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Mr. Nelsonn Winning His Ex-wife’s Heart

Capítulo 150
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Capítulo 150

Zuri snorted and replied, “Allow me, please. She had better not mention your name. If she does, | will show her that no one comes for my friend and goes scot-free!”

“You are an actress, not a gangster, Zuri. Stop getting worked up over gossip. And mind the way you speak,” Chelsea uttered, smiling.

Zuri was a loyal friend. She was ready to take up arms for her friend’s sake. And Chelsea knew this.

But what could she do if Purple was actually referring to her? Accusing her of slander would be far-fetched since she mentioned no names.

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Chelsea couldn’t post something similar on Twitter either. She didn’t have tfor that. She would rather invest her spare tin making sure the script was perfect. “Anyway, | suspect that she’s up to something. You need to be careful,” Zuri added.

“Well, thanks for your concern and advice. I'll try my best not to quarrel with or contact her.” Chelsea still couldn’t wrap her head around why Purple was jealous of her. After all, she wasn’t a big nin the industry. This script was the first she was working on solely in four years.

Could it be that Purple had wanted to be chosen for the script? Was she angry that Luka chose Chelsea instead?

Chelsea couldn’t help making her confusion known to Zuri, who said without mincing words, “I’m dead sure that Purple is jealous of you People Like her always hate others and try everything they can to sabotage others’ successes. And that’s why | suspect that she’s up to something.”

“How can you be so sure, Zuri? There are many scriptwriters in this industry. It’s possible she’s talking about someone else, not me,” Chelsea said, still giving Purple the benefit of the doubt.

Zuri snorted yet again.

“Spareall that, Chelsea. You need to wake up and smell the coffee. It’s not your fault that Luka bypassed her and saddled you with the responsibility of writing the script. If she confronts you, tell her to go settle things with Luka. It makes no sense that she’s taking a jab at you now when she’s so incompetent and lazy!”

Zuri suddenly let out a chuckle and added, “Oh, | get it now. You haven't heard this, have you? Rumor has it that Purple has a crush on Luka. | guess she hates you even more because he favors you constantly.”

“Eh? She has a crush on Mr. Pierce?” Chelsea couldn't believe her ears. Zuri continued to bemoan. “Yeah, you heardright. The rumor was all over the place a while back. She’s in to get heartbroken. Doesn’t she know that she has a smelly attitude that men don't tolerate? How can Luka fall for someone like her?”

Zuri’s statement wasn’t coming from a place of hate or dislike. What she said was true. Purple had a bad reputation amongst other scriptwriters.

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She had allowed her fand slight success to get into her head. She constantly gossiped and idled away while looking down on others.

Chelsea knew that Purple wasn’t a good person. But she never had anything against her because she didn’t think she would one day beca target.

Now that Zuri pointed out that Purple disliked her, Chelsea couldn’t help remembering how hostile Purple was after Eugene agreed to mentor her.

She hadn’t read any meaning to Purple’s hostility at that tbecause her mind was on Edmund and their family. She didn’t have the Luxury of tto bother about who liked her and who didn't.

Chelsea took a deep breath and said slowly, “I guess | have a lot of work to do more than | envisaged. Not only do | have to integrate myself into the society, but | also have to battle with enemies in the workplace. The thought of it alone stressesout!” “Chin up, Chelsea Williams. You've got this!” Zuri cheered her up, raising her fist high.

Chelsea couldn’t help Laughing.

It wasn’t until the next morning that Fay finally woke up and got out of bed.

After taking a seat at the dining table, she greeted Chelsea and asked, “Last night, did |... Did | say or do anything weird?”