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Mr. Nelsonn Winning His Ex-wife’s Heart

Capítulo 56
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Capítulo 56

Chapter: 56

“| promise not to let you down, Mr. Pierce. I'll put in my all for this project.” Chelsea couldn’t help declaring her steadfastness in making the play a success.

Performing excellently was the best reward she could give Luka for banking on her. And she intended to do just that.

Luka didn’t say much. He just acknowledged her appreciation and reminded her to finalize the script as soon as possible before hanging up.

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“Woo-hoo! ALL the problems | was facing regarding the project have been solved. | don’t have to quit, Zuri!“ Chelsea’s joy knew no bounds. She jumped up and went to hug Zuri tightly. She was so happy that she didn’t need to revise the script or meet with Edmund concerning the project again.

Zuri, who was being crushed in her friend’s embrace, murmured, “Wow! Why did Edmund compromise? This is incredible.”

To sextent, Zuri knew Edmund because she was also a part of the film industry. She knew that Edmund wanted Nelson Entertainment to beca household neven though it wasn’t anything important for the powerful Nelson Group. He had been investing a lot of money in different movies and TV plays over the past few years. For every film he invested in, the production team had to satisfy his every whim.

This was the first tEdmund wasn't treated like a god. Thus, Zuri was shocked that he compromised. Was it because he wanted to please Chelsea?

It was hard to fathom the reasons for his actions. Zuri had to shoot today, so Chelsea bade her farewell and took a taxi to her apartment.

She quickly checked everywhere in the apartment for Orlando. It wasn’t until she discovered that he was not here that she finally let out a sigh.

Just when Chelsea plopped down on her sofa, she got a text message from Orlando. He revealed that he left not long after she left Last night. His company had distracted the attention of the fans and he was able to sneak out without their knowledge.

“Thank goodness. Please don’t show up at my doorstep again,” Chelsea muttered a prayer. She didn’t want to get into trouble because of Orlando. Her twas precious and she intended to use it for work.

Orlando Left behind the Large bag of snacks that he brought Last night. There were also sbottles of ointment for bruises and scalds in the bag.

“Aww! This is so thoughtful of him!” Chelsea’s lips curled up in a smile as she looked at the wound on her arm. She had to admit that Orlando was such a caring young man.

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Chelsea washed up and changed into a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. She decided to go to the supermarket to buy groceries to be used while she locked up herself at hto work on the script for a few days.

But when she grabbed her keys to the apartment and was about to step out, she received a call from Fay.

Fay was Edmund's personal assistant, like Leo. Both of them were good at their jobs. And Edmund trusted them with most of the work affairs.

Fay and Leo were twins. It was said that they were from a poor family and they grew up in a remote village on the mountainside. The Nelson Group’s charity foundation funded their education right from elementary school. They were also sent abroad for further studies. This good education saw to it that their talents were outstanding amongst their peers.

The twins had been employed in Nelson Group immediately after their graduation.

Fay was a calm and introverted young Lady. She spent most of her tworking. Since she started working for Edmund, she had never been found wanting. Thus, he trusted her with many important tasks

“Hello, Miss Williams. Are you free to meet today so we can discuss the project? Since | just took over, | have very little knowledge about the project. I’d Like you to fillin. Is that possible?” Fay asked in a professional tone.

“Sure!” Chelsea replied without hesitation. She had taken quite a liking to Fay when she was still Edmund’s wife. They both got along well.

“Okay, that’s great. When and where would be convenient for you?” Fay inquired politely. Since Chelsea was about to go shopping before the call cin, she told Fay to meet her in twenty minutes at a café located in the sshopping mall she was headed to.