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My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 82 The Lewis Family’s Demise
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Viscount Lewis's voice trembled with a hint of panic. "No... It can't end like this... I won't allow it!"

Yuan's eyes burned with determination as he continued his assault, his sword moving with unparalleled precision. 

He sneered at the Viscount's feeble attempts to evade the strike. "You dare underestimate me, noble? Your tricks and spells won't save you now."

The sound of steel clashing filled the air as Empyreal Oblivion met resistance. The Viscount had managed to summon a protective barrier in the nick of time, deflecting the lethal blow. However, the impact sent him staggering backward, his composure shattered.

Gasping for breath, Viscount Lewis struggled to regain his footing. His voice dripped with disdain and defiance. "You... you won't get away with this! I am a noble of this kingdom. My power is limitless!"

Yuan's eyes gleamed with a mixture of amusement and contempt. He circled his opponent, his blade poised for another strike. "Limitless, you say? Then show me, noble, show me the true extent of your power."

Viscount Lewis, wounded and humiliated, clenched his fists. He tried to summon his most potent spells, channeling his mana with all his might. But despite his efforts, his magic seemed to falter, weakened by his trembling resolve.

Yuan's voice dripped with mockery. "Is this the extent of your limitless power, noble? How disappointing."

With lightning speed, Yuan launched himself at Viscount Lewis once again, his sword gleaming with deadly intent. The Viscount's defenses crumbled under the onslaught, and Empyreal Oblivion found its mark, slicing through the air with a sickening sound.

As Yuan's blade struck Viscount Ethan Lewis's neck, the world seemed to freeze for a moment. The sharp sound of the impact echoed through the air, followed by a bone-chilling silence. 

Viscount Ethan Lewis's body fell to the ground, lifeless, his once formidable power extinguished.

The Viscount's wife, Elisabeth, released a gut-wrenching scream of anguish, her voice filled with pain and despair.

"No! Ethan!" she cried, her voice trembling with raw emotion. Tears streamed down her face as she watched her beloved husband's lifeless body collapse to the ground.

Jayden, their son, stood frozen in shock, his eyes wide with disbelief and horror. His voice cracked as he shouted in anguish, "Father! No! This can't be happening!"

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Butler Josh, who had served the Viscount faithfully for years, fell to his knees, his voice choked with sorrow. "My Lord... No... How could this...?"

The onlookers around them were struck silent by the tragedy unfolding before their eyes. The once mighty noble family, now broken and shattered by the merciless strike of Yuan's sword, became a symbol of the harsh reality that power and status were no guarantees of safety.

Butler Josh's voice rang out, filled with anger and determination. "How dare a commoner kill my lord? He will pay for this!"

As he prepared to cast his magic spell, a voice interrupted him from his left. "How dare a mere dog of the noble think of killing her hubby? Now die."

Xi Meili, with a cold expression, waved her palm, unleashing a devastating mixture of crimson and black flame. The flames shot towards Butler Josh with deadly precision.

Caught off guard by Xi Meili's attack, Butler Josh's eyes widened in horror as the Primordial Chaos Flame consumed his body. The scorching heat was so intense that he didn't even have a chance to scream before he turned into nothing more than a pile of ash.

The onlookers gasped in disbelief and horror, their faces pale with shock. The flame had exhibited no trace of mana, yet its power was enough to reduce a person to ashes in an instant.

Jayden, trembling in fear, turned to his mother, Elizabeth, whose expression mirrored his own terror. They whispered to each other, their voices filled with fear and regret. "Why did we have to come here? We shouldn't have come here."

Yuan's eyes bore into the trembling figures of Jayden and Elisabeth as they knelt before the lifeless body of Ethan Lewis. His voice dripped with icy coldness as he addressed them, his words laced with a sinister certainty. "Now, you are the only ones left to deal with. Don't worry, I will make it painless for both of you with a swift motion."

Jayden and Elisabeth exchanged terrified glances, their voices shaking as they pleaded for their lives. "Please, spare us! We don't want to die! It was a mistake to seek revenge, but we don't deserve to die!"

Jayden's voice quivered with desperation as he continued, "We were consumed by anger and hatred. We never anticipated that it would lead to such destruction. Please, have mercy on us!"

Elisabeth's voice trembled with fear and regret. "We understand now the gravity of our actions. We beg you, spare our lives. We will repent and atone for our mistakes. We promise we will never seek revenge again."

Yuan's expression remained cold and unmoved by their pleas. He raised his sword, pointing it directly at them, his voice devoid of mercy. "Your pleas fall on deaf ears. You brought this upon yourselves, and now you must face the consequences."

Jayden's voice cracked as he desperately begged, "We are willing to do anything, anything to make amends! Spare us, please!"

Elisabeth's voice joined in, filled with desperation. "We have a young daughter at home. Please, have mercy for her sake! Don't let her be left alone in this world!"

Yuan's gaze wavered for a moment, a flicker of doubt crossing his eyes. But he quickly composed himself, his voice resolute. "Your pleas will not change the outcome. Prepare yourselves."

With a cold and resolute expression, he raised his sword, 'Empyreal Oblivion,' slightly higher, preparing to deliver a swift and decisive strike that would end their lives without mercy or hesitation.

Jayden and Elizabeth, their faces etched with fear and desperation, could feel the weight of Yuan's intent bearing down upon them. They trembled uncontrollably, realizing that their fate had been sealed by their own actions.

Elizabeth, clutching onto her son, added her tearful pleas to Jayden's. "We beg for mercy! Spare us, we're at your mercy now. We'll disappear, we'll never bother you again. Just spare our lives!"

Yuan's gaze remained icy and unmoved, his grip on his sword unyielding. He saw through their empty promises and understood the depth of their crimes. His voice cut through the air like a blade as he responded to their pleas. "You had your chances, and you squandered them. There is no redemption for the likes of you. Prepare yourselves."

Jayden's eyes widened with a mix of terror and disbelief. He couldn't comprehend the magnitude of the situation, that his life would come to an abrupt end at the hands of the man he had so despised. "No! This can't be happening! You can't... you can't kill us like this!"

Elizabeth clung to her son, her voice choked with desperation. "Please, have mercy! Spare my son at least. He's just a boy. Punish me, but spare his life!"

Yuan's expression remained unchanged as he took a step closer, his sword gleaming ominously.

Without hesitation, Yuan unleashed his full power, channeling his Qi into his sword. A surge of energy coursed through 'Empyreal Oblivion,' transforming it into a weapon of undeniable destruction. The air crackled with anticipation as he prepared to strike.

In one swift and calculated motion, Yuan brought down his sword with an overwhelming force. The blade sliced through the air with a deadly precision, aimed directly at Jayden and Elizabeth. Their lives hung in the balance for a split second, before the blade made contact.

The sound of impact reverberated through the room, accompanied by a chilling silence that followed. 

Jayden and Elizabeth's bodies fell lifeless to the ground, the single strike having ended their lives in an instant. Their expressions frozen in eternal fear and disbelief.

Yuan stood amidst the aftermath of the intense battle, his gaze lingering on the lifeless bodies scattered around him. The weight of the day's events bore heavily upon him, and he let out a deep sigh, his voice filled with a mix of weariness and resolve. "This all ends here."


<Mission "Slaughter the Viscount family" has been completed!> 

<You have completed the mission: Slaughter the Viscount family.> 

<You have been rewarded with a Divine Rank Alchemy technique "Celestial Essence Fusion" and 50 SP.> 

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<The reward has been placed inside the System Storage.>

Anna and Grace, his two mothers, approached him, their expressions a mix of relief and pride. Anna's voice carried a comforting tone as she spoke. "You did what needed to be done, my son. We stood together, and justice has been served. Now, it is time to return home."

Grace nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting the weariness of the day's events. "Yes, it's time to put an end to this chapter. We have much to do, and we must make our preparations to leave this place behind."

Lily, his elder sister, joined the conversation, her voice steady and resolute. "It's over now, Yuan. We can finally leave this place and start anew. We must gather our belongings and prepare for our journey back home."

Emma and Xi Meili, Yuan's beloveds, stood by his side, their expressions mirroring the sentiments of their family. Emma spoke softly, her voice filled with a mix of relief and exhaustion. "I'm glad it's over. We can finally leave this nightmare behind and focus on rebuilding our lives."

Xi Meili nodded, her eyes glancing around the scene before her. "There is much to pack and prepare. We must ensure we leave nothing behind. It's time to leave this place and move forward together."

Yuan looked at his family, their unity and strength evident in their voices. He nodded, a sense of closure washing over him. "You're all right. We have been through enough, and it's time to leave this dark chapter behind us."

With a shared understanding, they turned away from the grim scene and began making their way towards their home. 

As Yuan and his wives departed from the gruesome scene, a wave of shock and disbelief swept through the onlookers. Whispers filled the air, carrying the weight of the momentous event that had just unfolded.

"I can't believe it... The city lord and the Viscount Lewis family... all gone," murmured a bewildered bystander, his eyes wide with astonishment.

A woman, her voice trembling, chimed in, "Did you see that? The hero and his wives... they defeated them all! How is that even possible?"

Another person shook their head in disbelief. "It's like something out of a legend. I never thought I'd witness such a display of power."

A young man, his voice filled with awe, exclaimed, "They were unstoppable! I've never seen anyone fight like that before. They truly are heroes."

Amidst the whispers and murmurs, an elderly gentleman spoke up, his voice carrying a mix of admiration and reverence. "They have protected us, defended our city against those who sought to harm us. We owe them our gratitude."

A voice filled with concern broke through the crowd. "But what will happen now? With the city lord and the Viscount's demise, who will lead us?"
