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My Evil Genius Wife

Chapter 451
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Chapter 451: Pretty Smile.

Yu Entertainment

“WHAT? EX-GIRLFRIEND?” Yuhan was dumbfounded when the receptionist said that his ex-girlfriend had come to meet him.

For a moment, the thought of Gu Xingren came to his mind because other than her, no girl can claim to be his ex-girlfriend.

But there is no reason for her to come to meet him. They ended their relationship long ago and he hasn’t heard from her in months too.

However, the next words of the receptionist cleared that misunderstanding as well.

“However, she is not Ms. Gu either.” The receptionist said on the phone while giving a strange look to Jia Fei, who was impatiently waiting for her to put down the phone and let her go inside.

Yuhan pursed his lips as a deep frown appeared on her forehead. Ex-girlfriend?


If not Gu Xingren, then who is this girl?

After a deep thought, he said to the receptionist on the phone, ” I don’t have any ex-girlfriend. Tell the lady to reveal her name, if not, ask her to take a leave.”

” I don’t have time to deal with such nuisances. Work is enough for me today.” He said coldly, while still on the phone.

The receptionist understood his words and looked at Jia Fei hesitantly and asked politely, ” Madam, May I know your name? I need to confirm your identity before allowing you to go inside.”

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Jia Fei frowned when the receptionist asked for her name and said, “I am sorry. I cannot give you my name.”

The receptionist looked troubled, “Sir, the lady-”

She wanted to inform Yuhan on the phone when he cut her off and said, ” I heard it all. If she cannot reveal her name, then tell her to take a leave.”

” If needed, ask the security for help.” He cannot allow any random woman to come and make a scene in his office.

“Yes. Sir.” The receptionist nodded.

“Madam, I am sorry to say this but without confirming your identity, I cannot allow you to go inside when you don’t even have an appointment.”

” You can come again after booking an appointment. For now, please leave.” She said politely, still keeping her professional smile on her face.

Jia Fei was speechless when the receptionist told her to take a leave. Hah! Leave? Her?

She rolled her eyes in disbelief before asking her, ”

Is your boss still on the phone?”

“Yes?” The receptionist was caught off guard by Jia Fei’s direct question and before she could respond, Jia Fei leaned forward and snatched the handset from her hands and put it next to her ears.

“YOU! HOW MANY EX-GIRLFRIENDS DO YOU HAVE?” Jia Fei asked coldly on the phone in annoyance. She thought that he would have understood if she had said that.

They just got into a relationship last week but he showed no signs of initiation or tried to talk to her. They fucking wasted a whole week in nothing.

She is basically his Ex-girlfriend now!

Yuhan, who was still on the phone, was startled when someone else took the phone and started bashing him for something he didn’t even do.

However, the voice felt awfully familiar. His eyes widened as he asked cautiously, “J...Jia Fei? Is that you?”

Jia Fei pursed her lips and was slightly relieved that he at least recognized her voice. ” YES. DO YOU STILL WANT ME TO GIVE MY NAME TO THE RECEPTIONIST, HUH?” She asked coldly.

She was avoiding giving her name to the receptionist because it would cause chaos if she did that.

She just resumed her career as a soloist, she cannot take any risks with it. Otherwise, Xu Nuan will kill her for good.

More than that, it wouldn’t be easy for him either. However, if he wants her to give her name to the receptionist, she will do so.

Because she still has Xu Nuan. The Goddess of handling such scandals. She will swear at her for days but eventually will come for her save as well.

Yuhan was speechless to find out that the so-called ex-girlfriend was none other than JIA FEI.

“But....what are you doing here so suddenly? Are you here with anyone?” He asked worriedly.

Doesn’t she know that she is damn famous and if anyone catches a hint that she is THE JIA FEI, then there will be a line of paparazzi and herds of fans in front of the company?

It will not only be chaotic but dangerous for her as well to go anywhere without being accompanied by anyone. Because not every fan can be nice and keep their manners.

That’s why celebrities need bodyguards to protect them from crazy fans who can go to any lengths, even to harm anyone in the process.

” Nope. I am here to see you. However, if you want me to leave, then I can just go back.” She said, sounding edgy, showing her disappointment to him.

“LEAVE? WHYY?” Yuhan panicked when he heard her empty threats and said, “Hand over the phone to the receptionist. I’ll talk to her.”

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Jia Fei handed over the phone to the receptionist, who looked confused to see them conversing on the phone as if they were acquainted with each other.

However, a minute ago, didn’t he say that he doesn’t have any ex-girlfriend? Then what’s happening now?

Is she seriously his ex-girlfriend? The receptionist took Jia Fei for a crazy woman who is behind their BOSS for attention but seems like she was telling the truth earlier and she is indeed acquainted with him.

Damn! Thankfully, she did not say anything rude to her and kept her manners while talking to her.

Phew! She let out a sigh of breath before taking the phone from Jia Fei. ” Yes, Sir.”

” About the lady, give her the special pass and let her in through the VIP elevator.”

The receptionist glanced at Jia Fei cautiously and responded to Yuhan on the phone, “Yes. I will do that sir.”

After hanging up the phone, the receptionist smiled at Jia Fei hesitantly and handed her the special pass for her to go upstairs. “Madam, here is your pass. You can use the VIP elevator upstairs.”

” I will send someone to accompany you to the CEO’s office. Have a nice day!”

Jia Fei took the pass and was pleased by the polite attitude of the receptionist. She smiled and said, “Thank you.”

She was about to leave when she suddenly stopped in her steps and said, ” Ah! I forgot to say one thing. You have a pretty smile. Keep smiling like this.”

The receptionist was left bewildered after Jia Fei made a nonchalant comment, which made the woman’s heart skip a beat for a moment.

She was already falling for Jia Fei’s unique and casual fashion sense and hearing such compliments from her, made her fall for her even harder.

Is this what it feels like to receive compliments from women? She smiled and touched her cheeks unknowingly, feeling happy to be complimented for her smile, and watched Jia Fei leave from behind in her model-like walk.

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