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My Baby’s Daddy

Chapter 2749
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That was directed at Samantha, and Samantha’s face turned green, red, purple, white,

and even more colors in the span of moments.

Ezekiel scanned Samantha coldly. Then, he said adamantly, “Don’t worry. You’re the only

one I love. No one can steal you away from me.”

Samantha noticed that icy glance, and she inhaled sharply. Ezekiel was not like what she

imagined at all. What kind of man is he?

“Good,” said Harmony happily. There’s no need to humiliate Samantha anymore. This is

more than enough humiliation for her. Samantha tried to leave as gracefully as she could.

“I-I’ll leave you two to it.”

“I’ll send my friend off,” said Harmony.

“Sure. Come back to me later.” Ezekiel nodded and let her leave. Harmony approached

Samantha. “I’ll send you off, Samantha.”

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Samantha knew that wasn’t just the thing Harmony wanted to do. She had no choice but

to leave Ezekiel. Once they were out of his earshot, she turned around. “You aren’t just

sending me off. Are you, Harmony?”

“And you didn’t come to the gym this early just to work out, did you?” Harmony retorted,

exposing Samantha’s plan.

Samantha smiled. “So, you do know what I was going for.

Harmony didn’t look happy at all. Instead, she replied coldly, “I was happy to see an old

friend, but after everything you did… I know you’re not the old Samantha I knew.”

“No one’s the same anymore. You’re different as well. You’ve learned how to be shrewd.

Plus, you hooked up with a rich guy. Why? Don’t want to share your good fortune with your

friends?” said Samantha, treating Ezekiel like some sort of exquisite merchandise to be


Harmony became angry as she sneered, “Do not insult my boyfriend, Samantha. He is not

for sharing. He is mine alone.”

Samantha curled her lips into a nonchalant smirk. “You’re too naive, Harmony. In all these

years in this industry, I’ve never seen any rich guy staying loyal to one woman. Dream on.

We’re friends, right? If he dumps you one day, you can hook us up. If I get any good guys,

I’ll hook you up with them too.”

Harmony looked at Samantha. “I’m only saying this as your friend, Samantha. You

shouldn’t be so promiscuous. If you catch any diseases down the line, you’ll suffer. Being

someone’s plaything isn’t a badge of honor.”

Samantha’s temper flared. “Don’t you take that tone with me, Harmony. You’re not that

noble yourself. I’ll be waiting for the day you get kicked to the curb, just like what Reuben

did to you.

Harmony heaved a sigh, restraining her anger. “No. God kicked that jerk away from my life

and let me meet the man I truly like.”

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Samantha scoffed at that notion. “Don’t make it sound like divine providence. We all know

Reuben dumped you.”

Harmony arched her eyebrow as she refuted, “So? I don’t care. But if you try to steal my

boyfriend away, I’ll drag you down even if it’s the last thing I do.”

“Why you…”

“And if you tell the media about my whereabouts again, I will sue you,” warned Harmony.

Samantha harrumphed. “And how do you know I did it?”

“I just do.” Harmony whirled and flounced off.

Samantha stomped her foot angrily. She had lost her chance, and the money would never

be hers now. She had no idea why Ezekiel was so hard to seduce.

When Harmony returned, Ezekiel was waiting for her. Then, he wasted no time helping her

train. A while later, a film of sweat was covering Harmony’s skin.

Ezekiel felt himself heating up at the sight. He wrapped an arm around her as he

murmured, “Let’s get back to our room and take a shower.”