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Mr. Nelsonn Winning His Ex-wife’s Heart

Capítulo 38-41
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Capítulo 38

Chapter: 38

Luka’s praise for Chelsea turned out to be deserving. Indeed, she was a good scriptwriter whose writing could captivate the hearts of people. Her design pattern was broad and interesting. This talented side of Chelsea wasn’t the one he knew at home all those years.

Once the meeting ended, Edmund went straight to Luka’s office, forgetting that he cwith Diane.

Diane's good acting skills cin handy for her this morning. A smile was plastered on her face even though she was being ignored. However. her heart ached and she inwardly cursed non-stop.

Aargh! Why did Edmund no longer pay attention to her now that Chelsea was back?

Diane gritted her teeth, wishing she could just get rid of Chelsea once and for all. She decided to do anything within her power to stop them from getting back together

Edmund went straight to the point as soon as he entered Luka’s office.

“You know exactly what happened to Chelsea. So, tell me.”

Luka poured himself a glass of water slowly and avoided answering Edmund’s question.

“Mr. Nelson, please have a seat. | thought you cto talk about the script. Tell me, what do you think about it?”

Edmund remained standing. He pointed at him and asked impatiently, “What’s your deal, Luka? Why are you keepingin the dark?”

Both men locked eyes for a few seconds that seemed like a thousand years. Luka finally broke his gaze and wrote down a series of numbers on a sheet of paper. He then handed it to Edmund. “Here you go. That’s her phone number. You can call to ask her yourself.”

Judging by Edmund's attitude, Luka deduced that he didn’t know today was the anniversary of Chelsea’s mother’s death.

He found this ridiculous owing to the fact that Edmund had been married to Chelsea for three years. This proved to Luka that what he heard in the past was true. Edmund had been an uncaring husband.

Luka sneered inwardly. Why was he so concerned about Chelsea now that they were divorced?

Could it be that he realized his mistakes? Was he trying to get back with her? Or did he just think that Chelsea still cared about him? What a delusional man!

Edmund snatched the piece of paper without hesitation. Instead of leaving, he said with a smirk, “Who would have thought that you had good eyes for talent? | have to hand it to you, you are a big risk-taker for sparing no effort to train a newcomer.”

Now that Edmund suspected that Luka had a crush on his ex-wife, he couldn't help satirizing him. He felt that Luka only sent Chelsea abroad because he liked her.

Like the intelligent man that he was, Luka read the underlying meaning in Edmund's words. He shook his head and smiled. “Mr. Nelson, | hate to say this, but it seems you don’t know your ex-wife at all. It's not that | am a big risk-taker or a good judge of talent. Chelsea is just too excellent that | couldn't help giving her a chance. You know, talented people need the platform to show what they're capable of. Otherwise, they would remain undiscovered like diamonds in the ground.”

“Oh, really?” Edmund scoffed and stared at Luka with his eyebrows raised.

“It might interest you to know that when Zuri first introduced Chelsea as a part-tscriptwriter, | casually gave her the script | was working on and asked her to write an outline as a test. To my greatest surprise, she did marvelously well. Her work was the best | had ever seen from new scriptwriters. Mr. Lewis even selected it at first glance. | can never forget how ecstatic he was when he cand asked to be her mentor.”

Atrace of surprise flashed through Edmund's eyes. It was no news that Eugene never liked to mentor anyone. He had broken the hearts of many upcoming scriptwriters who wanted to be his mentees. Thus, it was shocking to Learn that he personally asked to mentor Chelsea.

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Noticing the surprise in Edmund’s eyes, Luka added, “You may not know this, but Chelsea has been fond of literature since childhood. Throughout her school years, she won various prizes for her literary pieces. She was also the best graduating student in her class at the university. You could say that she breathes literature.”

Edmund's head was full. It dawned on him that the woman who he had been married to for three years completely deceived him. If he didn’t know better, he would have thought Luka was showering praises on a completely different person.

Capítulo 39

Chapter: 39

Luka continued to blow Chelsea’s trumpet in her absence. “Chelsea is so gifted that | think she would have still taken the screenwriting world by storm even if Mr. Lewis didn’t mentor her. It’s such a pity that she didn’t kick-start her career full-time immediately after graduation. If she hadn’t gotten married to you, she would have been famous by now.”

To remain a diligent wife, Chelsea had made her career take the backseat. She could only work part-teven though it was her dream to work full-tLike every other career woman.

It was crystal clear that Luka was saying that Edmund had prevented Chelsea from living her dreams. This indirect insult made Edmund's blood boil. He glared at Luka for a few seconds, while squeezing the paper in his hand. Afterward, he stormed out without saying anything more.

Chelsea was not only the best graduating student in her class, but also the first person Eugene ever offered to mentor. It was so annoying that he had to find out important details about his ex-wife from an outsider. Intense sadness mixed with irritation settled like a boulder in his gut.

It was a slap in the face that he didn’t know that Chelsea was this excellent although they once Lived under the sroof and shared the sbed.

Just because Edmund felt that she and her father had set him up, he hated her so much and didn’t even bother to get to know her. She was just a shameless gold-digger in his eyes.

The only way he could vent his anger was by torturing Chelsea in bed. Her body gave him pleasure and her cries were pleasant to his ears.

Months passed before his anger reduced. He no longer loathed her as before, but he couldn’t bring himself to treat her right. He continued to treat her as if they were just housemates. On no occasion did he bother to get to know her. In this way, Chelsea remained a familiar stranger to him until their divorce.

Gloom was written all over Edmund's face when he stormed out of Luka’s office. Diane walked to him and held his arm. She asked lovingly, “How did your discussion with Mr. Pierce go? You look pissed. Did he say anything wrong?”

“Let's go. I'll take you home,” Edmund said, ignoring her question.

Diane rested her head on his arm and acted cute.

“My his boring. | want to spend twith you today. How about we go on a date?”

“No. | told you yesterday that | have a lot of work on my hands currently,” Edmund said, looking down at her with a slight frown.

Sensing his brewing irritation, Diane knew it was best not to be pushy. She suggested, “Okay, I’ll go home. But how about we have dinner later tonight? You know, we haven't dined together in ages.”

“Okay, I'll tell Leo to make a reservation for tonight and inform you about it.” Edmund gave in.

Still acting cute, Diane suggested, “I want to have steak tonight. How about making a reservation in that Italian restaurant we frequently go to?”

Edmund stopped dead in his tracks. For sweird reason, the smell and sight of steak irritated him ever since he discovered that Chelsea was allergic to beef and mutton. He didn’t want to have it tonight.

“| have been experiencing stomach upset lately, so | don’t want to eat steak today. I’d rather have a plate of salad or something else that’s easily digestible.” Edmund turned down Diane’s suggestion indifferently.

Aglint of sadness leaped into Diane’s eyes. She was a lover of steak, just like Edmund. They always had steak whenever they were eating together. Their love for steak was one of the few things they had in common.

Although it sounded as if Edmund didn’t just want to dine with her, Diane managed to convince herself that he was indeed suffering from a stomachache. She ditched her sad expression and put on a concerned one. She touched Edmund's side and asked, “Does it hurt very much now?”

“Uh-huh!” Edmund nodded as he walked. His stomach upset had been recurrent in the past year. Almost everything he ate made him feel uncomfortable.

Most of the meals he ate during his marriage were cooked by Chelsea. He always had three full-course meals every day at that time.

Chelsea had made his diet one of her top priorities. She always reminded him not to eat any kind of food outside in order not to have a stomach upset. He used to be irritated by her constant reminder. But after they divorced, he realized that she was right all along.

Since he ate just about anything to satisfy his hunger recently, his stomach was always upset.

Capítulo 40

Chapter: 40

Diane sighed and said, “I’ve told you times without number that you need to cut down on your alcohol intake, quit drinking coffee, and also stop smoking, but you have refused to listen to me. Now, see what’s happening.”

There was a hint of displeasure in Diane’s voice. She couldn't help gritting her teeth when she remembered how Chelsea used to make coffee for Edmund every morning

It annoyed her that Edmund didn’t Like the coffee she made for him now. She had thought she was good at it. But he always frowned after taking a sip. He’d then dump it.

Not only did this break her heart, but she was also mad at Chelsea for making Edmund's taste buds only comfortable with her coffee. She was fed up with wasting her efforts, so she decided to make him quit using his stomachache as an excuse.

This was the only way she could make sure Edmund never compared her with Chelsea in terms of coffee making.

Edmund didn’t utter a word, nor did he nod in agreement. It was pretty obvious to Diane that he wasn’t going to take her advice. After the two of them got into the car, Diane asked tentatively, “By the way, what do you think of the script today?”

“It's not bad,” Edmund replied simply.

Diane gritted her teeth and asked, “Don’t you think the ending is strange?”

“Strange? What’s strange about the ending?” Edmund inquired in reply.

After breathing to prevent herself from showing her angry side, Diane explained, “I think it’s rather strange that the woman who the prince hated was the sone he stayed married to and lived with happily ever after. On the other hand, the princess of the neighboring country, who was his first love, died in the end. The genre of the play is romance. But the princess’s death is a tragedy. Don’t you think it’s unreasonable for it to end that way?”

Anger bubbled in Diane’s throat. She had wanted to bang the table in fury when she listened to the script outline a while ago. If Chelsea wasn’t the one who wrote the script, she wouldn't have taken offense. However, she felt that Chelsea had written the script based on the love triangle between the three of them.

The prince had been forced by the king to marry a woman that he didn’t love. He was already in love with a princess from a neighboring nation. He wanted to marry her but the king kicked against it.

Why did the storyline seem so similar to their lives?

The only difference was that the prince’s first love died and his wife bechis new Love. Edmund’s own marriage had ended and he was now with his first love. Could it be that Chelsea sought comfort in writing this script because she couldn’t have him? Did this mean she still hadn’t gotten over him?

Several thoughts went through Edmund's head after Diane pointed out the so-called discrepancy in the script. He agreed that the similarity was uncanny. However, he didn’t see anything wrong with the ending. It was unusual but excellent.

“Things changed as the story progressed. Only the protagonists that were still alive could end up together. | don’t think the ending is unreasonable.” Edmund expressed his thought.

“Why did the story have to progress Like that? The play is about true love. The love the prince and the princess shared was also important. They should have ended up together!” Diane didn’t change her point of view. The tempo of her voice increased as she argued.

“The prince’s wife had gone through a lot for him. She had seen through all the plots from the court, battlefield, and church. She took good care of him when he was in danger. Without her help, the prince would have never becking. The best reward he could give her for her loyalty was to love her back. Don’t you think it would be unfair if he had walked out on his marriage after all they went through together? Think about it. For me, the ending is perfect.”

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Edmund thought he had made a good point. But Diane still didn’t see reasons with him. His explanation only fanned her fury.

Diane stuck to her opinion. She didn’t want to accept that the script was perfect.

The only reason why she brought it up was that she wanted Edmund to see reasons with her and to push for the script to be revised since he was an investor.

In the past, Edmund satisfied her every whim. She didn’t expect that he would say that the script was perfect even after she made it obvious to him that she didn’t like the ending.

“Edmund, | still think...” Diane was about to say something.

Capítulo 41

Chapter: 41

“Drop it, Diane. | know exactly what I’m saying. I’m the one investing in this play. So when | say that the script is good, don’t counter my words!” Edmund interrupted her seriously.

He didn’t want to argue with her anymore. As far as he was concerned, the script was perfect and there was no need to tweak it at all.

Diane was taken aback by his words. She could sense the irritation in his voice. He had indirectly accused her of pointing out a problem when there was none. Her eyes blazed with fury as she looked at him.

Of course she knew that he had the final say. She had never interfered with his work in the past. This situation was only different because Chelsea was involved. She had interfered because she thought Edmund would be displeased with the similarity just like she was.

“Okay then.” Although Diane badly wanted to throw a fit, she could only suppress her anger. She feared that Edmund would break up with her if she nagged him any further. She had ca long way with him. She had to take good care of it.

Continuing the argument would make it obvious that she was poking holes in the script because it was written by Chelsea. She had put on a sweet and free-minded attitude just to make sure Edmund continued to love her. She knew that he would stop loving her if she showed him her true colors.

Diane bit her lower lip and sneered in her heart. Since her argument with Edmund had reached a dead end, she decided to ask someone else to raise issues concerning the script Later on.

The director played a pivotal role in production too, didn’t he? The project would not go on if he wasn’t satisfied with the script. Chelsea was answerable to him, so he could be of help.

Diane concocted a plan. She had made a lot of connections while she was still in the entertainment industry. It would be easy for her to crush a new scriptwriter like Chelsea with the help of her connections.

More so, she still had Sonya on her side. She would make sure Sonya got a role in this new play. Diane planned to instigate Sonya to poke holes in the script during production. Chelsea would surely have a hard time.

Edmund didn’t say a word to Diane for the rest of the ride. He was annoyed with her. Even after she got off the car and kissed him goodbye, he didn’t say anything. He just drove off. Diane stared at the car, gritted her teeth, and walked into her home.

As Edmund drove at a high speed, he was lost in thought. What annoyed him wasn’t Diane’s interference in his business, but everything he saw after reading her mind.

It was obvious that Diane becinsecure after she found out that Chelsea had returned and was now working as a scriptwriter. After all, she wouldn’t have accompanied him if she didn’t know.

For the longest time, Diane had been against Chelsea. But she pretended to be an unproblematic woman in front of him. Her two-faced nature angered him to the core. Edmund wondered why she becsuch a despicable person. She used to be honest and calm, not pretentious and troublesome.

When he returned to his office, he stared at the paper that Luka had given him. It wasn’t until thirty minutes later that he finally mustered the courage to call Chelsea.

“Hello, who’s on the Line?” A female voice wafted into his ear once the line connected. Did she just ask that question? How could she? Did this mean she deleted his number? Could it be that she forgot it? Or was she just pretending?

Anger simmered in Edmund's heart. With a sharp tone, he said, “Chelsea, did the sky fall this morning? Don’t you take your work seriously? How dare you miss such an important meeting?”

There was a short silence on the other end of the phone. After a while, Chelsea scoffed and replied, “No, Mr. Nelson. The sky didn’t fall. | just had a car accident.”

“What ?”

“| didn’t stay away intentionally. I'm sorry for not showing up. If you aren’t satisfied with my work, you can ask Mr. Pierce to replacewith someone else.”

Chelsea hung up the phone immediately, sparing him no chance to speak. Edmund stared at his phone with his mouth agape. The only thing he picked from the conversation was that Chelsea had a car accident.