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Mr. Nelsonn Winning His Ex-wife’s Heart

Capítulo 22-30
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Chapter 21

Chapter: 21 Edmund was speechless as he stared at her stubborn face. He almost couldn’t recognize the woman in front of him. Never did he think that she was this stubborn.

Chelsea had never lost her temper while they were married. She always did whatever he said obediently. She never went against him except for when she asked for a divorce.

As the two of them stared at each other dead in the eyes, the gate of the villa was opened and a car drove out.

“Miss Williams, | was ordered to take you back home,” Ethan’s driver said to Chelsea, craning his neck out of the window. He then said to Edmund, “Mr. Nelson, your grandfather said you should go back in to have Lunch with him.”

Chelsea hurriedly got into the car and shut the door as if she was running away from a dreadful monster. She didn’t even say goodbye to Edmund.

The driver nodded to Edmund and drove away. Edmund stood still and watched the car disappear down the hilly road.

It wasn’t until the car went out of sight that Edmund finally returned to the villa. Once he sat down at the table, Ethan went straight to the point. “Have you set a wedding date?”

The wedding in question was the one between Edmund and Diane. Since Edmund and Chelsea got divorced, she had been in and out of the family house as if she was already married to the family.

Although Edmund was yet to formally propose marriage to Diane, the public knew that both families were on good terms. The rumor about them getting married was already spreading in the city.

The media reported about them often. And this was Diane’s handiwork. She had bribed many reporters to make sure that her relationship with Edmund was always in the news. She also started the rumor about the so-called wedding.

“No, | haven't,” Edmund replied with a slight frown.

“What are you waiting for? A year was enough for you to get your act together. You need to get married as soon as possible!” Ethan ordered seriously.

Edmund's eyebrows knitted as he stared at his grandfather in confusion. Ethan was the only person in this household that disliked Diane. He always gave her the cold shoulder no matter what she did to please him. Only sminutes ago, he had said that he wouldn’t accept her as his granddaughter-in-law.

Why did Ethan suddenly change his mind? Was he now prepared to accept Diane into the family?

Under his grandson's confused gaze, Ethan picked up a piece of beef and slowly ate it. He then remarked, “Don’t look atlike that. Once you get remarried, | will introduce a good man to Chelsea. She deserves happiness.”

Edmund almost spat out a mouthful of soup. He coughed and asked, “What do you mean, Grandpa?”

“Isn't it obvious? In case you don’t know, | like Chelsea very much. I’ve taken her as my granddaughter, so | want to find her a suitor who would take good care of her. This is very important,” Ethan explained and snorted.

The serious look on his face made Edmund a little restless.

“Grandpa, how can you take my ex-wife as your granddaughter? That automatically means we have becsiblings. Don’t you think that’s inappropriate?” Edmund asked seriously, dropping his spoon.

With an indifferent expression, Ethan answered, “You aren’t related by blood, so you both can’t be siblings just because | take Chelsea as my granddaughter. | just feel sorry for her. Life has been cruel to her. Not only did she have a bad husband, but she also has a bad father and brother. As her grandfather, | will look out for her and make sure her life becomes better.”

Edmund's heart ached. His grandfather had just poked jabs at him for Chelsea’s sake. He couldn’t help but wonder if this old man was actually his grandfather because he was always taking Chelsea’s side.

Memories of all that happened in the past swept through Ethan’s mind at this time. He sighed and said with guilt, “It’s all my fault that she got hurt. If | hadn’t forced you to marry her, she would have been married to a better man that loves her by now. It’s so sad that she had to waste three years of her life on you.”

Again, Ethan wasn’t taking Edmund's feelings into consideration. Edmund and Chelsea had wasted their time, but he only thought about the latter.

Chapter 22

Chapter: 22

Tapping his chin thoughtfully, Ethan asked, “What do you think of Yusuf? He seems like a perfect match for Chelsea, doesn’t he?”

“Grandpa, that’s my best friend! Just so you know, Yusuf is a playboy. How can someone like that be a good suitor for your so- called granddaughter?” Edmund inquired jealously.

Ethan didn’t see reasons with him. “The fact that he’s your friend and a playboy doesn’t matter. People change when they are in Love. I’m sure he will ditch his flirtatious ways once he gets to know Chelsea and falls in love with her.”

“You are in for a disappointment, Grandpa,” Edmund commented with a sneer. He was ready to fight tooth and nail if Yusuf dared to make a move on Chelsea. Ethan didn’t back down despite Edmund’s discouraging words. He took out his phone and made a call to Yusuf.

Yusuf and Edmund had been good friends for many years. The Nelson family and the Collins family were close, so Yusuf wasn’t an outsider in Ethan’s eyes.

Once the Line connected, he put the phone on speaker mode and asked, “Hey, Yusuf. What are you up to these days?”

Yusuf responded leisurely, “Good afternoon, Mr. Nelson. You know me. I’ve been busy with work. Is there something | can help you with?”

Ethan nodded and replied, “Actually, I’d like to introduce a beautiful woman to you. | want her to be your girlfriend.”

Yusuf’s ears pricked up when he heard those words. He could never resist meeting women. He said excitedly, “Tellabout her! Something tellsthis lady is very beautiful. You have good taste, so I'd love to meet her.”

Edmund's face darkened once he heard this. He wished he could slap Yusuf through the phone. “Well... The lady in question is Chelsea. What do you think of her?” Ethan asked tentatively.

Aloud bang cfrom the other end of the line all of a sudden. It was followed by Yusuf’s pitiful cry. “Ouch! | almost burned myself to death!”

It took about a minute before Yusuf got over the pain and spoke again.

“I'm sorry, Mr. Nelson. | knocked over my cup of coffee. Where were we? Aha! You said something, but | didn’t hear it clearly. Can you repeat that?”

“| said that I'd like to introduce Chelsea to you,” Ethan said impatiently.

“Oh, what a coincidence! | actually started dating someone recently. | love her so much. It’s bad to date two women at the same time, so | intend to stay faithful to my girlfriend.”

Ethan was speechless.

What was wrong with Yusuf? Didn't he just say that he would be glad to meet the beautiful woman in question?

“Thank you for caring about my love life, Mr. Nelson. I'll make sure to visit you someday. | have to attend to something, so I'1I hang up now. Bye!” Yusuf hung up the call, sparing Ethan no tto say a word

Ethan grunted and threw the phone on the table.

On the other hand, the outcof the phone conversation gladdened Edmund’s heart. He was singing joyously in his head. After taking a bite of steak, he said persuasively, “Don’t worry so much, Grandpa. You don’t know that she already has a boyfriend.”

Chapter 23

Chapter: 23 “Really?” Ethan asked curiously, leaning forward.

“Yes, she’s currently going out with a boy who looks nothing more than twenty years old,” Edmund answered in a faked indifferent tone.

He intentionally emphasized his last three words. His grandfather was an old-fashioned man, so he guessed that he wouldn’t support the massive age gap between Chelsea and her alleged boyfriend. He secretly hoped that Ethan would dissuade Chelsea from dating such a young boy

But to his dismay, Ethan clapped his hands excitedly and said, “Chelsea is such a smart woman. She made the right choice by dating someone younger than her. A young and energetic man is good. | can rest assured now.”

The fork in Edmund’s hand dropped to the plate. He was short of words. Ethan’s smile got even wider. “I know that Chelsea is a good girl. It is not surprising that many men like her. It’s such a pity that the first man she settled down with treated her like trash. Now that she’s single again, | believe the man who would cherish her will calong. Oh, I’m so happy!”

There was an obvious tone of mockery in Ethan’s words. Edmund immediately Lost his appetite.

He could only stare at his grandfather as he spoke about Chelsea and her love Life to no end. On his way back to the company after lunch, a call from Diane cthrough.

“Honey, where are you? Did you go to the company today?” Diane’s aggrieved voice cfrom the other end of the line. “No,” Edmund replied simply

Diane said sweetly, “| made scupcakes at hthis morning. | went to the company to give you a surprise, but you weren’t there. Where are you now?”

In recent times, Diane no longer bothered herself with acting. She took up baking and cooking as a hobby. She occasionally made different sweet treats for Edmund and took them to him at work. Sometimes, she invited him over to her house.

All these were what Chelsea used to do for Edmund in the past. Diane thought that he stayed married to Chelsea for that long only because she made him home-cooked meals. She copied everything that Chelsea did, down to making him a cup of coffee every morning.

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Edmund had becso accustomed to Chelsea’s cooking during their marriage. He was now a picky eater. It was so bad that he didn’t like the coffee that was made by others, even by the most expensive café in the city. Chelsea’s cooking was second to none in his book.

Now that Diane said she made cupcakes for him, Edmund remembered how Chelsea had cooked for him when they were married. The thought made him a little irritable.

“Well, I'm not at the company at the moment. Grandpa askedto have lunch with him, so | Left work temporarily,” he explained impatiently

Diane was so tone-deaf that she didn’t notice the impatience in his tone. She further inquired, “Why did Grandpa ask you to have Lunch with him?”

“I'm driving. Bye!” Edmund hung up the phone. He wasn’t in the mood to speak to her.

He had planned to go back to the company. But now that Diane had said that she went over there to see him, he decided against it. He made a sharp turn and drove straight to Yusuf's company.

Chelsea went to see her mentor, Eugene Lewis who was currently working on set. Zuri was also an actress for this particular film, so she decided to see her too.

Ascriptwriter’s input into the work determined greatly how successful they would turn out to be. It was a very hands-on job. Since Zuri introduced Chelsea to the film industry, Eugene had been teaching her many things. She had only written the outlines of the scripts for two years. Afterward, she wrote the scripts of separate scenes. They all turned out well, so she was given the opportunity to write scripts for units independently.

Writing scripts was what Chelsea used to do in her spare twhen she wasn’t tending to Edmund.

The part-tjob was a remote one, so she was still able to remain a dutiful wife to Edmund while spending ston her hobby.

Back when Luka handed the new script to Chelsea, she wasn’t confident that she could do the job alone, so she asked Eugene to be the chief scriptwriter and she would be his assistant, as always.

But Luka and Eugene agreed that it was tfor Chelsea to be an independent scriptwriter since she had been practicing for four years.

Chapter 24

Chapter: 24

Chelsea was happy to know that they believed in her. Eugene even asked her not to hesitate to tell him if she encountered any problems or had any questions.

And that was exactly what she cto do today at the filming set. She brought along shome-cooked dishes for Zuri. Having cooked for her ex-husband for three years, Chelsea’s culinary skills could be compared to that of a trained chef. Upon her arrival at the set, Eugene was having a meeting with the director. She decided to see Zuri first.

Both friends immediately began to chat happily. They were so engrossed in catching up when a loud noise cfrom a few meters away.

A deep frown immediately appeared on Zuri’s face. Without Looking to see what the noise was about, she said disdainfully, “I’m dead sure it's that stupid Sonya Nelson.”

“Sonya? What is she doing here?” A spark of undisguised disgust leaped into Chelsea’s eyes when she heard the nof her former sister-in-law.

Sonya had made her life a living hell when she was still married to Edmund.

A day never went by that Sonya didn’t hurl insults at her and ridiculed her. It was even more painful that she did all that in the presence of Edmund, his parents, and all the other relatives. No one in that family ever stood up for her, except Ethan. The others made it clear that they hated her with every fiber of their beings.

Sonya couldn't get a job after graduating. After months of idling away, she joined the film and television department of the Nelson Group. She only got in because of her relationship with Edmund and her beauty

The Nelson family was not only known for their power and wealth, but also known for their undeniable beauty genes. Sonya was beautiful and drop-dead gorgeous, but her brain was just in her head for decoration. She was so stupid and had no acting skills. Her career made no progress since she started. To stay in the news, she changed boyfriends like clothes.

None of the men she dated Loved her for her personality. They only dated her because she was from a powerful family and her brother was a top gun.

Sonya wasn’t a tiny bit worried about her future or the unsuccess of her acting career. She knew she could always live a Luxurious life because of Edmund's protection.

Rolling her eyes, Zuri said contemptuously, “Her new boyfriend is one of the supporting actors in this film. He is famous for being a gold digger.”

Chelsea bit her lower lip and didn’t utter a word. She regretted coming here. Sonya was one of the few people she hated so much. If she had known that Sonya was here, she wouldn't have come.

“That reminds me! Since Edmund was one of the major investors in the play you are to write a script for, the director would surely give Sonya a role. You should be careful,” Zuri said, snapping her fingers in realization.

She knew fully well that Chelsea and Sonya weren't on good terms, so she warned her friend in advance.

Chelsea’s heart sank to her stomach once she heard this. It seemed Like she couldn't totally avoid her ex-husband’s family. She decided that she wouldn't take any bullshit from Sonya this time.

The old Chelsea who endured all the humiliation from Edmund's family and cried herself to sleep almost every night was dead and buried. She was no longer married into that family, so she didn’t owe them any respect.

Chelsea had just clenched her fists with willpower when a sharp voice cfrom a distance.


Look who we have here! So, you are back. What the hell are you doing here? Do you think a filming set is a place just anyone can cto? Humph!”

This mean voice was so familiar that Chelsea could tell who it was without Looking back. It was the voice that caused her pain for three years, so it was imprinted in her mind.

The appearance of one of her top haters put a damper on Chelsea’s mood. She just wanted to catch up on old times with Zuri while sipping coffee. She didn’t want to talk to Sonya at all.

Chapter 25

Chapter: 25 Although she didn’t want any trouble, it didn’t mean that Sonya wouldn't stir up trouble.

Annoyed by the fact that Chelsea ignored her, Sonya walked over and stood in front of the table with a cup of coffee in her hand. She uttered mockingly, “It seems someone went deaf while she was abroad for a year. What a pity!”

Folding her arms defensively, Chelsea leaned back on her seat and looked up at Sonya with indifference. “Yes, | have changed. But from the look of things, you haven’t changed at all.”

She eyed Sonya from head to toe and added, “You are still as annoying as ever.” “You...” Sonya was shocked to the bone. She was taken aback when Chelsea, who used to be afraid of her, fired back at her. It was even more embarrassing that this happened in front of so many people. Sof them were giggling already.

Fury blew up inside Sonya like a grenade. Her face turned red in an instant. She suddenly raised the cup in her hand and splashed the coffee on Chelsea.

She had lost her rag in the blink of an eye. Sonya had wanted to bully Chelsea Like she always did over the years. When Chelsea stood up to her, it was a slap in the face.

The onlookers stared at the scene in shock. None of them expected that Sonya could go as far as emptying a cup of hot coffee on someone because of a small argument.

“Ouch!” Chelsea screamed in pain. She had tried to dodge, but the coffee Landed on her slender arm.

Unfortunately, she had worn a white T-shirt due to the hot summer weather. Her arm got scalded once the hot coffee Landed on it.

Zuri was horrified. She quickly took out spieces of tissue and gave them to Chelsea. In a fit of pique, she stood up to face Sonya and shouted, “You stupid bitch, do you want to die?”

Zuri was a no-nonsense person who didn’t take crap from anyone. As a young child, she made sure to teach anyone who offended her a good lesson. She only dropped that vengeful behavior after she beca star. But now that Sonya did such a thing to her friend, she was ready to tear her into pieces with her bare hands.

Just when she was about to give Sonya a hot slap, Chelsea stopped her The pain Chelsea currently felt was excruciating, but she still managed to stay calm. She didn’t want Zuri to Lose her temper in front of so many people.

Zuri had worked so hard to climb the ladder of success in the film industry. If the word got out that she beat someone, the media would hound her. Her anti-fans would also see to it that her career cto an end.

Not wanting any of that to happen, Chelsea took Zuri’s hand and said “Please don’t waste your energy on her. It’s not a big deal.”

Zuri was about to explode with anger. She turned to her friend and queried, “How is it not a big deal? This cuckoo bitch poured hot coffee on you. Let go ofso | can deal with her!”

“Trust me, Zuri. It’s not a big deal.” A sinister smile suddenly appeared on Chelsea’s face. She then added, “I say this because... LL deal with her myself!”

In a split second, Chelsea picked up the cup of coffee in front of her and splashed it on Sonya.

She aimed so well that the coffee landed on Sonya’s face.

Sonya screamed and staggered backward. The coffee wasn’t hot, so it didn’t scald her face. But it was still so embarrassing.

It messed up her makeup and even stained the expensive dress she had on. Sonya couldn’t take it. Her face was her most prized treasure. Chelsea had not only messed it up, but also ruined her image in front of these people.

“Aargh! You bitch! How dare you pour coffee on me?

Chapter 26

Chapter: 26 Pil kill you today!”

Sonya cursed at the top of her Lungs. After wiping the coffee off her face with the back of her hand, she charged toward Chelsea like a ferocious Lioness.

“What's going on here?” A cold and majestic voice suddenly boomed.

Asea of eyes turned to look in the direction that the voice came. It was Edmund. He cover with Eugene and the director of the film.

“Edmund, thank goodness you are here! Look at my face. That bitch splashed coffee on me!” Sonya ran to meet Edmund and complained like a spoiled child.

This was typical of her. Whenever she did something wrong in the past, she always turned the situation to suit herself by lying to Edmund. Chelsea was used to her trick.

Chelsea felt that Edmund would take his sister's side like he always did, so she decided to excuse herself. She whispered to Zuri, “I have to go to the bathroom to clean this mess.”

She didn’t want to trade words with Sonya anymore. As far as she was concerned, they were even now that she had given Sonya a taste of her own medicine.

The scald on her arm wasn’t too severe, but she wanted to deal with it now so she wouldn't have to stay here with these annoying siblings. It was the perfect excuse to leave.

Zuri wasn’t going to stand aside and watch Sonya make it seem Like Chelsea was at fault. She retorted immediately, “Sonya, why are you such a liar? Why don’t you tell them that you splashed coffee on Chelsea first? And it was hot coffee at that!”

With a swift move, Zuri pulled Chelsea back and carefully stretched out her scalded arm for everyone to see.

“Because of your wickedness, Chelsea’s arm got scalded like this. How dare you make it seem Like you didn’t do anything wrong? Don’t you have a heart? Mark my words. If this scalding gets worse than this, | will destroy your face!”

Edmund's eyes widened in shock when he saw Chelsea’s injured arm. He hadn’t noticed it at first. Not only was her white T-shirt stained, but her arm was also red as if it was burned by fire.

“Apologize to her now!” Edmund ordered, his eyes blazing.

“What are you waiting for, bitch? My brother said you should apologize to me. Do it now!” Sonya shouted as she folded her arms and looked at Chelsea complacently.

Edmund gave her a cold glare. He said firmly, “No, it’s the other way around. Sonya, apologize to Chelsea now!” ALL the onlookers gasped in shock. Chelsea was also stunned, but she looked away indifferently.

It was rather ironic that he never defended her when she was still his wife. But now that he had no marital obligations to her, he was taking her side against his sister.

His sudden concern for her well-being was superfluous in Chelsea’s eyes.

She didn’t need his protection anymore, so her heart wasn’t moved, nor did she attempt to thank him.

“What?” With a horrified expression, Sonya looked at her brother and asked, “Are you being serious right now? You wantto apologize to this thing? Why are you taking her side? Yes, | splashed coffee on her. But she did the sto me!”

Fighting tooth and nail was one of Zuri’s fortes. As a result, a heated brawl was no biggie for her. She stepped forward and retorted again, “Shut up, you brat! If you hadn’t spoken ill of Chelsea and poured coffee on her for no reason, would she have splashed coffee on you? She gave you a taste of your own medicine. Stop playing innocent!”

After Zuri successfully shut Sonya up, she turned to Edmund and said sarcastically, “Your sister is so funny, Mr. Nelson. Chelsea and | were having a good chat while drinking coffee when Sonya cout of nowhere and began to insult Chelsea for no reason at all. It was after she poured hot coffee on Chelsea that she got exactly what she deserved.”

Sonya glared at Zuri with bloodshot eyes. She had the urge to pounce on her.

Chapter 27

Chapter: 27 She was about to do it when Edmund shot her a searing glare. She froze and bit her lower lip guiltily. A few seconds later, she said stubbornly, “Over my dead body will | apologize to this bitch!”

“Stop calling her that, Sonya! This is the height of it. You are grounded from now onwards. You must stay at hand reflect on yourself!” Edmund shouted, pointing at her seriously.

This declaration hit Sonya like a bolt out of the blue. She held her forehead and staggered backward as if she was about to faint.

Ignoring his sister's bad acting, Edmund turned to Chelsea, who had been silent since he came, and said, “Lettake you to the hospital.”

“No, there’s no need for that, Mr. Nelson. This is not that serious. Thank you, anyway.” Chelsea immediately refused. Her tone and the way she addressed him made it seem as if they were indeed strangers. This annoyed Edmund a little.

After rolling his eyes, he said, “You are injured. It's best to get medical attention so it doesn’t get infected. Why are you so stubborn?”

“It won't get infected, Mr. Nelson. I'll apply first-aid myself.” Chelsea didn’t budge. She wasn't so sure if ordinary first-aid would be enough for the scalding. However, she wanted to go to the hospital herself, not with Edmund.

Edmund's face darkened. Their gazes locked for a long time. This Little argument ended in a stalemate.

Aweighted silence fell on everyone as Chelsea and Edmund continued to stare at each other. The onlookers could feel the tension between them, but they didn’t dare to say anything.

Zuri could also feel the tension. However, her heart was leaping with joy at this moment. She Loved to see the pained expression on Edmund's face now that Chelsea refused to go to the hospital with him.

Sonya was so pained that her brother was ingratiating himself with his ex-wife. She hated Chelsea so much, so she was livid that Edmund not only scolded her for Chelsea’s sake, but also looked hurt after his kindness was declined.

Several seconds passed before Eugene finally decided to break the silence. “Chelsea, | think you should go to the hospital instead.”

“Teacher, | actually chere to ask you squestions about... Chelsea tried to change the topic

As a top scriptwriter in the film industry, Eugene was always busy Getting an opportunity to speak to him was difficult, so Chelsea didn’t want to leave here without doing what she cfor.

“Don't worry about that, Chelsea. You can askthe questions after you get your wound treated. I’m willing to help you at any time,” Eugene said assuredly.

The good relationship between Chelsea and Eugene stunned Sonya. She was so jealous at this moment. Who the hell was Chelsea? Why was Eugene so kind to her? Did she sell her body to him for favors? Asides from being famous for his scriptwriting talent, Eugene was always a topic of discussion in the entertainment industry

because of his arrogance. Many people reached out to him to help them teach new scriptwriters. However, he always turned them down.

Seeing that Chelsea addressed Eugene as her teacher, Sonya wondered why Eugene decided to mentor someone now. She also wondered when Chelsea beca scriptwriter.

Chelsea held Eugene in high esteem. She could never go against him even if it wasn’t convenient for her. As a result, she bowed and left with Edmund on her heels.

“Edmund! “

Sonya burst into tears when she saw that her brother was behaving Like a bodyguard for her enemy. Like the spoiled brat that she was, she had expected him to punish Chelsea and force her to apologize. But he did the exact opposite. Not only that, he grounded her indefinitely.

Chapter 28

Chapter: 28 Sonya was almost losing her mind.

With a displeased expression, Eugene looked at Sonya and said, “Miss Nelson, you may not know this but money can’t buy everything in this world, Even love can be bought with money, but there’s one thing that can’t be bought.”

“And what is that? Tellexactly what can’t be bought with money!” Sonya was so livid that she was about to transfer her aggression to Eugene.

“Etiquette.” With that simple answer, Eugene turned to Zuri and asked her to follow him.

It was obvious that he meant that Sonya had just behaved like an uneducated thug. Sonya’s face turned red immediately. The shwas too much to bear. She covered her face and left in a hurry.

No one was on her side here. Even her so-called boyfriend had left once he finished watching her misbehave. He didn’t want to be with someone who had gotten scolded by the Legendary scriptwriter, Eugene.

Many directors usually asked for Eugene’s opinion before selecting actors and actresses for the cast.

As a result, Sonya’s boyfriend didn’t want to spoil his chances of getting roles because of her bad behavior. He even decided to break up with her as soon as possible.

Edmund's car was already parked at the entrance of the filming set when Chelsea got outside.

Instead of getting into the car, Chelsea folded her arms defiantly. She said firmly, “No one can see us now, Mr. Nelson. You can drop the act. | can take myself to the hospital.”

Edmund’s hand which was holding the car door handle froze. An indescribable feeling rose in his heart.

He slammed the door and turned to Look at her. He asked through gritted teeth, “Why did you say that | should drop the act? Do you really think that | only scolded Sonya to make myself look good in front of all those people?”

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“Uh-huh! Isn’t that why? Sonya was obviously in the wrong. From all indications, you only chose the safer side. You scolded her because you didn’t want the onlookers to think that the Nelson family failed to bring her up in the right way. You wanted them to see that you were an upright man, didn’t you?” Chelsea asked indifferently.

In her opinion, Edmund only punished Sonya to preserve the dignity of his family.

She didn’t think that he stood up for her because it was the right thing to do.

He never cared about her while she was his wife, so she saw no reason why he would do so now that they were divorced. Edmund was so annoyed that Chelsea had read his actions wrong. He ran his fingers through his hair out of frustration.

Chelsea didn’t want to be in the sspace with Edmund at all. Now that she had given him a piece of her mind, she turned around to leave.

It was going to be the umpteenth tthat she was walking out on Edmund when he still had a Lot to say. He was sick and tired of it. In the blink of an eye, he pulled her back and pressed her against the car. Their bodies were so close that they could smell each other’s familiar, but yet strange fragrance.

Once they locked eyes, Edmund's lungs strangely failed him. His heart began to thump against his chest.

Chelsea was such a beautiful woman. Her eyes were so shiny and captivating that anyone could lose themselves just by staring deeply into them.

She was wearing makeup today. The black eyeliner highlighted the beautiful shape of her eyes. It also added an extra charm to them.

Astrange feeling traveled from Edmund's heart to his entire body. He couldn't tell why Chelsea was having this effect on him. While they were married, he disliked her so much. He always felt that she trapped him and forced him to marry her. Never did he get close to her like this, except when he wanted to vent his sexual desires on her body. But now that they were divorced, he always wanted to be around her. Her beauty drew him to her like steel to a magnet.

What the helt! On the other hand, Chelsea’s mind was as calm as ever. She was only irritated by the closeness of their bodies. She frowned and tried to push him away.

Chapter: 29

“What are you doing? Do you want to kiss your ex-wife forcefully?” These mocking words jolted Edmund back to reality.

In embarrassment, he cleared his throat and maintained his composure. He then opened the door and pushed her into the front passenger seat. “Get in!”

Edmund locked the door with the keyless remote once he pushed her in. After trying to open the door fruitlessly, Chelsea had no choice but to fasten the seat belt and look out of the window.

Could Edmund ever change? He was still so domineering and never considered her feelings.

“Put it against the scald. It will help relieve the pain a little,” Edmund said, handing her a bottle of iced water from the car refrigerator.

“Thank you,” Chelsea said, collecting it.

Edmund started the car and drove away. A dead silence was between the two of them. The only sound that could be heard was the soft humming of the car engine.

When Edmund stopped at a traffic light, he turned to look at Chelsea only to find her staring at her red and swollen arm with a frown.

“Does it hurt?” he blurted out without thinking twice.

Edmund pursed his lips, surprised at himself. Why did he ask that question? When did he becso concerned about her?

The next second, he made up an excuse for his action. Sonya was responsible for Chelsea’s wound, so it was only reasonable that he showed concern.

The frown on Chelsea’s face deepened due to his concern. She replied coldly, “Not quite.”

Physical pain was nothing compared to the emotional torture Chelsea had suffered in his hands.

The only reason why she stared blankly at her arm just now was that she didn’t want to look at Edmund. She regretted not struggling with all her strength when he had pushed her into the car. At least, they wouldn’t be within the sairspace now.

Chelsea’s simple answer brought an end to the conversation. The tension in the car was squeezing at Edmund’s Lungs. Thankfully, the traffic light turned green and he was able to let off steam by driving.

A few minutes passed before he asked again, “Do you know Mr. Lewis?”

As one of the major investors in the film industry, Edmund knew that Eugene was a famous scriptwriter.

He was surprised to see that Chelsea had a close relationship with him. He didn’t even think that she would know such a person. His curiosity got the best of him, so he wanted to know what they had in common.

“Yes,” Chelsea replied reluctantly.

Her one-word answers were a way of telling him that she didn’t want to have a conversation with him.

In her mind, she prayed that he would take the hint and shut up. But he didn’t. He further inquired, “How did you two get to know each ona,

Chelsea didn’t utter a word. She just gritted her teeth with irritation.

Since they had bumped into each other at Peak Entertainment, it would have been easy for Edmund to find out about her career by making a little inquiry.

But he couldn’t do that because he was arrogant and ruthless. After all, who in his or her right mind would be willing to disclose Chelsea’s job without smelling something fishy?

Chapter 30

Chapter: 30 Alook of intense bitterness swept across Edmund’s face after he didn’t get an answer from Chelsea.

He still couldn’t understand how she could change so much. He was so annoyed that she dared not to respond to him when he asked her a question.

Edmund’s mind traveled back to when Chelsea had asked him for a divorce in front of so many people. He had never been that embarrassed in his life. This memory caused the inferno in his chest to burn even more ferociously. To vent his anger, he stepped on the gas and drove recklessly.

Chelsea held her chest with one hand. In horror, she looked at him and said, “Do you want to kill us? You are driving too fast. Slow down!”

When Edmund heard those words and saw that Chelsea’s face had turned pale, he calmed down and slowed down the car. “Are you afraid of dying?” he asked with a sneer.

“Since a wealthy man like you doesn’t fear for his Life, why should 17 | just asked you to slow down because it’s inappropriate for you to die with me. If at all you want to die, you should do so with Diane. So, it will be said that you both died in love,” tone.

Chelsea said in a relaxed

This statement kicked up Edmund's anger again. She was driving him nuts. If it weren’t for the scald on her arm, he would have stopped the car and thrown her out immediately.

For the rest of the ride to the hospital, the two of them didn’t say a word to each other. Edmund took her straight to see Chris Warren when they arrived.

Chris was a top surgeon and a friend of his.

Once they entered the office, Chris stood up and exclaimed, “Chelsea Chris, like Edmund's other friends, was fully aware of all that happened between Edmund and Chelsea. He knew that they had a messy divorce. Thus, seeing both of them together took him aback.

Chelsea didn’t beat about the bush. “Good day, Doctor Warren. Please helpcheck if my scald is serious. It was scalded by hot coffee a while ago. | have only put ice on it.”

“Oh, okay!” Chris, who had zoned out, cback to his senses.

After examining her arm carefully, he said, “The scalding is not that serious. Thankfully, it didn’t get to the inner layer of your skin. Since there are no blisters, it won't leave any scars after it gets healed. Your arm will be swollen and it may hurt badly. But it should heal after a few days.”

“Okay, that’s good.” Chelsea breathed a sigh of relief. I'll prescribe sointment that will relieve the pain. Please apply them judiciously.”

“| will do that. Thank you,” Chelsea said with a nod. Chris was a professional doctor, so she was willing to do whatever he said to make her arm better.

Once he handed her the prescription, Chelsea walked to the door, ignoring Edmund. But she suddenly stopped in her tracks. She shook her head thoughifully and then took out a hundred-dollar bill from her bag. Chelsea walked up to Edmund, put the dollar bill into his breast pocket and said, “Thank you for drivingto the hospital. This

is the fare. You can keep the change.”

The eyes of Edmund and Chris widened in shock as they watched her. Chelsea pretended as if she didn’t notice their expressions and left.

Having known that Edmund was a proud man who would never take money from her, Chelsea had intentionally put the dollar bill in his pocket. She didn’t want to owe him anything.

Chris’s mouth was agape as he watched the scene in front of him. When the door was shut, he blinked hard to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.

The cold and alienated woman who just walked out of his office wasn’t the Chelsea he once knew. A while later, he shuddered when he realized that everything that just happened was real.