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My Dragon System

Chapter 165: The Dragon Knights Tomb
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Ray and the four others were currently navigating their way through the underground tunnel. It made him think back to when he had first met the Divine being. When a part of Ray was shared with the Divine being, he found out that the Divine being underneath Avrion wasn't complete.

The Crystal was just a fragment of the whole thing. Ray then thought back to the rumours about the Divine being also being underneath Roland academy. If he put these two things together, most likely a part of the Divine being was also located at Roland academy.

That's when Ray decided he needed to finish his business at Avrion academy and start to search the continent for these fragments of the Divine being. Perhaps then he would finally get his answers about what happened to him and what on earth were those visions he saw.

"Do you know where you're going because of those Dragon eyes of yours?" Gary asked.

"Yeah, they allow me to see through the walls and I can see a great distance."

"Wow, you can use magic, you can summon a beast and you can even disguise yourself as another person, maybe you really are the chosen one."

Ray didn't like being called that, this whole time he had been denying it but the fact that the Divine being chose to show him those images and no one else, made him think differently. Maybe he really was this person they spoke of in this prophecy but then Ray had another question to ask, why him?

After navigating their way through the tunnels for a while, Ray could finally see that they were directly above the statues of the Dragon Knights in the cemetery. Directly below where he was standing was a trap door, and in the distance, Ray could see the Red aura underneath.

"Let me go down there first," Jack asked.

Ray agreed, out of everyone here if Jack was to encounter something, he was the most likely to survive. Even though Ray had more power than Jack, his body wasn't as strong.

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Upon opening the trap door the appearance of an iron ladder was seen. Jack climbed down first and once he gave the okay the rest of them followed. They carried on walking along the tunnel and then suddenly a large stone door was blocking the way.

This wasn't like the Giant iron doors they had seen before, this one was different. The Stone door had strange writings that had been engraved into the door but even Ray couldn't read it.

"What does it say?" Badger asked.

"I don't know," Gary said, "can you read it, Ray?"

"It says anyone who disturbs the dead will be punished with death," Jack said to everyone's surprise.

"You can read it?" Ray asked.

Jack nodded. The mystery sounding Jack only grew but it seemed like even Jack had no clue why he could read it and the others couldn't.

"Do you think the doors locked?" Sloth asked.

Jack immediately then walked in front of the others and kicked the stone door as hard as he could. The door went flying back and landed up ahead somewhere in the cave.

"Looks like it's not locked," Gary said.

When walking past the door though. Badger noticed that there was a lock on the ground. This suggested that the door had been locked but someone had been here before them and tampered with it.

When they entered the room five rectangular coffins could be seen lying side by side. On the coffin, each of them had the symbol of Avrion engraved on the front.

"Wow, it's really the Dragon knights?" Badger said excitedly as he rushed forward but then Badger discovered something shocking as he looked at the coffins.

Bones and skulls had been chucked to the side and even some skulls had been smashed in.

"It looks like someone beat us to it." Garry said, "Perhaps this person was looking for the same thing you were Ray?"

Ray started to examine the bones and the coffins and noticed something.

"Whoever broke in, they did so a long time ago. The dust has settled on top of everything, maybe the person who came in here wasn't the same person who vandalized the coffins."

Ray then activated his Dragon eyes once again to search for the Red aura he had sensed before. When looking around the room there was another large black door at the back.

Jack then proceeded to move to the door and just like before tried kicking the door down but the result was different this time as the door remained sturdy.

"It looks like this door is like the others, I guess it's time to do you trick Ray."

Ray then walked up to the door and placed his hand once again on the door.

<Would you like to enter the Dragon knights tomb?">

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the message that appeared may Ray think a little bit, they were already in the Dragon knights tomb. Perhaps this room was merely a decoy Ray thought.


The doors then opened wide and they entered an even larger room. This room similar to the last had five coffins but they were more spread out and lot larger. The coffins surrounded a single large statue that stood in the centre. Ray had seen the very same statue once before.

It was of a woman who wore robes and a staff in her hand. When he had asked Slyvia about it she had stated it was an image of the Divine being. Beyond the statue of the divine being was an Arching open doorway but it was impossible for the others to see past it for it was too dark.

Ray then pointed at the open doorway and said.

"Just past there is what I'm here for."

"Please let me go first," Jack asked, "If there is something in there and you were to be badly hurt then we would all have no chance of surviving. it's best if I go first."

What Jack said hade made a lot of sense to Ray. Jack was a tank-type character who was able to take a lot of damage, while Ray was there Damage dealer.

Jack was the first one to go through the dark hallway while the others waited outside for Jack's response. After some time had passed there was no response from Jack, nothing.

Ray tried sending Jack a message through the system but he still had received no reply.

"What do we do now?" Sloth asked, "It shouldn't take this long to check if it's okay."

Ray also thought it was strange.

"Okay, let's go in together."


PS. if you like my stories you can check out my new Novel called My Vampire System. It will not affect the update schedule of this story whats so ever as this story is my number one priority.