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My Farm System: Reaching The Top In The Parallel Earth!

193 Chapter 193
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However, information is useless if one doesn’t have the means to utilize it

Claude burned his own origin energy and used it as his fuel to expel the purple flames burning all types of energy he possesses but things are not that easy

As flames that were so high in level that the realm cannot tolerate them, how could they be easily extinguished?

The rate at which Claude extinguish the purple flames was painfully slow and this was causing him to lose more origin energy than he wants to

Not to mention, why would the Serpentine Empress even just stand there and do nothing when she successfully created a chance for herself to land one solid attack after another?

The woman moved quickly, her arms turning into two long snakes with shiny black scales

Claude was still trying to extinguish the fire and although the flames don’t engulf his whole body anymore, there were still patches of flames on his body

While that was the case, he was forced to divide his attention to deal with the menace which was the Serpentine Empress

On Claude’s hands, power gathered and they turned into black sharp claws containing the power of darkness

He uses his hands to grab the snake arms of his enemy and the point of contact between her and the Serpentine Empress started to rot

A foul and nasty scent wafted in the air. The scent was horrible enough to make a person puke over and over again in a short period of time

The decay continued to spread, threatening to completely ruin the Serpentine Empress when the snake arms moved again

Despite the rapidly spreading decay, the snakes still wrapped themselves in Claude’s arms before they bite him on his shoulders

The snakes bite off a large chunk of Claude’s shoulder, creating a fountain of blood. Even the exposed bones of his were not left unscathed as they were also bitten

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If it was a mage at the 6th fusion rank and below, this sort of injury was extremely fatal to them but for Claude, this wound is almost nothing. It’s just that, he would have to once again waste precious energy to heal this type of wound fast enough so that it wouldn’t affect him in this battle

After being bitten, Claude flew back to put some distance between himself and the rotting snakes. Anyway, the snakes would soon rot, when that happens, how could they threaten him again?

Unfortunately, the mysterious outsider deserved to be feared. She was more skillful than any other enemy that Claude had ever faced in the past

The parts of the snakes that haven’t rotten yet burst into tiny little snakes that also went to attack Claude

Not only did the Serpentine Empress deal with the energy of decay, she even caught Claude off guard, giving the little snakes a chance to continue biting him

This all happened while Claude is still suffering from the purple flames on his body

At first glance, it seems like it was the Serpentine Empress that has the upper hand as if she would win the fight easily

However, although that is how things look like, one could still sense that the Serpentine Empress’s nerves were in a state of stress

She didn’t lower her guard in the slightest and she was still guarded against the realm chosen and it didn’t take that long to make her realize that her actions were completely worth it

Suddenly, the Serpentine Empress sensed something on her side and when she turned her head, she saw that light was abnormally twisted

On that twisted light, Claude’s figure suddenly emerged. Turns out that he was hiding all this time!

On this realm, there is no one that could possibly fool the Serpentine Empress’s senses but if that person is aided by the realm itself then that is another matter

Claude with a cold look on his face stretched his arm to reach his opponent

On his palm was a dazzling ball of lightning. It constantly emitted sparks and just the presence of the lightning ball alone already shattered the fabric of space

With how fast Claude was moving, even the Serpentine Empress cannot dodge his attacks easily and she could only turn her arms into snakes again that she decided to use them as a shield

The Serpentine Empress expected her snake arms to shatter and be scorched but neither of them happens

She sensed the lightning ball making contact with her snake arms but aside from a little bit of heat that she felt, nothing else happened. It was as if she was merely hit with a flashlight that was bright enough to make a person feel its warmth


Suddenly, the Serpentine Empress turned her head back to where the ‘previous’ Claude was and as expected, he was still there!

On Claude’s palm, wisps of origin energy moved erratically and a sense of oppression and danger befall the Serpentine Empress

She was an outsider that no one in the broken earth realm could possibly match but a realm’s chosen is really the heaven’s fortune

Realms have different levels and so are the realms’ chosen. But while the realm’s chosen is only blessed inside their birth realm, they are still the darling of the universe

There were no tribulations that they don’t have a chance of possibly surviving. While their luck is mostly dependent on their birth realm, they are still favored and blessed by the universe itself

There was a reason why even someone like the Serpentine Empress has to take Claude seriously

Turns out that the Claude that tried to attack her from her side was a fake! It was merely an image created by refracting and manipulating light!

The real Claude really did suffer from the purple flames and black snakes but the short delay that the fake image causes has benefited its owner greatly!

The space above Claude suddenly parted and from it, a blood-red streak of lightning exited that causes the Serpentine Empress’s eyes to constrict

“Madman!” She curses as she was once again forced to use a level of power that the realm cannot tolerate

On the outside, nothing much happened from the Serpentine Empress but inside her elixir field where her soul was located, a broken and distorted imprint was forcefully mobilize

On the broken earth realm, only the Serpentine Empress knew what that imprint is. It was proof of her original identity, a proof of how high she climbed on the path of magic

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Only mages at a certain level have that imprint though what she has now cannot be compared to her peak

She didn’t even dare use this imprint in the past because of the consequences that would follow

Unfortunately, Claude has forced her!

The imprint was stirred and the space around the Serpentine Empress trembled angrily

Suddenly, the mana of the whole earth realm was sucked by her in an instant. That statement was no exaggeration!

All the free mana on earth was really used and controlled by the Serpentine Empress!

For a moment, the realm was devoid of mana which causes abnormal and strange phenomena in the realm

With that much unbelievable amount of mana that the Serpentine Empress gathered, she condensed a translucent barrier all over her body

This translucent barrier has snakes freely swimming on it. As soon as the barrier was formed, cracks already started to form on it as the realm cannot tolerate this type of power

“To think that he’ll be able to mobilize the heavenly lightning of the universe despite being a chosen of a broken realm. If he was born on a higher level realm, the universe might gain another monstrous genius!” The Serpentine Empress thought with a bit of fear

The heavenly lightning is something that only the realm and its chosen could possibly use. It is considered one of the highest forms of lightning in the universe and it has two types

The first type is the heavenly lightning of a realm. This type was much weaker as its strength depends on the level of the realm. This type is not considered one of the strongest forms of lightning

The heavenly lightning that was considered one of the highest forms of lightning was the heavenly lightning of the universe itself

When one goes against the heavens, the heavens would strike the heretic with this blood-red lightning to erase them

The heavenly lightning of the universe doesn’t rely on a specific realm but rather on the universe itself

Of course, the strength of the lightning also depends on the user but nonetheless, the heavenly lightning of the universe is still stronger than the heavenly lightning of a single realm

As such, the reaction of the Serpentine Empress was perfectly normal. As the highest form of lightning, why would a person be a fool enough to disregard it?

The only fortunate thing was that Claude is from a broken realm and compared to the mages of the ‘healthy’ realms, he is far too weak