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My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning In The Flames Of His Vengeance

Chapter 130
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Chapter 130

My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning In The Flames of

His Vengeance chapter 130

4U. In His Grasp YILtYNA. "Well, well, well... We meet again." I tried to control myanger as I stared at the man before me.

I was chained to the wall, the taste of blood in my mouth almost makingsick.

T Once again, I was in the cells of the castle of Westerfell.

"Inevitably we were going to." I spat, looking at none other than the monster Theoden himself.

I had been dragged back here several days ago, and every day they tried to break meor demand to know who was without there.

Arabella was no werewolf, and she had not smelt Theon from me, but even when lhad been beaten, I refused to speak.

They could whipand beat me, but nothing could break me, or so I thought.

That was until they stooped lower and threatened to kill children from the Silver Storm.

I knew they would follow through on their threat, so I said it was Hunter and one of his men, because I hada feeling Arabella had seen

Hunter, since he had been stabbed.

It was safer to give them a partial truth than a complete lie.

They had bought it and I was relieved.

I couldn't let them know that Theon was out there, and that he knew the truth.

"Ah well, what a shthat fool was unable to protect you.

I'm sure this wasn't the way you thought it would be." Theoden sneered as he stepped closer.

I smirked bitterly, "Well, I outsmarted your son, I will outsmart you too." I spat.

He looked atsharply, I kept a look of pure hatred and contempt on my face, praying he bought it.

"Theon found you?" "Almost, but he wasn't fast enough now, was he?" Theoden slappedacross the face hard, and I clenched my jaw.

I hadn't been given anything to eat or drink since I chere, and I was greatly weakened.

"What's wrong Theoden, angry that you and your son have nothing on me?" "I have the kingdom and your people before me.

You are the one with nothing.

So I have a proposal for you: Marryand be my Luna, or the consequences will be great." a His wordsmade my stomach twist sickeningly

and my heart plummet.


Goddess, no.

"Never." I hissed, my eyes flashing despite the silver and poison running through my veins.

"Oh? I will give you one day.

One day for you to change your mind, or the streets of Westerfell will run with the blood of the children of the Silver Storm Pack." "No king

treats hissubjects like this! Those children are yours to protect! You are already king, Theoden, aren't you enough without me? Why do you

needby your side?" His fist met my face, and I felt something crack, excruciating pain rushing through me.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

I wish I had been able to contact the sirens...

We were right on the coast...

I had seen what Theoden had done to his own pack, not to mention his wifeand daughters.

No one was safe from his barbaric ways.

"Do not speak back to me! If you hadn't been the heart, I would have killed you the first tyou started to seduce my son." He

hissed,grabbing my face.

I gritted my teeth, refusing to give him any satisfaction that he was hurting me, andglared coldly at the man before me.

"Killing everyone who may impose a threat to your plan is your go to option, is it not, Theoden?" I asked icily.

"Not you...

You will be by my side, whether you want to or not." He growled harshly.

For a moment his gaze raked over me, lingering on my breasts, making my skin crawl.

"I cannot blTheon for being tempted." "Fuck off." I spat.

His eyes blazed and his grip on my face tightened.

Painfully tight.

"Heed my words, you have until dawn to change your mind...

Oh, and if you don't obey, I assure you I have other methods.

Did I mention that I found a rather pretty orange rose...

One that I'm sure you won't wantto kill." With those words, he slammed my head back against the wall and my vision darkened.

Orange rose...


Did he have her? My heart squeezed with anger and helplessness.

The fear for my people's lives hung in my answer...

What do I do...

If I agreed, what did it mean? What would he try to use my powers for?

Darkness enveloped me, and I fell unconsciousonce more...

The sound of crying reached my ears, and a bucket of scalding hot water was thrown over me, making me scream asmy eyes flew open.

The sound of my voice rang in the cell as I looked around, the boiling water burning my skin.

The pain envelopedlike a blanket I could not get away from.

My heart thundered as I looked at the two young children that stood there holding hands, as Theoden and three of his men watched with eyesthat were emotionless and hard.

I smiled gently at the kids, trying to ease their fear.

"Your tis up.

Now, do you agree? Or shall these two mutts be the first of many?"

Theoden was not a man who cared for anyone but himself, I couldn't risk the lifeof anyone else.

"I agree." I said emotionlessly.

My heart was hurting, but more than my own wellbeing, I wanted these kids far away from Theoden.

It's going to be ok.

I said the words silently, knowing they couldn't hearas they stood there trembling, their large blue eyes staring at me, almostbeggingto save them.

Theoden let out a raucous laugh as he ctowards me, grabbing hold of my hair and yanking my head back.

"I have a queen!" He roared as his men smirked.

Men he had purchased...

These men were trained monsters, not beings with compassion.

I will destroy you all...

for the crimes you have committed.

I vowed this to myself.

I looked at Theoden, but I didn't speak.

For now, I would submit, because the lives of those children were far more important.

He simply smirked, letting his gaze fall to my neck.

He leaned in, and I clenched my jaw, trying not to recoil as I swallowed hard.

"I will look forward to marking you." He whispered menacingly, before he looked at his men and gave a nod.

One man stepped forward, unsheathing his sword.

Was he going to break my chains? If so, they would regret it, I could take them all But to my horror, I was so verywrong.

Without even a flicker of hesitation, the man swung his sword.

I screamed in agony, as I stared helplessly at the scene before me.

He cut off the heads of the two children in a blink of an eye.

1 I felt the snapping of the link that tied them tobreak, as burning fury enveloped me.

"You will pay!" I hissed, my voice a siren's shriek as I glared at the man who had killedthem.

"How dare you! I agreed, Theoden!" My powers fought against the bindings, but despite the ice that spread across the ground of the cell,it did nothing to affect the men.

Theoden grabbedby the hair once again, smashing it into the stone behind me.

"You agreed now, but you disrespectedyesterday! Take this as a warning, never disobey me! Among the next victims, there will be Raiden Bolton and CharleneAphelion." Theoden spat before he walked out of the cell, leavingseething and heartbroken for the two children who lay on the ground.

Their heads lay far from their bodies, as blood seeped across the floor.

I'm sorry...

I'm so sorry...

Tears stung my eyes as I stared at their lifeless bodies, the pain and anguish I was feelingso intense.

Theoden deserved the worst kind of punishment, and I promised I would make sure it cto him.

Hours passed, yet no one cfor the children, and their bodies no longer bled.

Their bodiless heads lay to the side, with expressions of shock frozen on their faces.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

This was a memory that would always remain in my mind.

I was meant to protect them, yet right before my eyes, that bastard beheaded them.

He will pay.

The sound of heels echoing on the stone floor made my head whip towards the bars.

The rancid darkness that accompanied her toldwho it was, and moments later when she cinto view, our eyes met.


"The King sent a ring for his bride." She said in her voice devoid of life.

Was it me, or did she seem even weirder lately...

"Oh, does he know? What is it? A slave's collar, or a ring to suppress my powers? "tasked coldly.

Our eyes met and she lifted her hand that had been hidden under her black cloak.

There it was, a black collar with symbols I did not understand marked along the entire band.

As I thought, a collar to suppress my powers.

But how good was it? Maybe they'd underestimate my abilities...

I could hope, and I was surely going to try.

She cover to me, and whispering a spell, I suddenly felt a sharp pain within me.

"I know how your mind works, Heart of Kaeladia.

This collar...

Do you see the blood?" I looked at her, trying to stay conscious as she removed the silver collar that had been coated in poison, and

replacedit with the black one.

It was thicker, heavier and wider, restricting my movements, and I could feel the darkness embedded in it.

"What blood?" I growled, as searing pain spread throughfrom the collar.

I looked down, seeing symbols similar to those that covered the collar beginning to spread over my body, in what smelled like blood.

What was this? "Blood of your people bound to their Alpha.

Now let us have you washed and bathed for the King." Arabella said as she unlocked the rest ofthe chains and I fell to the ground.

So, they had thought it all out.

I got up onto all fours, coming level to the headless bodies of the children.

"Can I...

Can I place their heads by their body?" I whispered, trying to hide the pain inside.

"No." She said.

Raising her hand, a black flenveloped the bodies.

"Stop it!" I shouted, about to summon my powers when Arabella snapped her fingers, and the bodies disintegrated.

My heart pounded as I let out a cry of frustration, she crouched besideand caressed my hair.

"I wouldn't use my abilities if I were you, those runes are tied to your people.

Remember, if you try to fight the seal, they pay." "Meaning?" I asked, feeling my stomach twist withdread.

I looked at the charred floor where the bodies once lay, feeling devastated, but it was her next words that chilledto the core.

A dark reminder that I truly was powerless.