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Mr. Nelsonn Winning His Ex-wife’s Heart

Capítulo 1-10
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Chapter 1

Chapter: 1

“Edmund, you have been married to Chelsea for three years. It’s high tyou had a child. | want to meet my great- grandchildren before death comes for me.”

An old man’s earnest voice cfrom the study through the slightly opened door. Ayoung man replied coldly, “Why should | have a baby with a woman | don’t love?”

Chelsea Williams was about to knock on the door to inform them that dinner was ready. But when she heard their conversation, she froze. Her face turned pale in a split second.

The young man’s voice sounded again. This tit was firmer and dismissive. “Grandpa, just so we are on the spage, you'll not be getting any great-grandchildren fromas long as I’m married to Chelsea. | don’t want her to be the mother of my children. So, don’t pesterabout this issue again!”

“You brat!” the old man shouted angrily. The next second, the sound of a cup being shattered on the floor was heard. This was followed by the sound of approaching footsteps.

Chelsea hurriedly went into the bathroom next door to hide. In the process, the sharp edge of the wash-hand basin scratched her waist.

An intense pain shot from her waist to her heart. It then swept through her entire body. She trembled and bit her lower lip hard. Tears of agony soon welled up in her eyes.

Only a few days ago, she had received a pregnancy test result from Diane Stevenson, the mistress of her husband, Edmund Nelson.

Along with the test result charsh mockery.

“Chelsea, what a miserable woman you are! Although you have been married to Edmund for three long years, he still hasn't fallen in love with you.

You live under the sroof with him, but he hates you with every fiber of his being. Don’t you have any shame? How could you stick with a man whose heart belongs to someone else? Gosh! If | were you, | would have died of shLong ago.”

Chelsea didn’t know of Diane’s existence before she got married to Edmund.

On their wedding night, Edmund didn’t stay at home. He left her as soon as the ceremony cto an end. The next morning, Chelsea woke up to a piece of shocking news. Her husband was sighted entering and leaving a hotel with a popular female star the night before. The news was the talk of the town.

It was on that day that Chelsea realized that her husband’s heart belonged to someone else.

Not willing to give up on her new marriage, Chelsea decided to stay. She hoped that Edmund would fall in love with her someday. She resigned from her job and beca full-thousewife.

Unfortunately for her, nothing changed even after three years.

As Chelsea went down memory lane, the door of the bathroom was pushed hard from outside. She staggered and held the washstand.

She Looked up with teary eyes only to see a cold man coming in. It was her husband, Edmund. The ice in his eyes could have frozen lava. The black suit he had on today made him look more unfriendly than ever. He strode to her, grabbed her chin, and inquired aggressively, “Did you incite Grandpa to put pressure onto have a baby with you?

Bitch, you have becmore scheming over the years. What makes you think | want you to be the mother of my child? Have you gone mad?”

Holding her chin even tighter, Edmund added furiously, “You setup and forcedto marry you three years ago. Now, you want to make sure you remain in this family by having my child. Over my dead body!”

Chelsea's face turned red. She bit her lower lip and said, “I didn’t.” “You didn’t? Why then is he putting pressure on me? And why were you eavesdropping on our conversation?” Edmund sneered.

In a clipped tone, he continued, “Since you heard our conversation, you should know how | feel about you. You disgust me, Chelsea. You are not worthy to bear a child for me.”

Chapter 2

Chapter: 2 Chelsea clenched her fists tightly when she heard those cruel words Her nails were on the verge of piercing into her palms

She knew fully well that Edmund didn’t love her, but her heart broke into a thousand pieces when he said that she wasn’t worthy of carrying his child.

For the past three years, Chelsea had put in her all in an effort to make this marriage work. She remained a dutiful wife despite his infidelity.

Day and night, she held up hope that Edmund’s heart would one day soften towards her. However, his heart went from being an iceberg to heavy lead. Nothing she did melted it.

“Edmund, please be honest with me. In the past few years, have you.. Have you ever lovedeven if it was for a second?”

Chelsea's voice was low and pitiful. Her body was shaking violently as if she asked that question with all the strength and courage she had.

This sudden inquiry sent an inexplicable emotion to Edmund’s heart. But it lasted only for a millisecond. The coldness in his eyes increased.

“What do you think? You are not so dumb, are you? Judging by what's happening now, you should be able to answer that question yourself!”

The disdain in his response pierced through Chelsea’s heart Like a knife. All the hurt that she kept tucked away bubbled to the surface at this moment.

Edmund’s words shattered her last hope. Everything she did to win Edmund's love went down the drain. It was as if she had made a fool of herself for three whole years. “| see.” With these words, Chelsea released herself from his grip and walked out of the bathroom dejectedly.

Her shoulders were slouched and her walk was unsteady. However, there was a trace of determination on her teary face. Edmund took a step forward, feeling pity for her subconsciously. But his eyes darkened the next second. He remembered what Chelsea did to him three years ago, so he beccold again.

The other members of the Nelson family were already at the dining table by the tChelsea got downstairs. She was in a bad mood, so she didn’t have the appetite to eat. She wiped her tears and concealed her emotions. Afterward, she told Ethan Nelson, Edmund’s grandfather to ask the driver to take her home.

Athousand conflicting thoughts ran in Chelsea's head on the way home. She didn’t know whether to give up or to continue fighting for her husband's love.

Edmund was clearly in love with Diane. Now that he was expecting a child with her, Chelsea suspected that he would ask for a divorce because he didn’t want the child to be labeled as an illegitimate one.

After calculating all the odds against her, Chelsea decided to give up. She didn’t want to continue wasting her tand efforts on someone who didn’t love her.

When she got home, she took a shower and fell asleep. Deep in her slumber, she felt someone bite her lips hard. It was as if the person was lusting after her and punishing her at the stime.

The room was dark, so she couldn’t see who it was. However, the breath was familiar. It was Edmund. Why was he back tonight? Shouldn't he be with his lover? And then it struck her. Since Diane was currently pregnant, it would be inconvenient for her to satisfy Edmund in bed.

The thought of being his second choice angered Chelsea. She pushed him away, turned on the bedside Lamp, and got off the bed.

Chelsea straightened her messy pajamas and stood barefoot on the floor. Looking at Edmund, who was sitting on the bed sulkily, she said, “Edmund, | want a divorce.”

“Enough already!” Edmund’s eyebrows were knitted. He looked so displeased and impatient.

He had been on a business trip for several days. He was so horny that he wanted to relieve himself immediately.

Chapter 3

Chapter: 3 He couldn't help kissing Chelsea when he saw her on the bed. Her instinctive moan had increased his desire. He was just about to take things up a notch when she pushed him away. Now, his groin was aching so badly.

In Edmund's eyes, she only refused him to play hard to get.

The bitterness in Chelsea’s heart was simmering up to the surface. But she took a deep breath to push it down. She said firmly, “I'm serious, Edmund. Let's get a divorce!”

Edmund's face darkened. He adjusted his position by leaning on the headboard of the bed. He squinted at her and asked, “Are you sure?” Chelsea pursed her Lips and stared back at him in silence.

“Chelsea, did you think this through at all? Have you suddenly forgotten that the company your father and brother have been running is on the verge of bankruptcy? If not for the timely intervention of my family, it would have been long gone. Do you have any idea how much I've invested in that company?” Edmund raised his voice.

His angry tone made Chelsea's heart skip a beat. Her body shook and her face flushed with shame.

As much as Chelsea hated to admit it, Edmund was right. Her father had sent her to his bed three years ago because the company was facing a serious crisis.

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It wasn’t her intention to trick him into marrying her. She had tried to explain things to him in the past few years. However, Edmund didn’t give her a Listening ear. She was guilty in his eyes.

“| don’t give a damn about the company anymore. I’ve served you like a slave for three years just so you can continue to help them. If the company crashes now, they deserve it.” Chelsea put on an indifferent expression.

Astorm suddenly gathered in Edmund’s eyes. “Are you trying to tellthat this marriage was only a deal to you?”

“What else is it?” Tears welled up in Chelsea’s eyes. She patted her chest to prevent herself from breaking down. “There has never been love in this marriage of ours. You love someone else. You never Look atexcept when you want to have sex with me. I’m just a pleasure tool to you. What else is this marriage if not a deal?”

“Okay. Fine!” Edmund gnashed his teeth in anger.

“Are you really willing to give up this comfortable life? | gave you everything a woman could ever need except Love. Is Love more important to you than survival?”

His contempt and ridicule made Chelsea’s blood boil. Indeed, he had taken care of all her expenses for the past few years. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t survive on her own. Biting back the insults she badly wanted to say, she flashed him a gentle smile and looked straight into his frightening eyes.

“Thank you for the reminder. But as you can see, I’m not disabled, nor am | stupid. | can take care of myself. No matter what | won't starve to death.”

The years she spent as a part of the Nelson family were hell. None of the family members Liked her except for Ethan

Chelsea was determined to get back on her feet after divorcing Edmund. After all, she had graduated from a top university before becoming a housewife.

Edmund sneered and rolled his eyes.

“Have it your way then. I’ll call the lawyer and tell him to prepare the divorce agreement. Let's sign it at half past eight tomorrow morning.”

Chelsea turned around to leave. Now that she and Edmund had both agreed on a divorce, she didn’t want to sleep on the same bed with him.

She had barely left the bedside when a strong hand dragged her back with force. Edmund got on top of her and pressed her slender body into the bed.

Chapter 4

Chapter: 4 “What are you doing? Didn't we just agree to get a divorce? Letgo!” Chelsea struggled relentlessly.

With a smirk at the corners of his mouth, Edmund replied, “Didn’t you say you are my pleasure tool? | have every right to touch you, don’t |? Keep still!”

Chelsea bit her lower Lip hard. Edmund held both of her hands with one of his. He then kissed her Lips passionately, as if he wanted to devour her.

After releasing her lips, he planted violent bites and kisses on her collarbone, shoulders, and breasts. Each of them cwith torturous revenge. They were painful, but pleasurably painful. Chelsea’s head was in a muddle at first. But she soon reasoned that he was right. Why should she refuse him tonight?

Edmond was handsand had a perfect figure. More so, he was good in bed. Chelsea knew that she might not get another man to make her feel this way. Why not enjoy the sex one last time?

Amoan escaped her Lips at this moment. She wrapped her slender arms around Edmund's neck, causing him to kiss her again.

She even pressed her thighs against his, urging him to take her fully. Never had Chelsea been this bold and enthusiastic in their three years of marriage. She led a quiet and reserved daily life. Even during sex, she used to just Lie there and allow Edmund to do his thing.

Her unusual desire now made Edmund freeze. He looked down at her flushed face in confusion. But as lust overwhelmed him, he couldn’t control himself. He groaned and breathed heavily.

Chelsea's face turned red when she heard his groan. She summoned up the courage to hold his cheeks and kissed him. They were both so active tonight. Their bodies were in perfect sync due to Chelsea’s enthusiasm.

The next morning, Chelsea woke up to find Edmund's side of the bed empty. He was not at heither, so she reasoned that he had gone to meet the Lawyer.

After taking her bath and having breakfast, Chelsea waited for Edmund in the Living room. It was almost half past eight. The divorce papers would arrive anytsoon.

The appointed tpassed. It was already nine o’clock and Edmund still didn’t show up. After waiting for an additional thirty minutes, Chelsea decided to call him.

“When are you coming home?”

‘m currently in Entosea,* Edmund responded indifferently.

“What?” Chelsea was surprised. A second later, her surprise changed to anger.

“What are you doing over there? Didn’t you agree that we would sign the divorce agreement this morning?”

“Something else cup. | got a call that the project here is facing sissues. | had to chere at the crack of dawn. | have a lot on my plate now. Let’s talk about the divorce later. If you have nothing else to say, I’m hanging up,” Edmund said coldly and hung up the phone.

Fury erupted in Chelsea’s heart in a split second. She held the phone tightly, even her knuckles tightened.

Once again, Edmund had chosen something else over her. She felt that he dared to stand her up this morning because she didn’t mean anything to him.

Chelsea stayed in the living room for a long tbefore she calmed down. Afterward, she took a taxi to see her good friend, Zuri White.

Chapter 5

Chapter: 5 Zuri was a glamorous star, who had made it big in the entertainment industry.

When Chelsea told Zuri that she was getting a divorce, she cried out for joy and hugged her. “Congratulations, you have finally seen the light. You’ll be free from that crazy monster soon. I’m so happy for youl”

Chelsea had expected Zuri to be pleased with her decision, but not this happy. It finally dawned on her that Zuri didn’t like the fact that she had stayed married to Edmund for this long.

“This calls for a celebration!” Zuri went to her cabto grab a bottle of wine and two glasses. As she poured Chelsea a glass, she said earnestly, “I wish you had listened towhen | persuaded you to Leave that man. You’d have been able to start a new life long ago.”

Zuri took a sip of the wine and added, “Anyway, it’s all good. Once your divorce is finalized, I'll introduce you to many handsome men in the entertainment circle. You'll find true love soon.”

“Please don't, Zuri. | don’t want to date a star. In fact, | don’t want to have anything to do with men again.“ Chelsea shook her head vigorously.

Aglint of hurt leaped into her eyes once she finished speaking. She looked a little dejected. Edmund had broken her heart, so she wasn’t ready to love again.

Zuri exclaimed in surprise, “Nah! I’m not going to let that happen. You are such a beautiful and talented woman. It would be a pity if you don’t find love in your lifetime.”

Chelsea looked down at the red wine in her glass and muttered, “I’m done with men, Zuri. Dating is not on my agenda now. | want to focus on my career.”

Edmund had made it seem like she couldn't survive without him. Therefore, she wanted to prove him wrong.

Zurits eyes lit up when she heard Chelsea say that she wanted to concentrate on her career. She set down her glass and said, “That reminds me, there is an opening for an all-expense-paid course abroad as a scriptwriter in our company. Since you are so hell-bent on concentrating on your career, you can seize this opportunity. | can tell Luka that I’ve got the perfect candidate for the post.”

Chelsea majored in drama and film at the university. When she got married soon after graduation, Zuri didn’t want Chelsea’s talent to go to waste. This was why she had recommended her to be a part-tscriptwriter in the past.

Edmund didn’t know that Chelsea worked part-time. No one else knew because she wrote under the pen name, Winter. Chelsea couldn’t believe her ears. She sat up and asked, “Really?” “Of course!” Zuri nodded firmly.

“The vacancy has been open for a while now. Luka has always appreciated your talent. Although you are just a part-time scriptwriter for now, he’ll be glad to provide the resources for you to be trained as a full-tscriptwriter. Just giveyour approval and I’LL speak to him about it.”

Zuri was signed to Peak Entertainment which was founded by a former award-winning actor, Luka Pierce, and his good friend. After a successful acting career, he started to work backstage with film production a few years ago. The most successful actors, directors, and scriptwriters worked with the company. It had taken the industry by storm. Within a few years, it produced many blockbuster movies and TV plays.

“Okay, I'll give it a try!” Chelsea agreed without hesitation.

Taking a break from the city was a wise thing to do after getting a divorce.

Chelsea knew that the news of the divorce would be the talk of the town. She didn’t want her heartbreak to get worse than this, so she felt that it was best to leave the country.

Two days later, Zuri accompanied Chelsea to Peak Entertainment to sign the employment contract. From there, she went to visit Ethan, the only person who had been kind to her in the family. As a result, she felt that it was pertinent to tell him about her decision

Thirty minutes after a heart-to-heart talk with Ethan in his study, Chelsea was about to leave with teary eyes. But she unexpectedly bumped into Edmund, who had just cback from his business trip.

The grey suit he had on made him look nobler. As a thirty-year-old man he looked mature and sturdy. His aura was dignified and intimidating. However, he still had a way of drawing people to him Like steel to a magnet.

Chapter 6

Chapter: 6 Chelsea had to remind herself to look away just when she was about to drool over him. His appearance was the reason why she used to be so obsessed with him.

Edmund glanced at her and walked to Ethan. “I'm sorry for arriving late, Grandpa. | was handling the project in Entosea. | just cback. How have you been?”

Ethan had earlier summoned Edmund hto discuss sfamily affairs. But he didn’t expect that Chelsea would suddenly visit him to break the unexpected news to him

Since the marriage, Ethan had been good to Chelsea. When he remembered how she vehemently refused to stay married to Edmund, he was furious with his grandson.

“Don't tellsorry, Edmund. I'm not the one you should be apologizing to!” Ethan then walked away angrily. Edmund was stunned. With a frown, he looked at Chelsea. Slight displeasure flitted in his eyes. He had a sneaky suspicion that Chelsea had complained to Ethan again

Sensing that he was going to give her an earful, Chelsea curled her Lips mockingly. “Just so you know, what | talked to grandpa is all for your own good!”

She then left without a backward glance.

As far as Chelsea was concerned, Edmund had nothing to Lose after their divorce. He would have no obligation to her, so he could be with his beloved mistress and even start a family with her. Of course, he would be the big winner.

Edmund's face completely darkened because of Chelsea’s statement. He could sense the irony in her words.

It cas a shock to him that his docile and obedient wife was now bold enough to shut him up even before he could attempt to speak. He couldn't help wondering where she got the guts from.

Edmund loosened his tie and breathed heavily. After suppressing his anger, he went to look for Ethan. Ten minutes Later, he accosted Chelsea in the kitchen.

It was almost dinner time. Chelsea had promised to cook several dishes for Ethan tonight as this would be the last tthat they would sit and eat dinner together

Edmund's eyes were gloomy. The chest area of his suit had coffee stains on it. Ethan probably splashed him.

After entering the kitchen, Edmund grabbed Chelsea and dragged her aside. Shocked, Chelsea struggled and whined, “What are you doing?”

Clenching her wrist, Edmund gritted his teeth and replied, “How dare you tell Grandpa about the divorce? Don’t you know that he’s in poor health?” Chelsea tried to pull her hand back.

“| just think that since we are going to get divorced, we should tell Grandpa. If you think I’m making trouble, then that’s your problem. | have nothing to say.”

The servants walked out as soon as Edmund strode in. Only he and Chelsea were left in the huge kitchen. Looking at her face that spelled stubbornness and a bit of grievance Edmund felt rage flare in his chest.

He began dragging Chelsea out of the kitchen, but she desperately tried to break his grip.

Chapter 7

Chapter: 7

“What are you going to do?”

Repressing his anger that had begun to spread inside him like wildfire, he glanced at her and flashed her a knowing smile. “Would you like to do it in here? Fine, 1'll fulfill your wish.”

As he spoke, he started unfastening his belt.

Chelsea's face turned pale, and she stared at him in disbelief.

“Are you insane, Edmund?”

In the past, when she sometimes Lost her temper with him, he just acted indifferently toward her, but after that, he would always severely torture her in bed.

At this moment, his expression was the sas when he made brutal Love to her. Being pressed against the door, Chelsea resisted with all her might. “Let go of me!” Edmund Lowered his head and stared at her. He was Like a crazed demon from the fiery pits of hell.

“If you want everyone in the house to hear what we’re doing, then go ahead and scream. But even if you wear yourself out yelling, none of the servants would dare stop me. After all, we’re still a married couple.”

Tears started streaming down Chelsea’s face. She was wearing a dress today, which made it convenient for Edmund to intrude freely.

She didn’t know when this shameful and demeaning relationship would end. All she knew was that it felt Like dying a slow, painful death.

They were now in Ethan's kitchen, but Edmund still treated her in such a horrible way. He trampled her self-esteem under his feet without even thinking twice.

“| hate you!” Chelsea straightened her messy clothes and roared at Edmund with tears in her eyes. Then, she ran out. Edmund stood in the kitchen and watched her dash away. He was stiff all over, and he pressed his Lips together in a thin line.

When did she have the final say between them?

She needed to be taught a lesson.

In the end, Edmund didn’t chase after her.

Chelsea went to Zuri’s hlooking like a complete mess. At this moment, she had no other thoughts in her mind besides leaving Edmund for good. She knew that she couldn't be entangled with him like this anymore.

Although Edmund had been ignoring her demands for a divorce, Chelsea was able to cup with a solution.

On Saturday night, the anniversary party of the Nelson Group was held. Many rich and powerful people gathered at the venue. Diane sat beside Edmund.

Everyone in the circle knew that the Nelson Group had a film and television department. It was said that Edmund founded the department especially for Diane. In the past three years, Diane had managed to becan A-list star.

As Edmund and Chelsea got married in secret, the public thought that Edmund was still single, so rumors of a relationship between him and Diane had been going around. A relationship between a popular female star and a mysterious, aloof boss always made people fantasize.

Chapter 8

Chapter: 8

In the middle of the festivities, Edmund, Diane, and several senior executives of the Nelson Group went onstage to Launch the company’s upcoming film and television project.

After that, Edmund turned around to leave the stage, but then he was stopped by a soft, pleasant voice. “Wait a minute, Mr. Nelson.”

Edmund was so familiar with Chelsea's voice. He frowned slightly and turned around. Upon laying eyes on her, his eyes shone with incredible admiration.

The crowd stopped and looked at the gorgeous woman who just went onstage and addressed Edmund. They didn’t know her, but they were captivated by her grace and beauty.

Chelsea was a vision in a bright red dress, and she had a folder in her hand.

Even though there were many popular A-list female stars at the party, her appearance and temperament were not inferior to theirs.

Someone tried to stop her, but Chelsea just stepped forward, took the microphone, and told the party guests, “Hello, everyone. My nis Chelsea Williams, and I’m Edmund's wife. | have something to say to him here.”

The crowd collectively gasped in shock. Was Edmund married?

They were suspicious of Chelsea's words, but seeing that Edmund just stood there with a cold expression on his face and didn’t bother stopping her, they thought that maybe she was telling the truth.

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But now that Edmund's real marital status had been revealed, what about Diane? Was she Edmund's mistress?

While everyone was still recovering from the astounding news, Chelsea stood in front of them with her chin up. Then, she said with a smile, “I will cease being Mrs. Nelson soon.”

The room erupted in shocked whispers once again. Brandishing the folder in her hand, Chelsea turned to face Edmund. Edmund started getting a bad feeling.

Sure enough, Chelsea told him calmly, “I want a divorce, Edmund. This is the divorce agreement drafted by my Lawyer. Don’t worry. | just want to end our marriage. I’m not after anything owned by the Nelson family.”

She flashed him a wide, dignified smile and handed the folder that contained the divorce papers to him. Edmund didn’t approach to take it. He just narrowed his eyes at Chelsea and snarled, “Chelsea!”

As soon as he finished, Chelsea hurled the folder in his direction, and it almost hit him directly in the face. He could only watch as the folder bounced on his chest and then landed in front of him. He was about to explode with anger.

“| wish you and Diane happiness forever.” After saying that, Chelsea turned around and started leaving the stage.

But after a few steps, she suddenly turned her face and beamed at him.

“Oh, | almost forgot. Go to the Nelson Group with your Lawyer to sign the divorce agreement at half past eight tomorrow morning. Please don’t standup again.”

At this moment, the audience was in an uproar.

Standing on the stage, Edmund stared at the elegant, calm woman in the bright red dress. He shot daggers in her direction with his eyes.

This woman had really stunned Edmund.

Chapter 9

Chapter: 9 He had been in the business world for so many years, and this was the first tthat he had been humiliated like this in public. Chelsea was the first person to dare embarrass him in front of his peers and business partners.

He had been with Chelsea for three years, but he never knew that she could be this brutally assertive. Also, he didn’t expect that he would find her so dazzling when she was all dolled up.

Everyone thought that Edmund would be furious and cancel the lively anniversary party right then and there. However, he simply collected himself, ordered the celebration to continue, and then went off the stage.

Everyone admired him. He had excellent emotional control. Even though his wife just humiliated him in a company event, he still acted Like he wasn’t shaken at all.

At the stime, everyone thought that Mrs. Nelson was magnificent and impressive. After Edmund returned to his seat, Diane asked him with concern, “Are you okay?”

Edmund pressed his lips together and didn’t say anything. Diane angrily commented, “That was very rude of Chelsea. How could she make trouble on such an occasion? Didn't she care at all about your dignity and your image?”

Diane was so happy like a Little girl who had just been given a new doll. She moved closer to Edmund. This was a pleasant surprise for her. She didn’t expect that Chelsea would make trouble and also ask for a divorce.

Utmost regret had been eating Diane up whenever she remembered breaking up with Edmund three years ago. She had thought he would take out tto cool off and then cto beg for her love. But to her dismay, he slept with Chelsea and married her.

It was as if her whole world ccrashing down when she heard the news at that time. She was livid, but she still loved Edmund. She kept instigating Sonya Nelson, Edmund's younger sister to sow seeds of discord between Edmund and Chelsea.

Sonya was Diane’s best friend, so she naturally took Diane’s side. She also didn’t Like Chelsea one bit.

Diane and Edmund went way back. Since she had been involved with him for so many years, she knew that he was a proud man who detested embarrassment. She was certain that they would get a divorce after this.

For three whole years, Diane had tried to break their marriage with different ploys that proved abortive. Now, it was as if God had finally granted her wish. Her lover was about to be freed from the shackle of marriage to Chelsea.

Zuri was already at the foot of the stage by the tChelsea was done. She helped her through the crowd to the car and they left.

Chelsea collapsed into her seat and breathed heavily as soon as she got into the car. She had been a mess of nervous butterflies on stage. It took a great deal of willpower for her not to shrink back and run away. But in the end, she succeeded in embarrassing Edmund in public.

“Dearie, you were so cool back there,” Zuri said excitedly, holding her arm.

“Really?” Chelsea asked weakly.

She didn’t expect to act cool on stage. What she wanted was to successfully provoke Edmund so he could grant her a divorce without hesitation. She went up there to battle, not to show her cool side.

“Yes, you were. See, | recorded everything.” Zuri took out her phone and played the video.

Chelsea was speechless as she watched the video.

Zuri let out an evil Laugh. “Ha-ha-ha! Look at Edmund's face. He was so embarrassed. Serves him right. I’m sure this was his first tgetting this embarrassed. Great job, Chelsea!”

A pang of pain tugged at Chelsea’s heart when her eyes fell on Edmund’s face in the video. For sreason, she felt pity for him.

This was probably the last tshe was going to look Edmund dead in the eye. Once the divorce was finalized, she would treat him like a total stranger.

Chapter 10

Chapter: 10

The news of what Chelsea did spread like wildfire. Every media house was interested in reporting the messy divorce in real-time. Unsurprisingly, a group of reporters gathered at the entrance of Nelson Group the next morning. They waited to report about the divorce and even get Chelsea and Edmund to speak on it.

At half past eight o’clock, Edmund arrived at the company. He was wearing a pair of big sunglasses, so the emotions in his eyes weren't visible. The reporters photographed him wildly. When he was out of sight, the reporters were eager to see the so-called Mrs. Nelson.

Chelsea was dressed so well last night. Judging by how she looked in the videos and pictures, the reporters were expecting an elegant young woman.

At half past nine, a strange woman who was wearing a peaked cap, mask, and a loose skirt suddenly appeared at the company’s premises. She reeked of alcohol and her walk was very unsteady. The reporters frowned at the sight of her.

“Who is this drunk? What is she even doing here? Isn’t she going to get thrown out by the security?” the reporters murmured to themselves.

None of them knew that this drunk was actually the Mrs. Nelson they had been waiting for all morning. Chelsea had drunk with Zuri until three o’clock this morning. To Zuri, they were just celebrating the fact that her friend was about to be freed from her wicked captor. But Chelsea was actually drinking to drown her sorrows.

Although Edmund had treated her like trash, she had spent three years of her life loving him. It broke her heart that they were getting a divorce.

Edmund and the lawyer had been waiting in the reception room for a long time. The first thing Chelsea saw when she pushed the door open was Edmund’s gloomy face. She hurriedly apologized, “I’m sorry for keeping you waiting. | had too much to drink Last night, so | got up late.”

Edmund was already growing impatient by the tshe arrived. But when he heard those words, he raised his eyebrows and said, “You look a mess. Did you drink to drown your sorrows because we are about to get divorced? If that’s the case, | can...”

“No, | didn’t drown my sorrows in alcohol because we are about to get a divorce. | was just in the mood to celebrate since I’m finally regaining my freedom.” Chelsea cut Edmund short, not wanting to hear whatever he had to say.

She took a seat and urged impatiently, “Let’s get down to it. Aren’t you going to sign it now?” Chelsea had a splitting headache. She wanted to get this over and done with, so she could go back to have a good sleep.

Her rudeness and nonchalant attitude caused Edmund to glare at her. Gnashing his teeth in anger, he picked up the pen and signed the divorce agreement.

Like the proud man that he was, he didn’t back down now because he feared that the public would think that he loved Chelsea so dearly that he couldn’t Live without her.

How could he let them think such? Over his dead body! People groveled at his feet and begged for his favors, not the other way around “Once a judge authorizes our divorce and issues the certificate, tell the court to send my copy tolater. Goodbye.”

After signing the divorce agreement, Chelsea left without a backward glance. She had already booked an international flight for this afternoon.

She wanted to leave everything behind in Vertoak. All her pain, suffering, and thoughts about her family weren't going to follow her abroad. Her phone had rang off the hook last night. Most of the calls were from her father and brother. Chelsea transferred the money that she earned during her part-tjob as a scriptwriter to them. Afterward, she turned off her phone.

Chelsea didn’t want to live her Life for anyone anymore. As far as she was concerned, she had tried her best as a daughter and sister.

Outside the building of the Nelson Group, the earnest reporters waited for a long tto see Mrs. Nelson, but she wasn’t in sight. Hours passed before Edmund finally walked out of the building with a gloomy face.

The reporters immediately surrounded him Like a swarm of flies. One of them asked curiously, “Mr. Nelson, what’s the update? Have you signed the divorce papers with your wife?”

Several cameras flashed countlessly. A dozen microphones were put in front of Edmund. The reporters were curious to hear his answer. After all, they hadn’t seen the so-called Mrs. Nelson coming in or out of the building.

“How is that your fucking business? Get out of my way!” Edmund roared ferociously.