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Mr. Nelsonn Winning His Ex-wife’s Heart

Capítulo 31-37
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Chapter 31

Chapter: 31 “Oh my! What just happened, Edmund?”

Chris’s shock changed to amusement within seconds. He plopped himself in his seat and was about to laugh. But when he saw Edmund's sullen face, he bit his lower Lip to prevent himself.

Gritting his teeth, Edmund took out the dollar bill and squeezed it in anger. He gave his friend a cold look and stormed out of the Office.

Once the door got shut, Chris made a phone call to Yusuf to gossip. “Guess who Edmund just brought to my office at the hospital?”

“Chelsea?” Yusuf guessed without hesitation. “Huh? How did you know? Did you already know that she was back in town?” Chris was surprised.

“Of course, | knew that she was back. | also witnessed her scold Edmund to the extent that he was short of words. | couldn’t believe my eyes,” Yusuf responded.

Chris burst into laughter. After he regained his composure, he told Yusuf about what happened in his office a few minutes ago. He made sure to tell it dramatically.

“Chelsea has really changed. Something tellsthat she would continue to treat him like this. She will make sure to drive our friend nuts,” Yusuf said with a hint of gloat.

“Why is her behavior having such an effect on him? Shouldn't he be grateful that she’s no longer throwing herself at him?” Chris asked in confusion.

Yusuf explained, “I also thought he would be happy with the development. But he was so pissed and he thinks she’s playing hard to get.”

Chris was speechless.

After thinking for a while, he said slowly, “The way | see it, she’s not playing hard to get. | think she just doesn’t want to have anything to do with him.”

“Yes, | think so too. But our friend thinks otherwise.” Yusuf agreed, snapping his fingers.

Chris’s eyebrows raised. He asked, “You think so too? Why didn’t you tell Edmund that his assumption was wrong? At least, he would get his mind off Chelsea once he realizes that.”

Holding his forehead, Yusuf responded, “Gosh! You talk as if you don’t know how he is. Do you really think he would see reasons withif | told him my opinion? Chelsea sucked up to him for three long years. She built her whole life around him and did everything to please him. As far as Edmund is concerned, she couldn’t have gotten over him in just a year. He feels that she still loves him. Well, | don’t blhim. I’d have thought the sway if | were in his shoes.”

Everyone close to the former couple knew how much Chelsea had invested herself into making sure their marriage worked. As a result, it was hard to believe that she had no interest in Edmund now.

“But why is Edmund so keen on making sure that Chelsea no longer plays hard to get? He always wanted to get rid of her. Isn’t he supposed to get married to Diane soon?” Chris further queried, as his confusion increased.

Rumors were making rounds that wedding bells were ringing for Diane and Edmund. They had been dating for a long time, so many people expected them to make their union legal soonest.

Yusuf answered innocently, “I have no idea why he’s so bothered. You know, one can hardly read his mind.”

Love was like drinking alcohol. Only the person who drank it could get drunk.

With a doubtful tone, Chris commented, “I don’t think he loves Diane that much.”

“What do you mean?” Yusuf asked curiously.

“Don’t you get it? Why did Edmund get married to Chelsea as soon as he broke up with Diane over three years ago? | don’t think he married her because his grandfather forced him to after he had sex with her. Edmund is a very stubborn man. No one can force him to do anything against his will.”

Chapter 32

Chapter: 32

Yusuf raised his eyebrows as he put two and two together. “Are you trying to say that he liked Chelsea from the very beginning?” He sighed deeply and added, “If that’s true, our friend will be very miserable in the future. Let’s just watch and see.”

Outside the filming location.

Sonya sat in her car and grunted like a wounded Lioness for a long time. She kicked the driver’s seat countlessly. When her driver couldn't take it anymore, he got out of the car on the pretext of smoking.

“Fuck my life!” he cursed once he got out. He considered himself unlucky for having such an arrogant and rude lady as his boss. The only reason why he was still on the job was that his salary was very high. He also got a raise regularly.

After Sonya calmed down, the first thing she did was to call Diane. She wanted to fill her in on everything that happened. She was going to incite Diane into fighting against Chelsea.

Diane was busy making pudding at hwhen her phone rang. A disgusted expression appeared on her face when she saw the caller ID.

Although she hated Sonya, she had to pretend to like her because she needed her support to becEdmund's wife. “Diane, Chelsea is back. And my brother bulliedbecause of her today!” Sonya cried as soon as the line connected.

The spoon in Diane’s hand fell to the floor when she heard those words Her legs immediately felt wobbly. She held the kitchen counter for support.

“What... What did you say? Chelsea is back, and Edmund bullied you for her sake today?” Diane asked Sonya in disbelief, her heart beating fast.

Asides from the fact that Edmund used to express his hatred for Chelsea because she trapped him for three years, he was also very angry when she publicly asked him for a divorce. Embarrassing him in front of so many people was enough for him to harbor inveterate hatred for her

How could he help her to bully his own sister? Diane found this hard to believe.

“Yes, you heardright!” Between sobs, Sonya told Diane how it alt happened. She didn’t leave out the fact that Edmund looked so unhappy when Chelsea didn’t accept his kind offer

Kicking the driver's seat again, Sonya cursed, “How could my brother turn againstfor the sake of that bitch? He always hated her. Now that they are divorced, why did he protect her? Aargh! He drovenuts today!”

Sonya was a self-centered person. It didn’t occur to her that Diane would feel embarrassed after hearing the news she just disclosed to her. She didn’t seem to realize the situation was worse for Diane who was already seen as Edmund's fiancée by the public.

Diane took deep breaths to stay calm. Afterward, she said to Sonya comfortingly, “Sonya, your brother wasn’t protecting her.”

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“What do you mean?” Sonya was surprised by how Diane remained calm after hearing the news.

“Think about it, Sonya. Have you forgotten how your brother treated her while they were married? Did he ever care about her? The way I see it, he was actually protecting you. Edmund didn’t want the onlookers to have a negative perception of you. What do you think people will say if they found out that your brother didn’t scold you in such a dicey situation?”

Diane masked up her real opinion in her last question. As far as she was concerned, Sonya was at fault. She felt that Edmund wouldn't have gotten involved with Chelsea today if his sister hadn’t made trouble.

Asensible person would have been able to pick the blin her statement. However, Sonya was stupid.

The only thing she picked up from all that Diane said was that Edmund was protecting her. She reasoned that it was true.

Chapter 33

Chapter: 33

The grievance she held against Edmund in her heart had now completely evaporated. She turned to blChelsea instead. “Chelsea was so annoying today. Can you believe that | spoke to that bitch and she had the nerve to ignore me? She looked down onas if a year abroad made her superior to me. Why the hell did she even return to the country? | smell something fishy, Diane. She might try to get on my brother’s bed again!”

Acold sweat broke out on Diane’s forehead when she heard that last sentence. The next second, an image of Edmund having sex with Chelsea flashed through her mind. She knew fully well that they had been intimate during their marriage.

Since the divorce was finalized, Diane had tried to seduce Edmund on several occasions, but he never took the hint. It was almost as if he was disgusted by the sight of her body.

Even before Chelsea calong, Edmund and Diane never had sex.

This wasn’t because Edmund never made sexual advances to her. At that time, Diane was just playing hard to get. She put on airs and refused to give herself to him. She feared that he would dump her once he had his way with her.

When Edmund becsingle again, she had willingly given him her body. But he refused to have sex with her. It made her afraid that he would fall for Chelsea again.

At the thought of this, Diane couldn't help clenching her fists.

“Diane, my brother groundedas punishment. You know me. | can’t always stay in that house. | need to go out and live my life. You have to put in a good word for me. Otherwise, I'll be bored to death.” Sonya continued to chatter, still focused on her own problems.

“Okay, I'll persuade him and get back to you. | have to go now. Bye,” Diane said perfunctorily and hung up.

She lost interest in making the pudding. She swung into action the next second. After removing her apron, she walked out of the kitchen. She then asked a private investigator to investigate Chelsea.

Chelsea took a taxi to her residence after leaving the hospital. On the way, she called Zuri to tell her that the problem with her arm wasn’t that serious.

Zuri let out a sigh of relief. “Thank goodness you are fine. Otherwise, I'll tear Sonya apart.”

“Calm down, Zuri. | appreciate that you are willing to fight Sonya on my behalf. But | can handle her myself.” Chelsea tried to dissuade her

“If you say so. Just know that I'll be here if you need backup. Anyway, since Sonya knows that you are back, Diane must have found out by now. That woman is vile. Be careful so she doesn’t make trouble for you again,” Zuri said out of concern.

Chelsea laughed and said, “I don’t think Diane would be bothered about my return. She has Edmund all to herself now. There’s no point making trouble for me.”

“How are you so sure about that? You aren’t going to pester Edmund, but what if he pesters you?” Zuri joked.

Chelsea let out a hearty peal of laughter. What she just heard was the joke of the century to her.

Over a year ago, Diane had sent her a pregnancy test result saying that she was carrying Edmund's child.

It wasn’t long after that Edmund told her that he would never have a child with her because she wasn’t worthy. She was so heartbroken that he dared to say such a thing after impregnating someone else.

This was the Last straw that broke the camel's back. She had made up her mind to divorce him that night.

A few months after she traveled out of the country, Zuri called to inform her that Diane wasn’t pregnant at all. It turned out that Diane had forged the pregnancy test result to get rid of Chelsea.

Even after the truth cto Light, Chelsea didn’t blDiane for the divorce. Their marriage was a miserable one, so she would have still divorced Edmund in the end.

The major reason why she gave up on her marriage was that Edmund didn’t love her one bit.

Now that she heard Zuri’s words, it sounded impossible. Chelsea felt that a man who hated her in the past couldn't possibly pester her now.

Chapter 34

Chapter: 34

In her opinion, Edmund could go to the ends of the earth just to make her life miserable because he hated her that much. Perhaps he might even ask Luka to replace her if he found out that she was the scriptwriter for the play he invested in.

“Zuri, did you by chance take any alcohol? | don’t think you are thinking straight. How can the arrogant man | was unfortunate to marry pester me?” Chelsea asked with amusement.

“Hacha! | guess I’m thinking too much!” Zuri Laughed. “Don’t worry about me. Just focus on work. I'll be careful. | love you!” Both friends blew each other kisses before hanging up.

Chelsea knew that Zuri was worried that she would be oppressed again by Edmund and his family. However, she wasn’t going to allow them to do that now that she was a changed person.

Just to be a dutiful daughter-in-law, she had endured all the humiliation from the Nelson family.

Alena and Sonya were the two family members who mostly oppressed her by words and actions. Diane secretly schemed to bring her down.

Diane paid media houses to hype dating scandals about her and Edmund in order to get on Chelsea’s nerves.

Those years of putting up with her cheating husband and the emotional abuse were gone. She wasn’t going to go easy on them. If they dared to step on her toes, she would pay them back. Just like how she did to Sonya today.

Edmund had also asked a private investigator to investigate Chelsea, just like Diane did. He got the results earlier than she did.

In his office, he stared at the document that the private investigator sent to him. His eyes were particularly fixed on the nof the scriptwriter.

Winter? Why was the nso familiar to him? Where had he seen it before? He suddenly picked up a file next to him and opened it. The name, Winter was also on one of the pages.

“What the...” Edmund muttered as something occurred to him. It turned out that the scriptwriter of the play he invested in was Chelsea!

He was stunned.

The words that Luka said to him about this scriptwriter a few days ago replayed in his head. According to him, Winter was a newcomer, but she was talented and her writing always evoked people’s feelings. He added that such a scriptwriter was needed to make the play a success.

In Edmund’s memory, Chelsea was just a dull and boring woman who built her whole life around him.

It was hard for him to think of her as a talented scriptwriter whose writing could determine the success of a play. Both personalities were two worlds apart in his opinion.

In his shocked state, he carefully read Chelsea’s full profile. It turned out that Chelsea had started writing under the pseudonym four years ago. Unbeknown to him, she actually had a part-tjob while they were married. He used to think of her as a Lazy woman who idled at hafter forcing him to marry her. He once called her a useless gold-digger who trapped him for fand wealth.

Edmund’s mind transported him to the first tChelsea asked him for a divorce. He had said that she wouldn’t be able to survive in the world without him. He had thought that she would never get back on her feet once she left.

But Chelsea proved him wrong just as she had said that night. She now had a decent job and was good at it.

Edmund really had a great prejudice against Chelsea before.

Edmund's assistant, Leo Sampson, who had handed over the investigation file to him, was still standing before him. When he saw that Edmund's face was gloomy, he took the initiative to say, “I had no idea that Mrs. Nelson.

Leo stopped midway and corrected himself. “I had no idea that Miss Williams was the scriptwriter for the new play. She will show up in front of you in the course of the production. If you don’t want to see her, I’ll contact Mr. Pierce immediately.”

Chapter 35

Chapter: 35 Having worked with Edmund for so many years, Leo was aware of how much he hated Chelsea.

He never understood why his boss preferred the troublesDiane to Chelsea, who was calm and collected. But he never dared to say anything.

“No, there will be no need for that.” Edmund stopped him, much to his surprise.

“Mr. Nelson, | don’t understand.” Leo looked at his boss with confusion written all over his face. Judging by how much Edmund used to express his hatred for Chelsea, he had reasoned that he wouldn't want to set eyes on her or even allow her to work on the project he was funding

Edmund leaned his back against his seat. He then explained, “Now that Luka recommended her, we have to believe that she’s up to the task. There will be no need to take her off the production team. More so, | don’t want to mix our personal issues with business.”

The hidden meaning of his words was that he wouldn't kick Chelsea out of the project just because he had a prejudice against her.

Leo nodded.

“Okay, | understand now. Tomorrow is the first general meeting for the project. Everyone involved in the play will be present. Will you attend it?”

“Yes.” Edmund was now skimming through swork files, so he replied without raising his head. Leo nodded and left to make the necessary arrangement .

Once the door was shut, Edmund raised his head. There was an indescribable sparkle in his eyes. He looked forward to seeing the draft of the script Chelsea would show them tomorrow.

Not long after he concentrated on his work again, a call from Diane cthrough.

“Baby, | miss you so much. We haven't spent ttogether for a Long time. I’m so lonely,” Diane said in a sobbing tone as soon as he answered the call.

Edmund rubbed between his eyebrows and responded, “Work has been hectic. | currently have my hands full.”

“Oh, sorry about that. Make sure you don’t stress yourself too much. Anyway, do you have any plans tomorrow?” Diane put on the mask of a caring girlfriend.

Edmund didn’t try to hide the truth. He replied indifferently, “I have a meeting to attend about a new play tomorrow.” “Anew play?” Diane exclaimed with joy.

“That’s great. I'LL accompany you there. It has been a long tsince | went to such meetings. I'd like to attend this one since I'm still interested in acting. Let's go together, okay?”

A few seconds passed before Edmund finally said seriously, “Diane, you shouldn’t have stopped acting. Why did you quit when you are still interested in it?”

He never told Diane to stop acting. It was she who decided out of the blue to quit on the basis that it was stressful. He couldn’t understand why she did that when she was still interested in it.

It was Diane who had broken up with him to focus on her acting career over three years ago. Now she quit her acting career acting as if she did that because of him.

Of course, he wasn’t moved at all.

This seemingly sacrificial decision didn’t gladden Edmund's heart. Instead, he was unhappy with her. Many people who had invested their time, efforts, and money into her career lost a lot because of her decision.

Diane was rendered speechless by Edmund’s words. But she couldn't afford to quarrel with him. She swallowed hard and changed the topic “That's not important right now. Are you going to taketo the meeting or not?”

The disgust on Edmund's face increased. Why did Diane becso pushy? Then it struck him. Sonya must have told her that Chelsea was back in town!

Chapter 36

Chapter: 36 Having known her to be an insecure woman, he suspected that she wanted to find out if Chelsea still had feelings for him. “Yes, we can go together,” he finally agreed

Edmund had a plan in mind. Since Chelsea had been acting as if she didn’t give a damn about him, he wanted to see what her reaction would be if he showed up with Diane.

In the conference room of Peak Entertainment at nine o’clock the next morning.

Everything was already set for the first meeting of the play titled, The Crown. It was expected of the important players, Like the investor, director, and scriptwriter, to be present.

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Chelsea was the keynote speaker in this meeting. As the scriptwriter, she needed to introduce the plot of the play and show the others the draft she made for the script.

Edmund and Diane showed up hand in hand. Luka was surprised, but he stood up to welcthem.

With a polite smile on his face, he asked meaningfully, “Long tno see, Miss Stevenson. Why are you here? Are you by chance interested in this play?”

Diane held onto Edmund’s arm. Her face was heavily made up, so her smile was rather frozen. She replied, “It has been ages since | got myself involved in one of these. I’m not interested in the play at all. | only accompanied Edmund here. Do you have any problem with that?”

Like a vigilant meerkat, Diane’s eyes looked around the room for any trace of her enemy, Chelsea. Luka raised his hands and shrugged innocently. Without saying anything more, he ushered them to their seats.

Edmund was rather impatient this morning. He looked at his wristwatch and then at the door. It was almost tfor the meeting to begin, but Chelsea was nowhere in sight.

The meeting started ten minutes Later without Chelsea.

Holding a tablet, Luka stood up and said apologetically, “Good day, ladies and gentlemen. I’m sorry that our scriptwriter can’t ctoday. In her absence, | will brief you on the script. Please lendyour ears.”

Edmund's face darkened. Why didn’t she show up for such an important meeting? Did she think this play was something to joke with? How dare she act so wilfully?

Just like Edmund, the others were also displeased. They began to murmur.

Diane raised her voice, seizing the opportunity to smear Chelsea’s name. “Mr. Pierce, this is the first meeting of this project. | think it’s rather irresponsible for your scriptwriter to stand us up. If she does this on the first day, how do you expect her to take the production seriously?”

Luka explained with a smile, “It wasn’t her intention to stand us up. She actually had an accident so she’s indisposed.”

An accident? Faint worry lines appeared on Edmund’s forehead when he heard this. His mind was going a zillion miles per minute.

What sort of accident? Her arm was scalded yesterday. But Chris prescribed sointment for her. Didn’t she apply them? Was the wound infected?

Or did something else happen to her? Was it serious?

Luka’s defensive response made Diane feel embarrassed. She had spoken in an unfriendly tone.

Now that it seemed that Chelsea was away for a good reason, she feared that Edmund would think that she was deliberately taking a swipe at Chelsea.

Diane had two sides to herself. The only side she showed Edmund was her sweet, generous and tolerant side. She didn’t want him to think that she was a mean and inconsiderate woman.

Chapter 37

Chapter: 37

Seeing that everyone was calm again, Luka walked to the podium to begin the briefing. Earlier this morning, Chelsea had sent him a soft copy of the outline when she realized that she couldn’t make it.

“Didn't she tell you what kind of accident she had?” Edmund asked, just when Luka mounted the podium.

Diane clenched her fists under the table. Her jealousy spiked up. Edmund's tone was formal, but she felt that he was genuinely worried about Chelsea.

She was surprised at herself for feeling that way. After all, it was no secret that Edmund loathed Chelsea. She tried to banish the jealous thoughts from her mind. But a voice continued to tell her that Edmund actually cared about Chelsea.

Fixing the microphone close to his mouth, Luka replied slowly, “Well, | didn’t ask her. Since she didn’t mention it, | didn’t want to pry. | think it's best to respect her privacy.”

This was actually a lie. Luka knew exactly why Chelsea didn’t show up.

Today was the anniversary of Chelsea’s mother’s death. It was her practice to go to her mother’s tomb every morning on her death anniversary. The cemetery was in the suburbs. Chelsea had rushed to the suburbs Last night in hopes that she would be able to make it back in tfor the meeting after visiting her mother.

However, it rained so much. On the way back to Vertoak, the bus she took somersaulted after entering a small pothole.

Chelsea survived the accident with a mere scratch, but the paramedic in the ambulance insisted on taking all the passengers to the hospital. The checkup was taking time, so Chelsea knew she couldn't make it to the meeting.

Luka deliberately refused to tell Edmund what exactly happened to Chelsea. His instincts told him that Edmund had feelings for Chelsea, so he wanted to confirm if it was true.

Edmund squinted at Luka when he heard that simple excuse.

He wasn’t a man to be fooled that easily. As an employer, he knew that every employee ought to give full explanations for their absence. And this was why he didn’t believe that Chelsea didn’t tell Luka what type of accident she had.

He couldn't help but wonder why Luka was keeping him in the dark. Edmund could smell a rat. Several possibilities swirled in his head for a while. In the end, he cto the conclusion that Luka had a crush on Chelsea.

Luka was a top player in the entertainment industry. In his early years, he was a singer before he changed to an actor. He starred in many movies and plays. Due to his great talent and good looks, he beca household nin no time. He also won several awards during his peak.

It wasn’t until a few years ago that he decided to take the backseat and start his own production company-Peak Entertainment with his good friend.

Luka had a Long-tgirlfriend when he was young. They were always used as the perfect example of a good couple. Sadly, they broke up after so many years due to personality differences. There had been tons of rumors Linking Luka to many celebrities, Like actresses, models, and media personalities. However, he was still single.

Faced with young Orlando and forty-year-old Luka, Edmund's self-esteem deflated. He felt like his thirty-two-year-old self was no match for these men.

Chelsea had eyes for good things

Edmund becgloomy at the thought of them being together.

Luka had gone halfway through the presentation when it finally drew Edmund's attention. He had looked forward to seeing the outline that Chelsea would put together because he felt she would perform woefully

But he turned out to be wrong.

As he Listened to Luka’s narration, he was immersed in the plot. He was so excited that he wished the production team could begin filming at once.

Edmund had cacross many outlines since he started investing in films and plays. This outline was arguably the best. He was certain that this play would be a blockbuster.