowed in concern. “Why not? Everyone deserves a mate.”

“Yes, but Jashin already wants Blake, and | don’t want another.”

“You want Blake as your mate as well?”

June nodded. “But Jashin wants her, and | will not stop her from going to her true mate.”

She had never thought her sons were crazy before, but here they were, making lifelong decisions when they

were barely eight-year-olds.

“The moon goddess will give both of you the mate you deserve,” she assured both of them. Julian was still a man

she never thought she could or should have, but here they were planned out by fate.

“But | already picked Blake,” Jashin started off.

“I know, but her plans are best, so trust her.”

She thought about her own words. Julian had spoken about the moon goddess plan, and here she was talking

about it, despite her growing doubt. She had to hold on to this belief that the moon goddess had a plan for all of


They arrived home, and she took them into their rooms, but Ophelia didn’t cout to welcthem. Usually,

that was her move. As soon as the door opened, she would ccarry the boys into their room so Fiona could

freshen up, but not getting that today felt strange.

She didn’t let that change anything, and she led the boys up to their room.

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“Any hwork?” Fiona asked, closing the door behind them.

“I have two,” June replied.


Chapter 112

Jashin opened his bag and searched through it before saying, “I have three.”



“Okay. Get to work, then. I'll be right back.” She said that, stepped out of the room, and made her way through

the hallway.

Her mind wandered to where Ophelia might be; she didn’t go hto visit her family because she didn’t take

such permission, so it meant she was around here somewhere.

“Ophelia?” she called out to her as she made her way down the stairs into the living room. Once again, she met

silence from the older woman.

She sighed, getting a little frustrated. She also couldn't see the guards Julian had placed as protection around

the house in their station earlier. It seemed they too had gone somewhere she didn’t know.

Fiona stepped into the kitchen, and there she found Ophelia on the floor, covered in her own blood, choking and

close to death. Her neck, face, and ribs were slashed open, and she wasn’t healing; she was dying.

“Ophelia!” She cried in alarm and ran to her, getting on the floor and taking her into her arms. She had the older

woman's blood all over her hands, but she didn’t care.

“H.....e is.... sti-Il her..here.” She said with glassy eyes, but Fiona couldn't understand

what she said.

“Do not speak. Okay, do not speak. | will heal you. | will heal you.” She said even though she trembled all over

and could not bring herself to focus.

Ophelia’s hand took hold of hers in a tight grip, and this made her look back up at the older woman. “He is still

here.” She said, and this time, Fiona heard what she said


Her heart ski pped in her chest, and she immediately looked around the kitchen but found no one there. Then

she turned to Ophelia. “Who is still here?” she asked.

Ophelia’s eyes remained on hers, glassy and apologetic. “Alpha Uryi of the Pillot community.”

This was one of the alphas Julian was on the way to subject, and he was here. If he’s here, she knows what he
