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Mr. Nelsonn Winning His Ex-wife’s Heart

Capítulo 11-20
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Chapter 11

Chapter: 11 The reporters were taken aback by this response. They staggered backward in fear. Edmund walked to his car and left. Ayear later in Peak Entertainment.

Chelsea and Zuri chatted jovially in the elevator. When they arrived at the administrative floor, the doors of the elevator swooshed open and they walked out. At the stime, Edmund cout of Luka’s office with his assistant. Tstopped when the two groups met each other in the corridor.

Zuri had just taken a sip of the coffee in her hand. At the sight of Edmund, she almost spat out the coffee. She swallowed hard and whispered to Chelsea, “Gosh! This is a bad omen!”

Chelsea had completed her study abroad and just returned to Vertoak today. She cto the company to go through the new employment formalities. Unexpectedly, she bumped into her ex-husband who she hadn’t seen for over twelve months.

Zuri looked at Chelsea with concern. To her pleasant surprise, Chelsea looked as calm as ever. It was as if the handsman in front was just a total stranger in her eyes.

The exes locked eyes for a few seconds, but Chelsea pretended as if she didn’t see him. She had promised herself a year ago that she would treat him like a stranger when they met again in the future. And she intended to do just that.

“You can get back to work. I'll go in to see Mr. Pierce first.”

Chelsea waved at Zuri, who nodded. She Lowered her head, walked past Edmund, and entered Luka’s office. On the other hand, Edmund couldn’t pretend like he didn’t see her. His eyes were glued to her all along.

It had been a year since he last saw her. Chelsea had changed a lot. She was more gorgeous than ever.

Her black hair wasn’t long and straight anymore. It was now short and curly. This new hairstyle brought out the good shape of her face, making her Look prettier.

She had delicate makeup on. Her Lips were plump and painted with red lipstick. They were more appealing than ever. Everything about Chelsea was different. Her beauty wasn’t inferior even when she stood beside Zuri, who was a top actress in the country.

Edmund was so lost in her ambiance that he couldn't help inhaling her fresh fragrance when she walked past him. His mind transported him back to the passionate night they shared before they divorced. It was the best night in Edmund's book.

“Hello, Mr. Nelson. Long tno see!” Zuri cover and greeted him Ignoring her greeting, Edmund blurted out, “When did she get back?” “Huh? What do you mean?” Like the actress that she was, Zuri put on a confused Look.

Edmund didn’t have the patience for her games. He pointed towards the door of Luka’s office. “You know exactly what I’m talking about. When did she get back?”

Zuri flipped the switch of her pretense. With an enlightened look, she replied, “Oh, you mean Chelsea. She just arrived today. It’s so sad that she encountered bad luck on her first day!”

It was pretty obvious that meeting Edmund here was the bad luck Zuri was talking about. After all, he had hurt her best friend. “How can you call our meeting bad Luck? | think the correct word to use is fate. Yeah, fate caused our paths to cross today,” Edmund uttered with a smirk.

Zuri was short of words.

Damn it! What did he mean by fate made their paths cross? And why did he have that awkward smile on his face? Could it be that he still had feelings for Chelsea?

Zuri couldn’t wrap her head around why Edmund had made that statement. She stared at him with squinted eyes. He just scoffed and left with a cold face. This made Zuri’s blood boil. She cursed at him and prayed he’d never show up here again.

Bold of him to have called this bad luck fate. He hurt Chelsea so much that she never wanted to have anything to do with him ever again.

Chapter 12

Chapter: 12 In the office, Luka welcomed Chelsea and asked tentatively, “Mr. Nelson just left here. Did you see him?”

Luka was aware that Chelsea and Edmund had a messy divorce a year ago, so he wanted to know how their chance meeting went.

“Yes.” Chelsea nodded calmly.

After hesitating for a while, Luka said, “He cto sign a contract with me. There’s a new project at hand. It’s a royal drama. Mr. Nelson is investing in it. We plan to make it a hit far more than the others.”

Aknowing smile appeared on Chelsea’s face at this moment. Without mincing words, she asked, “Do you wantto be the scriptwriter of this play?”

Luka flashed her a smile. “Well, there’s no point beating around the bush since you already guessed it. But | want you to know that if you want to avoid dealing with Mr. Nelson, | can get another scriptwriter to do it.”

Having received no response from Chelsea, Luka continued, “As you may well know, | believe in your talent. | think you should take on this project. The story is female-oriented. We need a scriptwriter who can connect to the plot of the play. Not only are you a female, but you are also experienced and studious. You are capable of steering up people’s emotions with your writing. With your script, the play will definitely be a hit!”

Chelsea blushed proudly. She said, “Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Pierce. I’m more than willing to take this assignment. | don’t mind having to deal with my ex-husband. My job is very important to me. | won’t mix work with my personal affairs.”

Spending twelve months abroad had given her a new perspective on life. She was slowly healing and getting her life back on track. Now that she had such a good opportunity, she wasn’t going to give it up just because of Edmund.

Although she had written the script for a few plays in the past, she was yet to gain a foothold in the film industry. If she worked on a popular play, it would make her known and open more doors for her.

“That’s great!” Luka clapped his hands excitedly and gave her an appreciative look.

Only a year ago, Chelsea was a woman who walked into his office looking like she had been abandoned by the whole world. Pain, fatigue, and desperation were all he saw in her eyes at that time. But now, her eyes were filled with newfound confidence and joy.

Judging by Chelsea’s zeal to work and how she remained calm after bumping into Edmund, Luka believed that she would perform well even though Edmund was involved in the project.

Luka gave Chelsea the project plan of the play. After scanning through the document, she looked up and asked, “Who will be the heroine? Is it Diane Stevenson?”

Diane was the Last person Chelsea gave a damn about. She only asked that question because she needed to know the actress who would be playing the heroine in advance. It would help her shape the character.

The fact that Edmund only cast Diane for the major female roles after setting up a film and television department in the Nelson Group was another reason why Chelsea was curious. Since he was an investor in this play, it wouldn't be surprising if he recommended his lover for the role of the heroine.

“Well, no. Diane hasn't acted for a long time.” Luka tapped his fingers on his desk. He added hesitantly, “Actually, rumor has it that she’ll get married into the Nelson family soon.”

“No surprise there!” Chelsea commented with a tone of mockery.

It didn’t cas a surprise to her that Edmund was set to get married to Diane. In fact, she thought they would have gotten married immediately after his divorce.

Since Diane wasn’t going to be acting in this play, Chelsea was relieved that she didn’t have to put up with her. It was one less thing for her to worry about.

At seven o'clock in the evening, on the top floor of the Nelson Group.

The light in the CEO’s office was still on. Edmund was seated in his chair with a computer in front of him.

He had on an expensive suit and a simple white shirt. The tie on his neck was still smartly knotted. His aura was as charming as ever.

Edmund’s eyebrows were furrowed at this time. After bumping into

Chapter 13

Chapter: 13 Chelsea this afternoon, he hadn't been able to concentrate on anything. His mind was a mess. Images of her face continued to flash in his mind. [o}

The Chelsea he saw today was different from the one he once knew. During the tthey were married, she had made Edmund the center of her life. She did everything to please him.

But all that had changed now. A cloak of depression fell on Edmund as he recalled how Chelsea had completely ignored him earlier today.

His mood was the reason why he had to work overtime. He was still struggling to concentrate.

Just when Edmund was trying to talk himself out of thinking too much, his cellphone rang. The call was from Yusuf Collins, his best friend and business partner. Yusuf was a famous playboy in Vertoak.

As the life of parties, he went drinking and clubbing most nights. Edmund didn’t want to pick up his call because he’d most likely invite him out for a drink.

Work was more important to Edmund than partying. More so, he never abandoned unfinished business to idle away.

His phone rang off the hook for several minutes. When Edmund realized that Yusuf wasn’t going to give up, he reluctantly picked it. An exclamation calmost immediately.

“Hey, guess who | just saw!”

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“You know I’m not good at guessing. Who did you see?” Edmund asked indifferently.

Due to his bad mood, he wasn’t interested in Yusuf’s usual stories about women he met at the club. “| just saw Chelsea, your ex-wife!” Yusuf intoned slowly.

Edmund frowned slightly at first and then clenched his teeth. It was no news that Chelsea was his ex-wife, so he didn’t understand why Yusuf had to spell it out to him now.

It was almost as if Yusuf was trying to mock him.

“When did she get back? | thought she traveled abroad. How cshe’s here now?” Yusuf asked curiously, oblivious to his friend's simmering anger.

Ayear ago, he was shocked to find out that Chelsea had asked Edmund for a divorce. What shocked him even more was that she didn’t ask for alimony or any properties. She went off the radar after the divorce. It wasn’t until someone investigated that they found out that she went abroad the sday she signed the divorce agreement.

No one bothered to investigate what exactly she was going to do abroad. They earlier thought she was still in Vertoak. Since she had divorced him on impulse, they felt that she might cback one day to beg for Edmund's forgiveness. But after finding out that she traveled out of the country, they cto the conclusion that Chelsea had really made up her mind.

Edmund didn’t want to talk about Chelsea with Yusuf, so he replied perfunctorily, “Oh.”

As his best friend, Yusuf read meaning to his nonchalant response. “Why are you so calm? Did you know that she was back? Have you met her already?”

Without waiting for an answer, Yusuf further queried, “How did you guys meet? Tellexactly how it happened. Did she stop pestering you?”

“Yes.” Edmund gave that simple reply to tell Yusuf off. The call was making him more depressed. He was about to hang up the phone.

“Well, that’s good.” Yusuf let out a sigh of relief. He added mockingly, “It’s not surprising that she no longer pesters you. From the look of things, she’s living her best life. She’s dining with a handsyoung man now.”

Chapter 14

Chapter: 14 “What? A handsyoung man?” Edmund raised his voice. His curiosity was getting the best of him now.

“Yes, they are having a good time. The man in question is an upcoming actor. You may not have heard of him before. His name is Orlando Curtis. He’s in his early twenties. | must say that he’s so handsome,” Yusuf said, dragging his last words intentionally.

“Where are you now?” Edmund asked coldly. Yusuf blurted out the address of the restaurant before he cto his senses. He asked curiously, “Are you coming over?”

The only response he got was the disconnect tone. Unbeknown to him, Edmund had hung up before he finished asking his question. He stared at his phone screen and was lost in thought. Edmund sounded as if he was in a haste. Was he rushing down to the restaurant because his ex-wife was having dinner with another man? What was his deal, anyway?

Chelsea was indeed having dinner with a young man named Orlando. However, it wasn’t a date. They actually met for another reason.

Zuri had starred in an urban rom-com. The drama was about the love life of a career-driven woman. This woman was supposed to fall in love with a young handsman. An actor for the hero role hadn’t been cast early.

There was a sea of young male stars in the industry, so it was hard for Zuri and the crew to choose. She had asked Chelsea, who was still abroad at that time, to help her choose one.

Picking the right actor for a role was one of Chelsea’s fortes as a scriptwriter.

In the end, Chelsea chose Orlando for the role. His acting was nothing short of perfect. He completely owned the role. The drama was a success as soon as it hit the screens. The viewers rated it highly online and spoke well of it offline. It was also nominated for many awards.

Orlando’s career shot to the roof because he got many acting gigs afterward. To express his gratitude to Chelsea, he decided to treat her to dinner as soon as she arrived in Vertoak.

Oblivious to the fact that her ex-husband’s best friend had seen her when she went upstairs, Chelsea enjoyed her meal and chatted with Orlando happily. In the middle of the meal, a waiter knocked on the door of the private dining room and walked in carrying a platter of steak in his hand.

Orlando Looked at the waiter in confusion. “All the dishes we ordered have been served, haven't they?” “Yes. This steak is our signature dish. Mr. Nelson ordered it specially for this lady,” the waiter explained with a smile.

“Mr. Nelson?” Chelsea’s face darkened once she heard that name. She pursed her lips and glanced at the steak. Was it from Edmund? Why was he here?

What a small world! Their paths never crossed for the entire year that she was abroad. But on the day that she returned, they met twice.

This seemingly harmless gesture didn’t sit right with Chelsea. They had ended things on a bad note. Why did he send her this steak as if all Was well between them?

Chelsea didn’t want to have anything to do with Edmund asides from work. As a result, she decided not to accept the steak. With a faint smile, she said to the waiter apologetically, “I’m sorry,

| can’t accept it. First, | don’t know the Mr. Nelson you speak of Second, I’m allergic to beef and mutton. Please take it back. Thanks

[0) The waiter had no choice but to leave with the steak when he heard her reasons.

In this Line of work, he had met people with severe food allergies. The workers here were obligated to Listen to the diners whenever they said that they were allergic to sfoods.

Sadness glistened in Chelsea’s eyes as soon as the waiter left. She lowered her head and continued to eat just to hide her emotions.

Since she was a child, she was allergic to beef and mutton. She avoided them Like a plague. If she mistakenly had them, red rashes would appear all over her body.

Chapter 15

Chapter: 15 Edmund was a lover of beef and mutton. He ate them in almost every meal. While they were married, Chelsea had cooked them for him even though they irritated her. But she never had a bite.

The fact that Edmund had no idea of her food allergies even though they had been married for three long years further proved one thing. He didn’t care about her at all during those years.

Noticing that Chelsea was a little uneasy, Orlando couldn't help asking, “Are you all right, Chelsea? Who is Mr. Nelson?”

Although the messy divorce between her and Edmund had made headlines a year ago, only a few people knew what Chelsea actually looked Like. The former Mrs. Nelson that the public knew was the elegant Lady who had given a strange speech during the anniversary celebration of the Nelson Group. No one could tell that this humbly dressed woman and that elegant woman were the same.

In Orlando’s eyes, Chelsea was just a scriptwriter. “| don’t know him. | guess this is a case of mistaken identity,” Chelsea replied perfunctorily.

She had planned to keep Edmund buried in her past. Before returning, she hoped to kick-start her career without having to worry about him. She didn’t expect that their paths would cross on her first day.

What bad Luck! This was the only logical explanation Chelsea had in her mind. What else could she call this if not bad Luck?

Meanwhile, Edmund was having a drink with Yusuf in another private dining room. It was at this tthat the waiter cback with the steak and told Edmund what Chelsea had said.

Yusuf spat out a mouthful of wine and coughed. Wiping his mouth with a serviette, he asked, “Tell| didn’t hear him right. Did Chelsea really say that she doesn’t know you?”

A peal of laughter echoed in the room the next second. Yusuf held his belly and Laughed hard for a Long time. Edmund could only stare at him coldly.

With a deep frown, Edmund asked the waiter, “Did she really say that she was allergic to beef and mutton?”

The waiter nodded vigorously. “Yes, sir. Having an allergy to beef and mutton isn’t very common. The mild symptom is the sudden appearance of red rashes all over the sufferer’s body. But if it was serious, the person could suffer a shock and almost die.”

The waiter’s words caused Edmund's face to freeze for a few seconds Yusuf, who had finally stopped Laughing, shot the waiter a glare

Why did the waiter have to say something like that? Did he intentionally want to make Edmund unhappy? This new revelation really made Edmund unhappy. He had been in a bad mood for the whole day. But now, it was worse In a bid to hide the emotion in his eyes, he lowered his head and played with the lighter in his hand.

Yusuf asked the waiter to put down the platter of steak and leave. He then lit a cigarette and began to smoke it. He leaned close to Edmund and asked with a teasing tone, “Why do you look so sad? You and Chelsea were married for three years. Did you really not know about her allergy?”

Edmund couldn’t bring himself to answer those questions. His mind transported him back to when he was still married to Chelsea. He remembered that beef and mutton were always served whenever he ate at home. They were his favorite, so Chelsea always cooked them.

What he didn’t know until today was that she was actually allergic to them. She had never told him about this. It was a slap in the face for him that he didn’t notice such an important detail about her. He realized that he had been blind to the things related to her well-being.

Orlando was at the peak of his career. The play that he acted with Zuri was currently being aired on TV. Every drama lover knew him. The media also wanted to get stories about him. If the paparazzi saw him with Chelsea in this restaurant, they would take dozens of photos of them and accompany them with deceptive headlines the next day. To prevent this from happening, Chelsea asked Orlando to leave first after dinner. She stayed in the private room for a while before leaving.

Much to her surprise, she saw the Last person she wanted to see as soon as she walked out of the restaurant. It was Edmund. He was standing on the roadside with Yusuf. Their appearance made it impossible for Chelsea to have missed them.

Edmund had ditched his suit jacket and tie at this time. He was now wearing only a white shirt and pants. The first two buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned. He looked like an arrogant but dashing king. Yusuf was wearing a floral shirt. He looked like an elegant, noble and unruly man.

Chapter 16

Chapter: 16

Both men had cigarettes between their fingers as they waited for their drivers to arrive.

Chelsea Looked away and walked to the other side to avoid them.

“Hey, Chelsea!” Yusuf suddenly called out to her, making her heart skip a beat.

Keeping her shock and displeasure on lockdown, Chelsea stopped and put on a smile. “Hello, Mr. Collins.”

Talking to Yusuf was the last thing Chelsea wanted to do now. She didn’t want to have anything to do with Edmund, including relating with his best friend.

However, Yusuf was one of the important men in Vertoak. She couldn't afford to ignore his greeting. She might need his help in the future. After all, the wealthy and powerful in this city ruled its affairs.

Yusuf walked up to her with a charming smile. “| see that you are leaving now. I’m Leaving too. How about | give you a ride?” “No, thank you. | already ordered an Uber. It will arrive soon.” Chelsea refused politely, without sparing a second to think.

Edmund had thrown his cigarette and walked over to them at this time. He squinted at Chelsea unhappily and asked, “We meet again, Chelsea. You sawstanding right there, but you didn’t bother to say hi to me. Why is that? Is it because you are pretending not to know me?”

Chelsea was unfazed by this question. She looked at him with an alienated smile and retorted, “I really don’t know you. Why should | say hi to you?”

An icy expression beclouded Edmund's face once he heard this. He said with a sneer, “Chelsea, don’t tellyou suffered from amnesia during your stay abroad. We were married for three years. How can you claim that you don’t know me?”

Chelsea’s expression turned colder than his. Staring dead into his eyes, she fired back at him.

“Spareall that nonsense. Did you ever know the real me? Since we were once married, why didn’t you know that | couldn’t eat beef or mutton?”

Edmund’s mind went blank. He didn’t know how to respond to her question. He could only stare at her as she left without looking back.

Once again, Chelsea’s indifference towards Edmund made his blood boil. If looks could kill, his glare would have lit up Chelsea’s body on fire.

Edmund found it hard to believe that the submissive and timid woman he once knew was now so eloquent. She had changed into a completely different person now that they were divorced. She even dared to stare at him dead in the eye.

What he didn’t know was that she had been gentle while they were married because she loved him at that time. Now that Chelsea had gotten over him, she would no Longer be nice to him. Under the gaze of Edmund and Yusuf, Chelsea got into the Uber that she ordered and left. Yusuf got over the shock as the car

drove off. He asked incredulously, “What happened? Tellmy eyes were deceiving me. Why did Chelsea just scold you? She used to cower in your presence, didn’t she?”

Everyone in Edmund's inner circle knew that Chelsea used to be a devoted wife to him. They had witnessed her being submissive all the time. Even when Edmund treated her badly, she never got angry.

As a result, the way she was so bold and rude to Edmund just now shocked Yusuf to the bone. What shocked him even more was that his friend didn’t bother to reprimand her.

Yusuf knew Edmund to be a cold man who would never go easy on his opponents in the business world. No one ever went against him and continued to lead a normal life.

The mention of how submissive and nice Chelsea used to be fanned Edmund's fury. There was a boulder in his chest and his breathing got heavier. A second later, he lost his temper. He kicked the trash can beside him.

Chapter 17

Chapter: 17 Yusuf’s jaw dropped at the sight of this.

What the hell was wrong with Edmund? He seemed to be off his rocker. Chelsea was his ex-wife now. Her words shouldn't get to him.

He never treated her right, anyway. Yusuf took a deep breath and tried to calm his friend down. He patted him on the shoulder.

“Don't let what she said get to you. The way | see it, this is for the best. Since she’s pretending not to know you, it means she would never pester you again. Just chill.”

Edmund slapped Yusuf’s hand away. He lit another cigarette and took a puff. With a sneer, he inquired, “How are you so sure that she won't pesteranymore?”

“What do you mean?” Yusuf asked in confusion. Edmund squinted his eyes and said slowly, “I think she’s playing hard to get.”

Yusuf opened his mouth to say something. But he decided against it. He just stared at him. As far as he was concerned, Edmund was getting himself worked up over nothing.

He also felt that Edmund was wrong. Chelsea wasn’t playing hard to get. She was clearly trying to avoid him at all costs.

As a playboy, Yusuf knew exactly when a woman wanted nothing to do with aman. And that was exactly what he discerned from Chelsea’s behavior. But Edmund clearly couldn't see that.

Not wanting to provoke Edmund any further, Yusuf kept his opinion to himself. He Knew that his friend’s ego would be battered more than it already was if he shared his assumption.

Women were often drunk in love. They could do just about anything to please the man that they loved.

But once that love was no longer there, they could becso heartless and cruel.

ALL of a sudden, Edmund’s phone rang. The call was from his mother, Alena Morgan.

A frown appeared on his face as he stared at the caller ID. His mother had been on him about getting married to Diane.

“Where are you? Didn’t | ask you to bring Diane hfor dinner tonight?” Alena asked unhappily as soon as Edmund answered the call.

“Sorry, it skipped my mind,” he replied indifferently.

This response annoyed Alena even more. She queried furiously, “Why did it skip your mind? What else were you thinking about? Diane is a good girl. What's stopping you from getting married to her as soon as possible? Both of you aren't getting any younger. If that shameless Chelsea hadn’t calong to spoil your relationship back then, you would have had a child with Diane now. Stop stalling now that she’s out of the way!”

When Alena suddenly mentioned Chelsea’s nand spoke ill of her, Edmund felt a Little uncomfortable.

“Mom, | have something urgent to do. Talk to you later. Bye!” Edmund knew that his mother would go on and on about the marriage topic, so he made up an excuse.

After Edmund hung up the phone, Yusuf leaned towards him and suggested lazily, “Friendly advice, you should get married to Diane since you think Chelsea will begin to pester you. Your marriage will see to it that Chelsea keeps her distance and your mother will also stop bothering you. What do you think?”

The underlying tease in Yusuf’s words didn’t go unnoticed by Edmund. He shot him a searing glare and shook his head. His car arrived at this time, so he got in and left.

Yusuf stared at the car until it disappeared. He then shrugged and left in his car.

Chapter 18

Chapter: 18 Only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches.

Meanwhile, Chelsea wasn’t in a good mood as she sat in the backseat of the Uber. There was a weird tightness in her chest. She felt depressed not because she bumped into Edmund again, but because he had been so arrogant.

The way he spoke to her reminded her of all the bullshit she had endured all those years. What did Edmund think of her? Did he think that she still cared about him?

How ridiculous!

Chelsea scoffed at the thought. She used to think she couldn’t Live without him. But after spending a year abroad, she was more than convinced that she was better off without him. Her mental health had greatly improved once she was out of that toxic environment.

It turned out that no one’s happiness and survival were actually tied to someone else. At least, not Chelsea's.

Chelsea was a scriptwriter. As a result, she could work from hand only needed to go to the office when there was a general meeting or when she needed to explain something to others. She worked on the new script in the comfort of her hand at her convenience.

The next morning, Chelsea went to the shopping mall to buy a gift for Ethan.

Cutting all ties with Edmund included not talking to his grandfather. But while she was abroad, Ethan kept in touch with her. He asked about her well-being whenever he called. This kind gesture made it impossible for Chelsea to ignore him.

Due to his old age, Ethan suffered from neck pain. He always stayed in an air-conditioned hduring summer. Chelsea thought it wise to get him a fluffy scarf that would keep his neck warm.

She entered a men’s clothing store. On her way to the scarfs section, she stopped dead in her tracks. Edmund was in front of her again!

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“For Pete’s sake!” Chelsea cursed under her breath. She believed that she was indeed unlucky.

As always, Edmund looked dashing in what he had on. The women in the shop were stealing glances at him and whispering to themselves excitedly.

He was here this early to get a birthday gift for Ethan. The old man’s birthday was a few days ago. But Edmund was ona business trip at that time.

Edmund never had to worry about preparing a birthday gift for Ethan while he was still married to Chelsea. She always saw to it that Ethan got a thoughtful gift. This year, he had to do it himself.

His grandfather had invited him over for Lunch. Edmund tried to turn down the invite on the basis that he had a business appointment at noon. However, Ethan wasn’t having it. He ordered him to be hno matter what. Thus, Edmund thought it wise to take a gift along.

Chelsea pretended not to see him. She walked to a shelf to select a scarf.

Edmund watched her for a while. He then abandoned what he was doing and walked to her side. He remarked mockingly, “Well, well, well. It seems someone still has a bad fashion sense.”

Edmund didn’t know why he was behaving this way. He also didn’t know why he was now standing next to her. It was as if an unknown force had pulled him to her. When he saw that Chelsea was earnestly trying to select a scarf, he reasoned that she was getting it for Orlando, who she had dinner with the night before.

The thought of how she had already moved on with another man while ignoring him caused inexplicable rage to surge up in his heart. He could only speak to her in that manner to vent his anger. Turning a deaf ear to that insulting statement, Chelsea pursed her Lips and looked down at the brown plaid scarf in her hand.

Flashy scarfs weren't for old men like Ethan. This simple one was suitable for him. But Edmund criticized her without knowing who she was getting it for.

Again, she was reminded of her life as Edmund's wife. She always tried to help him pick out his clothes. However, Edmund never appreciated her efforts. He always called her old-fashioned and warned her not to touch his clothes ever again.

In Chelsea’s opinion, her fashion sense wasn’t bad. She knew this because she often helped Zuri choose the perfect dresses for her award ceremonies. No fashion critic had ever talked bad about any of these dresses. Zuri’s fans also praised her online.

Chapter 19

Chapter: 19 The reasons why Edmund always criticized her fashion sense back then was that he disliked her.

Whenever he talked down on her in the past, Chelsea always felt so sad that she cried secretly. His words got to her so much that she developed low self-esteem.

But all that had changed now. Chelsea was so confident that she didn’t give a hoot about what he thought of her. It didn’t matter to her anymore that she was nothing in his eyes.

Without sparing him a glance, she took the scarf to the counter, paid the bill, and left.

Edmund was almost losing his mind now that Chelsea ignored him once again.

He clenched his fists and stared at her slender back through the glass door of the shop. He muttered, “Let’s see how long you can pretend, Chelsea.”

It was still hard for Edmund to accept that Chelsea didn’t give a damn about him anymore. She had professed her undying Love to him while they were married. In his mind, one year was too short for her to get over him.

Thirty minutes later, Chelsea arrived at the Nelson family’s mansion. It was a working day, so she felt that there was no way Edmund would be here. She reasoned that he had gone to work straight from the clothing shop. She didn’t want to bump into him again.

Chelsea knew Edmund to be a busy man who could only spare tto visit Ethan during weekends.

Ethan was beyond pleased to see Chelsea. They chatted for a long time. He then asked her to stay back for Lunch. She was about to accept when she heard the sound of a car engine from outside.

The door of the Living room swung open after a while. Edmund walked in majestically.

Chelsea’s eyes widened after she turned and saw him cin. His sudden appearance dampened her mood. She turned to Look at Ethan. He only flashed her a smile and avoided her eyes.

It was at this moment that Chelsea knew exactly why Ethan had urged her to stay back for lunch. He had deliberately set her up so she could meet Edmund here.

At this moment, Chelsea stared at the old man who had a mischievous smirk at the corners of his mouth. Why did Ethan have to do this? Chelsea and Edmund were already divorced. Was he trying to get them back together?

Chelsea didn’t intend to return to her vomit. Asides from the fact that Edmund didn’t have feelings for her, she had no courage to start all over again with him.

Their loveless marriage had not only broken her heart, but also had ruined her mental health and made her develop trust issues towards men.

Edmund was a little surprised to see Chelsea here. His shock soon turned to complacence. She had walked out on him at the clothing shop. But now, she was in his family home. What an irony In his mind, he reckoned that she had put on an act earlier and that she coaxed Ethan to arrange a meeting for her. Ethan was

the only person who wasn't in support of their divorce. It wasn’t far-fetched that he could do just about anything to get them back together.

“Why are you here?” Edmund asked, not wanting to make things easy for her.

“She’s my guest. Be polite to her!” Ethan scolded him immediately Turning a deaf ear to Edmund's words once again, Chelsea said to Ethan with a smile, “Grandpa, I’m happy that you like the gift. Thank you for caring aboutover the years. Please | need to take my Leave now. Take care.”

Chelsea could see through Edmund and also understood his disdainful words. She reasoned that he felt that she chere in order to get close to him. She mentioned the gift and decided to leave so he would know that his assumption was wrong.

Ethan stopped her as soon as she stood up. “No, don’t go yet. | haven’t seen you for over a year. Please have Lunch with me.”

Chapter 20

Chapter: 20

“I'm sorry, Grandpa. But | really need to leave now. There’s something | must attend to immediately. Don’t worry. I'll visit you again whenever I’m free. Bye.” Chelsea then rushed out of the house without a backward glance.

As soon as the door was shut, Ethan hit Edmund's knee with his crutch.

He roared angrily. “Chelsea cut all ties with this family because of your bad behavior. However, | managed to keep in contact with her while she was abroad for your sake. | purposely summoned you here because she said that she was coming to visit me. | did that so you two can meet and maybe patch things up. But you made her leave in a hurry. I’ve had it up to here with you! Listen, and Listen good. No matter how everyone tries to paint Diane as a good woman, |’ll never accept her as my granddaughter-in- law. Chelsea is the best! She’s the only woman for you. You’d better try to win her heart back now that she’s back in the country!”

After giving Edmund a piece of his mind, Ethan slowly walked away with the aid of his crutch. He was fed up with his grandson's nonchalance.

Edmund held his knee and gritted his teeth in pain. However, the pain was nothing compared to the shock he felt after hearing his grandfather’s words. It dawned on him that Chelsea didn’t chere to get close to him. Instead, his grandfather had arranged the meeting

His eyes fell on the gift box that was on the table. He realized that he was wrong all along.

The scarf Chelsea had picked at the shop earlier today wasn’t for Orlando. He had only insulted her because he thought it was for her new man. Now that he realized who the scarf was for, he couldn’t help but admit that it was a good choice.

Regret filled Edmund’s heart when he realized that he had misunderstood Chelsea twice. After beating himself up for a while, he walked out.

Chelsea was standing in front of the villa. She was trying to order an Uber on her phone. But there weren’t any rides around this place, taxis neither. It was on a remote hillside.

Edmund watched as she paced back and forth on the sidewalk for sminutes. Afterward, he walked up to her and said, “You won't get a taxi here. Letdrive you back.”

Throughout the four years that they had known each other, Edmund never took the initiative to show Chelsea an atom of kindness. This was the first time.

Chelsea was always the one who played the bigger person whenever they had conflicts. She tried to make peace with him even though he was usually the one at fault.

ALL that Edmund did during such times was to give her the silent treatment. Sometimes, he would refuse to eat at home.

As a softhearted person, Chelsea couldn’t stand the suffocating atmosphere. She always had to let go of her dignity and plead with him.

Those times had passed. Chelsea was shocked by his kind gesture, but it didn’t soften her hard heart now. “No, thank you.”

With these words, she took two steps away from Edmund as if he was a plague. She wanted to make it clear to him that she had no feelings whatsoever for him.

“Chelsea!” Edmund called her nanxiously and held her hand.

Chelsea turned to look at him in shock. Unfazed by her frown, he continued, “I’m sorry for speaking to you in that manner...” Edmund was accepting that he was wrong to have assumed that she chere to see him and for insulting her fashion sense at the clothing shop. He realized that he read meaning to irrelevant things.

It was so shocking that the almighty Edmund was apologizing. In the past, Chelsea would have been flattered. But the old her was Long gone. She was not moved by his apology at all.

She looked into his eyes and said calmly, “| accept your apology. Can you Let go ofnow?”

Edmund quickly Let go of her with embarrassment.

Chelsea moved away from him again. She lowered her head and continued to refresh the Uberto see if there was any ride close to her now. Unwilling to back down, Edmund unlocked his car with the remote and said to her, “Get in the car. You and I know that you won’t get any taxi or Uber here. Why waste your twhen you can just hitch a ride with me?”

“No, I'll pass on that. | can walk to a place where I'd be able to order a ride or hail a taxi. Please leavealone.” Chelsea put away her phone and stared at him firmly.