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My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 240 - Recruiting Zilong
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Chapter 240 – Recruiting Zilong

Wei Yan just kneeling there unmoved, while Liu Mang and co gradually disappeared from his sight. Now Liu Mang’s next target is is Zhao Yun Zhao Zilong!!!! Nobody in their right mind would want to miss this person. This person has unmatched loyalty. No matter in the or historical biography, this person is always glorified. Zhao Yun’s most glorified success story are when he charged Cao Cao’s troops 7 times alone in Chang Ban in order to save his lord Liu Bei’s infant son. He is also known as the white-robed general plus bodyguard who always stand behind Liu Bei. Back in You Province, Gongsun Zan (Zhao Yun’s former lord) is the commander-in-chief of Penetrating White Horse Cavalry. Their reputation is similar to Bing Province Heavy Cavalry, they are the terror for those beyond the Great Wall and they’re also known as the Defender of Han. Although Gongsun Zan is defeated by Yuan Shao, his reputation from the early age, still burn strongly for the Han people who lived near the border. And also originally, he and Liu Yu complement each other, but Gongsun Zan had lost his mind and killed Liu Yu.

This Zhao Zilong of Changshan is plays the same role as Zhang Liao in the Bing Province Heavy Cavalry. He is a vice-commander of The Penetrating White Horse Cavalry. But in terms of fighting abilities, Zhao Yun is definitely better than Zhang Liao. Zhao Yun can fight successively against 50 officers of Cao army by himself. Perhaps if Zhang Liao just even saw Zhao Yun, Zhang Liao will immediately stopped his warhorse and let himself. Zhao Yun’s figure is not just praised throughout the old age, even in the modern age, his ability to lead an army, strong prowess and unparalleled loyalty. All of them are qualities of a GaoFuShuai character. Liu Mang then enter Zhao Yun’s tent. Zhao Yun’s body condition is much better compared to Wei Yan. He requested to be hit 40 beatings earnestly and because of that earnest attitude, he was only beaten 20 times by Urban Army and is exempted from another 20 beatings unlike Wei Yan who were beaten 60 times!!! Therefore, when Liu Mang entered Zhao Yun’s tent, he is cleaning his spear, cleaning it carefully.

“Zilong, so nice to see you!!!” Said Liu Mang. Liu Mang wore warm smile when he greeted Zhao Yun. Zhao Yun who saw Liu Mang enter quickly knelt down and cupped his fist “Greetings to you, Your Highness Prince of Shu!!!” Zhao Yun still had a very big respect towards the Han.

Liu Mang then said in a warm tone “Don’t call me Your Highness Prince of Shu. Call me Liu Mang Liu Hanyang, same as them!!!” Really the title Prince of Shu is too stiff for befriending a person. Liu Mang want to obtain Zhao Yun’s heart and his men through this treatment!!! If one lord using this kind of friendly approach, who would not be touched? Zhao Yun then raised his face and consequently shook his head while saying “No, it cannot happen!!!” He is but a commoner and Liu Mang is a royalty. The difference between their class is too big. (Literal translation: This is Han’s nation. TL note: Dear Mr. Author, WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO CONVEY?!)

Liu Mang then smiled and responded “How can it not happen? My friend calls me that!!!” Liu Mang really don’t care of his position. His response made everyone widened their eyes in surprise. Those people who can call Liu Mang, Hanyang besides his honorable father-in-law Lu Bu is only Chen Gong as well as Lu Lingqi. But now, Lu Lingqi had been married with Liu Mang, so she calls him “husband”. The others that call him Hanyang are those who are from older generation. Other people don’t dare to call him Liu Mang Liu Hanyang.

Even Huang Zhong and Xu Sheng called him little lord, and Xu Shu called him Milord!!! Even Yang Hong called him Lord (Literal translation: Head of household. Too much to write). It can be said that Liu Mang really lowered himself for the sake of Zhao Yun. Zhao Yun then shook his head fiercely and said “Be friends with me?! No, this must not happen!!!” A royalty as a friend, a noble as a friend? That is one of the taboo that commoner avoid. Liu Mang’s treatment made the nearby Huang Zhong, Xu Sheng and Xu Shu envy. Liu Mang gave Zhao Yun, a too high treatment!!! This person is a young warlord and after Lu Bu passed, he will be a warlord himself. A future warlord as a friend, only Liu Mang want to do it!!! And remember, Liu Mang has a title of Prince of Shu!!! (TL Note: Yes, author. Yes, author. We know already, so chill the fuck out) So, this is really considered a very high treatment.

When an average person become a warlord, the way they treat their friends would also change. This is because their status has changed. Old Cao’s friend Xu You disregard this fact and also become haughty in front of him, believing that Old Cao will treat him like a friend just like in the past. He forgot that Old Cao of present is not the young vagabond in the past, not the Old Cao who like to peep others while taking baths, he is a warlord and one of three strongest lords of Han!!!! Xu You also forgot that Yuan Shao, one of their playmate, was killed by him. And you know the final result of Xu You being like that? Old Cao ordered Xu Chu to kill him out of grudge.

Now Liu Mang humbled himself to be a friend of a general from commoner background. What the hell is he doing? Thought Huang Zhong and Xu Sheng. They both pondered This can’t be just because Zhao Yun’s skill in martial arts is very high. If Xu Sheng alone, he cannot win against Zhao Yun, but Huang Zhong will definitely win. Maybe it is because he used to commandeer 3,000 troops of Gongsun Zan!!! Thought Huang Zhong and Xu Sheng.

But Huang Zhong himself is a general, his presence here is because he owed a debt of gratitude toward Liu Mang and wants to repay it. And Xu Sheng himself, was coerced to join Liu Mang, but now he’s happy. He himself is commanding 3,000 Black Flag heavy armor troops and definitely not losing toward Penetrating White Horse Cavalry. During their recruitment, Liu Mang did not treat them so kind, but toward Zhao Yun only he is so kind. How can they not envy Zhao Yun now?

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Liu Mang don’t know what Huang Zhong and Xu Sheng thoughts but Liu Mang knows that he need to recruit Zhao Zilong. This person is not only have high ability, he also have unparalleled loyalty. Once he recognized who his lord is, he will have no complain and is willing to fight for his lord to the very last blood drop.

If Zhao Yun not loyal to the end, he is impossible to do charging Cao Cao’s troops 7 times alone in Chang Ban in order to save the Escapist Liu’s infant son. His act attracted Old Cao very much, so much he wants to capture Zhao Yun alive, so much that he rescinded his order to throw salvo of arrow toward him. Otherwise, when salvo was unleashed, Zhao Yun will be dead by then.

One of most important thing is that Zhao Yun is excellent at cavalry!!! Liu Mang needed that, although the Lu Bu army had Bing Province Heavy Cavalry which unparalleled in this nation, but it is one of Lu Bu’s repertoire and it stayed in Lujiang. When their domain is small like now, Bing Province Heavy Cavalry alone is sufficed but when it is big? Cavalry soldiers is essential because of their high mobility. If a lord don’t have them, it is very uncomfortable. Although in Lu Bu’s army have generals that can command cavalry, such as Zhang Liao, Gao Shun and Lu Bu, but they have their respective unit to take care of and you cannot make Lu Bu to lead cavalry units.

In Liu Mang’s own army there are generals who can command cavalries, such person are Gan Ning and Huang Zhong. Even Cheng Yu also able to lead as he has been positioned among Bing Province Heavy Cavalry before. But Gan Ning have naval units to command and naval units solely depended on him!!! Now if Yang Province want to fight naval battle and no commander to lead them, how can they fight? Huang Zhong, he need to be Liu Mang’s bodyguard. In addition, Liu Mang already prepared a plan for Huang Zhong to become a landlord when he is away from his homebase and will not asked Huang Zhong to command cavalry troops. Being a cavalry commander must be brave enough to fight and to risk their life, but Huang Zhong is too old for that. Cheng Yu is also busy with his Urban Army and did not have any spare time to be cavalry commander. And now, there is a commander-in-chief of Penetrating White Horse Cavalry, Zhao Zilong, suddenly appeared in front of Liu Mang. If not recruit him, then Liu Mang is really throwing pearl to swine!!!

Liu Mang’s face then looked sad as he said to Zhao Yun “So, Zilong really despise me?!” Zhao Yun then responded “No, this....” Zhao Yun is really confused and feeling awkward. Liu Mang is a noble and he is only commoner, how can they mingle with each other? And now Liu Mang’s face show sadness and asked if Zhao Yun despise him, how can Zhao Yun respond? Liu Mang then patted Zhao Yun’s shoulder and said “Then it is settled!!!” while wearing big smile on his face, he did not care whether Zhao Yun’s feelings toward him is awkward or not!!! He knows that Zhao Yun is a good natured person who did not know how to reject a person. If not, how can he be charmed by the Escapist Liu and following his escapade everywhere? Then Liu Mang continued asking “Zilong, this year, what age are you?!” Strike the iron while it is still hot Thought Liu Mang. Zhao Yun then responded “This year I am 20 years old!!!” Zhao Yun decided to answer this first as he still did not know how to answer Liu Mang’s first question.

Eh, 20 years old? Liu Mang stunned. Only 20 years old, he already had big achievement. Gongsun Zan and Penetrating White Horse Cavalry’s demise should have been 4 – 5 years ago. At that time, Zhao Yun must be around 15 – 16 years old. Such teenager and already commanding 3,000 cavalry soldiers? Zhao Yun really mature too early. Dear readers, I will now explain it to you. 3,000 cavalry soldiers is a quite big scale of a division, and usually that division is further divided among captains, but Zhao Yun a 15 or 16 years old teenager, is already a commander-in-chief. This is really awesome.

And what Liu Mang is doing at the age of 15 – 16? He attended class in school, pulling pranks on girls, cheat on test and discuss on how to play games. “This year I am 23!!!” Liu Mang comes to this world is still 22, in just around 8 months, he already 23 years old. Liu Mang then said “Zilong, if you don’t mind. Call me big bro!!!”

Big bro?! Zhao Yun stunned. Liu Mang changed their relationship status in a big way. Zhao Yun and Liu Mang only meet a few times!!! Only 3 days if added 2 days ago and now, their status goes from stranger to friend and to brothers. Zhao Yun really speechless on Liu Mang!!! He respected that Liu Mang is one of Han noble. But he disagreed greatly on what Liu Mang said. This Prince of Shu’s ambition is really great and want to replace Emperor Xian in Xu Du. This made Zhao Yun disgusted a lot. If were not Xu Shu’s quarantine, Zhao Yun already left. He came to Hefei just to have a look.

Originally, he want to go to Yingshang and then straight to Runan and to Shouchun where Liu Bei is, but he lost his way. The ancient are using sun as compass, missed only a bit, you will lose your way. So, he goes to Hefei and is treated excessively kind by His Highness Prince of Shu and even did not give him enough time to respond. Liu Mang then said “Did Zilong find this unacceptable?!” Zhao Yun then instinctively said “No, it is not!!!” Liu Mang understand completely, not to bully a person who are not talkative or bullying a pure child.

“Then it is settled. My little brother Zilong!!!” Said Liu Mang who then start to sit down, disregarding his ass wound and patting Zhao Yun’s shoulder again. “Eh!!!” Zhao Yun stunned again and again and speechless!!! His mouth then said these words reflexively “Brother Hanyang!!!” Liu Mang then smiled and said “Good, that is more like it!!!” while patting his thigh.

Brother Hanyang!!! The word brother is not easily spoken as it represents that both recognized themselves as brothers. Same like Chen Lan and Lei Bo, same like Old Cao and Escapist Liu. However, Chen Lan and Lei Bo called themselves brothers only after they robbed Yuan Shu and after that, they were exploiting each other. Liu Bei and Cao Cao also calling themselves brothers out of etiquette and only being polite to each other. (TL note: FUCK AUTHOR, FUCK HIM AND HIS ROUNDABOUT!!!!) However, Zhao Yun is different, dear readers. His loyalty is unparalleled, once he call a person a brother, he did not care about his life in order to complete the mission. So as of now, they can say that Zhao Yun is already become Liu Mang’s front and become Lu Bu army’s battle tank.

After that, Liu Mang spend half day chatting with Liu Mang such as discussing nation’s matter to asking how many family members Zhao Yun had. This kind of friendly chat, really can be seen as family member chatting together to catching up with Liu Mang as an aunt chatting with her nephew Zhao Yun. Our Auntie Liu has been endlessly praising Gongsun Zan and that is not false. Liu Mang indeed admires Gongsun Zan a lot. Gongsun Zan is indeed a noble, but his status was recognized as only a half-noble, as his mother come from poor family and because of that, he only given a small post as an official. His appearance is handsome, his voice is loud and clear and he had a quick wit. He wins the favor of Prefect of Zhuo County, Mr. Liu, enough to led him to betroth his daughter to him. He slowly and little by little advanced his military career and become General of the Household and then, he dedicated himself to warring those from beyond the Great Wall, scaring those people to their wits. Gongsun Zan had defeated Wuhuan tribe and Xianbei tribe and if he had yet to die, he might have defeated the Five Barbarians tribes as well. And because he annihilated Xianbei tribe to the last man, Wu Hu tribe quickly surrendered under Gongsun Zan’s foot.

But the final outcome for the great White Horse General, unfortunately is to die early. Alas, if only and if only he did not kill Liu Yu, he can be invincible in the north. Thought Liu Mang. Both of them can become incomparable, one person fought in politics to conciliate other people and other have his military strength. This is the tactics of carrot and stick, similar to the favorite tactics of USA, but ancestors already knew about this tactics and employed it extensively. If only Gongsun Zan did not eat bait on the plot of false accusations and not behave impulsively thus losing his mind in the process. Liu Mang shook his head.

The result of killing Liu Yu not only led Gongsun Zan to lose favor among other warlords, and it ended up they began plotting to take care of him. And the end of this story is known to all, Han Emperor issued an edict to Yuan Shao, Yuan Shao defeated Gongsun Zan and Gongsun Zan burned himself to death. (raw: Han Emperor give an edict to eliminate Gongsun Zan and finally routed by Yuan Shao, Readers choose which is more better, my rephrasing or literal translation). “You are ahead of your time!!!” Sighed Liu Mang, In time of Eastern Han end, too many heroes had this kind of fate!!! Too many towering figures died with regrets. Those people are Gongsun Zan, Dong Zhuo, Tao Qian and Yuan Shu. (TN: I wonder what author trying to gain, by going round and round and round and round and round like this?! Even my fanfic is rather straight to the point.)

These four peoples’ accomplishments are really big. Gongsun Zan defeated Wuhuan tribe and Xianbei tribe and stopped their tracks in Liaodong, You Province. Dong Zhuo and his Xiliang Cavalry is the nightmare of Qiang tribe and Xiliang Cavalry become the guardian of southwest. Even Yuan Shu who is corrupt to the bone, managed to pacify Henan and Henan once prosper under his governance even only for a while. Tao Qian managed to prosper Xu Province to become one of the nation’s granaries, but because of that, Tao Qian also unable to avoid disaster. Those who are still alive like Lu Bu, Cao Cao, Escapist Liu, Sun Ce, Liu Biao of Jing Province, Liu Zhang of Yi Province, Ma Teng and Han Sui of Xiliang Cavalry, who among them is not a towering figure. Lu Bu is also a nightmare for those beyond the Great Wall. When Bing Province Wolf Cavalry are galloping the prairie, those from beyond Great Wall, quickly avoided them otherwise they will cut down their number to half just from initial charge. Lu Bu, Gongsun Zan, Ma Teng and Dong Zhuo, all of them had accomplishment of stopping those who are from beyond the Great Wall. Not even one step can they enter Central Plains.

Cao Cao as well, although he is an arch-careerist (translation from dictionary: a person who achieves high position by unscrupulous scheming) appraised by Xu Shao, never forget his other value which are a capable minister in the time of peace and an ambitious hero during time of chaos!!! This person initially is a loyal Han official, but in the end, he changed!!! When Wei country was formed, Cao Cao’s influence is at its peak. In the end, no one knows Emperor Xian, they only knew Prime Minister Cao. Old Cao also fight those beyond Great Wall although without much success. 3 expedition against Wuhuan tribe only managed to capture 3 counties of Wuhuan tribe’s territory, made he rethink his decision made those 3 expedition. At the end of Eastern Han dynasty, those 3 counties of Wuhuan territory comprised of Western Liaoning, Liaodong and Eastern Beiping and their leader is Tadun whose base is in Western Liaoning. The Wuhuan tribes and Yuan clans relationships was very good and they were given freedom to rob, rape and other criminal activities in Yuan clans’ region. So Old Cao, kept persevere in order to beat down Wuhuan tribe.

The Escapist Liu, excels at escaping and his true character is a bandit. But when he became an official, he is incorrupt and he treats commoner well. So, no matter he is a hypocrite by screaming benevolence and justice or not, the fact remained that he is an honest official. Liu Biao and Liu Zhang!!! Although they are just like a guard dog to guard their own accomplishment and heritage but they governed really well!!! The least of their achievement is Yi Province and Jing Province never have any starvation incident. And these figure appeared in such a dark age, where everything like power, property and beautiful women can vanish in an instant. An age where Central Plains is always in big turmoil!!! And Gongsun Zan is one of the sacrifices of this age. (TN: Author is 100% fanboy of Gongsun Zan, as for myself, I like Lu Bu, but I am not as a fanboy as he is, I accept any critique)

Zhao Yun then said “Big bro Hanyang, are you really thinking this?” That “big bro” shouted by Zhao Yun is sincere now as he already received Liu Mang as his bro. Before he felt he was forced to do so by Liu Mang. Haha Laughed Liu Mang in his heart but his face did not show any happiness. He only shook his head and raised his head up and said “Flourish, people suffer!!! Perish, people suffer!!!” Liu Mang spoke these words during their escape to Kaiyang and after that, he recited the entire poem by himself, now he just recited the most important part of the poem. How many people ruined, dead, homeless and bankrupt because of the fight between those towering figures? Thousands? Millions? No one can count no more. In face one of the reason after Wei Dynasty and Jin Dynasty, the Five Barbarians does an uprising is because of the lack of population in Central Plains. The Three Kingdoms had exhausted too many lives. How many casualties did Three Kingdoms age bring? 10 millions? Approximately, yes. Thought Liu Mang. And because of that, Five Barbarians Uprising had made the entire Han almost extinct.

Flourish, people suffer? Perish, people suffer? All people in the tent are trying to understand those words. Neither Huang Zhong nor Xu Sheng nor Zhao Yun nor Xu Shu are nobles, so they understand intimately what Liu Mang said. From Emperor Huan and Emperor Link to Yellow Turban Rebellion, Dong Zhuo Uprising to now. This nation had suffered a lot but the one who truly suffered were commoners. Xu Shu had heard these words, he had listened it when visiting the Thatched Cottage in Nanyang, he thought that Kongming is the author of it, but now really surprised to hear it again, recited by his lord. His heart then very relieved and said it silently “Kongming, oh Kongming, this person is really worthy to become your lord and to receive your service!!!”

Zhao Yun come from Changshan, so he definitely understood about the chaos that comes with war and has been hating chaos time for a long time now. Liu Mang then said “Lil bro Zilong, do you know?” while pulling out a scroll from his cloth. He brought a map of Han that was brought among the books from his last time travel trip. Although some of the places were not labeled, but the accuracy is really good. Liu Mang then continued “We are now in this province called Yang Province!!!” Liu Mang is pointing at the map to Zhao Yun, while the other is also seeing it. Liu Mang continued “Here and here, are Yu Province and Xu Province. This entire Huainan area is a very wealthy place and is Han’s granary. And then come war, then another war, then another war, and now, these place are really destitute. Even in Hefei, their population should be around 8,000 households, numbering around several thousands people. Now, the households are ruined, the population almost all old, weak, sick and disabled. Those are people who are too tired to move here and there. And the other, either died in battle or forced to leave!!!!”

Zhao Yun nodded. When he came to Yang Province, the scene is really terrible, the whole road full of corpses, so much that Zhao Yun had become accustomed to it. Liu Mang continued again “Now in Yang Province!!! The population should be around 1,000,000 people and now was decreased to only 300,000 people!!! Xu Province suffered the same problem as well. With Yang and Xu Provinces suffered like this, I believe it is not that hard to picture what is the rest of Han like!!!”

Liu Mang then bitterly smiled and continued “Out of 60 million of Han subject, left with less than 20 million. More than two-thirds of the original population and it continued to dwindle as chaos continues. I really cannot imagine how many Han’s population will be left after this nation is re-unified. When I thought those from beyond of Great Wall, I worry a lot. There is no more people to protect us from them. General Gongsun Zan died!!! Xianbei tribe and Wuhuan tribe gained time to rebuild their strength. Dong Zhuo died!!! Qiang tribe recuperate and restore their strength. And there is Central Plains, subject of endless conflicts. In Hebei, there is Guandu where Cao Cao and Yuan Shao with their 400,000 troops battling. In Jiangdong, there is Sun Ce and Liu Biao, fighting endlessly. Also in Western Liang, it is the same conflicts happening. Those Xianbei, Wuhuan and Qiang are waiting for us finished battling and tired from endless battle. Until there is almost no one to fight for Han. At that time, when those tribes attacked, there is no more second White Horse General, there is no more Penetrating White Horse Cavalry, no more Xiliang Cavalry. All that died in this civil war, and we will receive the biggest repercussion from those beyond the Great Wall.” After saying that Liu Mang sighed and looks dejected.

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“Big bro!!!” Said Zhao Yun with agreeing tone. After that no one spoke, everyone goes silent. In ancient China, there is an idiom, “Men need to emulate the Marquis of Champion Wei Qing and conducting rituals at Khentii Mountains” which is to open up territory and drive those invaders back and it has been a principal of every ancient soldier in China.

Now, no matter which lord you are serving, no matter you assault which city, you are killing your own compatriot. Zhao Yun then remembered when those invaders are assaulting Changshan. At that time Zhao Yun is less than 15 years old and had just returned from completing his study and what he saw is those invaders are knocking at his village’s gate, burning, plundering and raping here and there. If not for General Gongsun Zan, perhaps the whole You Province will be in chaos. And if Liu Mang’s words is to be believed, then at the end of this civil war, how many people can help to defend against those from beyond Great Wall? There will be none!!!! Because elite troops and generals who can lead such troops will all died from the civil war and the only troops left will be those old, weak, sick and disabled. (TN: NICE, AUTHOR, VERY NICE. HISTORICALLY IT WERE GIVEN TO HUO QUBING. YOU ARE MAKING THE TRANSLATOR OF YOUR WORK A LITERALLY LIVING HELL!!!!!)

“So, big bro, what do you want to do?!” Zhao Yun opened his mouth first and speak slowly. Zhao Yun had been swept by Liu Mang’s mood to concern for the people. Liu Mang then took a deep breath and said “My plan is to pacify the chaos times as soon as possible, returning Han Dynasty to its original state, make Han Dynasty greater than before, defend the border and reform the bureaucrat!!! Liu Mang said it in very great confidence, but then he shook his head and said “But alas, my hand is only two. It is not enough for me alone to bear this responsibility!!!”

Suddenly three people knelt in front of Liu Mang, and with their firm expression they all said “Huang Zhong Huang Hansheng” “Xu Sheng Xu Wenxiang” “Xu Shu Xu Yuanzhi” “Is willing to give my life to help Milord to quell the chaos times, support Han Dynasty and make Han Dynasty greater than before!!!” When Liu Mang sees them, he quickly held their hands to help them raise up and said “All of you, get up quick!!!” Suddenly Zhao Yun also knelt toward Liu Mang.

Zhao Yun then cupped his fist and said “Big bro. Yun is but a commoner and only have little skill in martial arts. Yun is willing to serve big bro’s cause!!! Big bro, no, Milord!!!! Zhao Yun Zhao Zilong of Changshan paid respect to Milord!!!” Then Zhao Yun kowtowed once to legitimize his allegiance. The three of them really did not know directly what Zhao Yun felt regarding the cruelties of those beyond of Great Wall. Changshan is located in You Province and the view of people being oppressed to death by those beyond of Great Wall is a daily view to him!!! Zhao Yun really had undergone such incident!!!

At that time, Han just finished Yellow Turban Rebellion, and was continued with Dong Zhuo’s Uprising resulted all warlords allied to crush him. That act also resulted in very few soldiers to guard the border as Ding Yuan of Bing Province bring Bing Province Wolf Cavalry and several thousand infantries. You Province inspectors are doing the same, reducing the number of Han troops guarding the border. With those events transpired, naturally those invaders get the idea, and used warhorse to penetrate the border. With lack of everything, Han defenders can only defend the city, cannot go into offensive. Then Wuhuan tribe and Xianbei tribe then attacked border cities in order to penetrate to Han’s territory. Changshan is one of the border cities that received such attacks.

Those invaders really acted like barbarian when they invaded. Uncountable Han subjects were trampled by cavalry. Any place that their cavalry passed, were burnt to the ground or destroyed completely. They not only kill and rob people but they tied up strong and healthy male to be a slave, and female to be raped and become cattle that only knows how to give birth. Fortunately, General Gongsun Zan quickly returned and solved them. If not, perhaps You Province will be in invader’s hand. Zhao Yun did not want to see that kind of hell the second time.

Liu Mang’s words made him think. This chaos will continue, and in the end, there would be endless civil war in the Han. Brave warriors will die fighting their own compatriots and due to Han always fighting, they will have no time to rest, while invaders would recuperate and become strong again. How many more years before the shift in power began? 10 – 40 years? Now it is already past 15 years and chaos not yet quelled. Zhao Yun then took a deep breath and began thinking again Han’s population is already dwindling, but those invaders’ number will continue to rise up. The result will be catastrophic to us. No one left to defend Han. Everyone will die and this nation will crumble like paper. Zhao Yun then strengthened his resolve again.

The deed is done!!! Liu Mang’s heart is really happy and his objective to subjugate Zhao Yun Zhao Zilong is achieved. Liu Mang then hold Zhao Yun’s hand “Get up! Get up, I know with your assistance this Liu Mang can quell chaos time and can support Han as well to make Han greater than before!!!!” Liu Mang stopped his words before become incoherent again. Liu Mang knew the thing that managed to attract Zhao Yun to Escapist Liu. It is because Escapist Liu spoke that he care for commoners and hoped to rescue commoners from abyss and fire. However, if that Escapist Liu is really sincere to help commoners, he really should have helped Old Cao to extinguish Sun Quan and the deed will be done. Thought Liu Mang, criticizing Liu Bei’s hypocrisy.

But before Liu Mang get that weak point, he need to do runabout first toward Zhao Yun. Reducing his vigilant with idle chats. But, let’s be honest, if a man you don’t know suddenly talked about concerns for the nation, what will you do? You will get out of the place ASAP, thinking that person is a lunatic. So, only after Zhao Yun relaxed then Liu Mang start to go to common people suffering topic. The difference between Escapist Liu and Liu Mang’s topic is Escapist Liu speak of supporting Han and rescuing commoners from abyss and fire, Liu Mang’s topic is taking the angle of invaders. Since he knew that Zhao Yun is from border city of Changshan, You Province, this topic will definitely produce the best result from a sympathetic point of view. It worked so well, that it did not felt like a drama.

And also, what Liu Mang said is not a lie. If according to original history, indeed after Jin Dynasty and the war of eight princes of Sima, the entire China fell into a big chaos. At that time, those invaders seized opportunity and almost annihilated Han people. Those of Central Plains have repeatedly tried to regain their former territory but again and again was defeated by sheer numbers. And for a long time, North China is occupied by invaders. Often those patriots from the south do expedition in order to regain North China in order to restore the original territory. So, since Eastern Jin Dynasty, many loyalists have fallen trying to regain northern China, such heroes who done north expedition are Zu Ti, Yu Liang, Yin Hao, Huan Wen, Liu Yu, etc. In successive turns doing expedition. Also in Jin Dynasty, there is internal struggle of war of eight princes, in addition of Five Barbarian Uprising, and Sixteen Kingdoms period, war never stopped raging. And that is a catastrophe of Central Plains.

(TN: A history lesson of a fictional history in a fictional story by an author who like to beat around the bush. A suggestion to author, why don’t you play You Spin Me Right Round infinitely, then you can get the idea of me translating your work)