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My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 454
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Chapter 454

Liu Mang did not sleep that night. His hands felt weak. Although the woman looked feeble she was very energetic. On the other hand, Liu Mang was spent.

After having sex, there was a scream in the bedroom as the woman finally regained her senses. She opened her beautiful eyes.

The woman, Qian Yu, was stupefied. She remembered been auctioned off and swearing to die instead of obeying. She was then force fed a drug she didn’t know and lost consciousness. She did not know what happened after that. She only felt suffering and then a form of comfort like she found her tribe’s God. But when she opened her eyes, she found herself naked and beside another naked stranger. This stranger was Liu Mang who had been too lazy to wear his clothes as he was too tired and sweaty after helping Qian Yu.

Qian Yu then noticed the pain in her vagina and blushed. She finally understood why she felt comfortable.

“What is this noise?” Liu Mang shouted. He was so tired and almost fell asleep when he heard Qian Yu’s voice.

The moment Liu Mang opened his eyes, he saw the woman’s arm flying towards him. Normally, he would have been able to stop the arm. However, his eyes were misty from just waking up. On top of that, he was tired. In the end, Liu Mang got struck in the face.

Liu Mang screamed and covered his face. The strike was extremely heavy. “Girl! You!” Liu Mang shouted. He did not know what to do as he had not yet formed the habit of beating up women. At most, he would just hit her backside.

“I will kill you!” The barbarian woman shouted. She was definitely unlike a Han woman who would have chosen to hang herself.

It was then that Liu Mang finally became alert and noticed that his sword was in the woman’s hand. The woman was brimming with anger and the intention to kill him.

Qian Yu did not know what happened the previous night. She believed it was Liu Mang that bought her. She hated the brothel and Liu Mang.

Liu Mang was not an idiot1. He would not let this woman kill him just because she hated him and quickly dodged the blade. He noticed that this woman was also a warrior with martial prowess.

“Let us talk. I am not that person! I simply helped you expel the poison. I don’t have any other intentions!” Liu Mang explained. Unfortunately, his explanation was in vain. The fact that both of them were naked and that the deed was done is evidence enough for the barbarian princess. Since Liu Mang was unable to explain himself, he could only try and stop her first.

“Depraved bastard! Die!” The barbarian princess charged forward in anger. The cold gleaming sword was felt absolutely horrifying to Liu Mang. It would have been extremely funny if Liu Mang got himself slashed by that sword especially since the barbarian princess only aimed at that important point. If he get slashed, he would have no choice but to become an eunuch.

“Eh?” Qian Yu wanted to swing the sword but suddenly showed a pained expression and closed her legs together.

“A opening!” Liu Mang took this opportunity to rush forward and grab the sword. The barbarian princess wanted to stop Liu Mang but was too slow. After all, Liu Mang was still stronger than her.

Liu Mang quickly grabbed onto the hilt of the sword. Although the woman wanted to struggle and break free, she ended up getting herself pinned back down onto the bed.

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“Woman. This is a misunderstanding! I only wanted to detoxify you!” Liu Mang explained himself again as he pinned her down.

“Depraved bastard! I will kill you!” Qian Yu’s anger was overflowing as she struggled with all her effort. She did not have the heart to listen to Liu Mang’s explanation.

“Don’t move!” Liu Mang panicked as Qian Yu had touched his penis as she struggled. He was a healthy man. It would be weirder if he did not have an erection. On the other hand, Qian Yu became even angrier and struggled harder after touching Liu Mang’s penis.

“I...!” Liu Mang had no words left to say. It was now as though his penis was trying to insert itself into her vagina.

“Ah!” Qian Yu’s face started to turn red again.

Liu Mang was also helpless and gave up trying to explain. He now thought of subduing her then waiting for her to calm down before explaining himself.

After subduing her, Liu Mang could only watch her with dark circles under his eyes. Although Liu Mang tried to hide it, Kuai Ran noticed it and smiled.

“Brother Liu, was last night good? You seem very energetic this early in the morning.” Kuai Ran greeted with a joke. Although Liu Mang was the King of Shu, he was also Kuai Ran’s friend.

“I didn’t get to sleep at all.” Liu Mang angrily replied. He was not in the mood for jokes.

“Brother Liu. You went to the brothel and obtain this beauty without spending a single coin. You are the first person lucky enough to obtain this pleasure. When are you going to share this pleasure with me?” Kuai Ran spoke with envy but he was actually just teasing Liu Mang. Liu Mang was speechless from anger and the dark circles in his eyes only served to make Kuai Ran laugh even harder.

“Haha!” Kuai Ran continued to laugh but then Yan Ran suddenly appeared. Yan Ran helped Liu Mang by twisting Kuai Ran’s skin, causing Kuai Ran’s expression to distort.

“Good day, brother.” Yan Ran greeted, subtly showing her acceptance as Liu Mang’s sister. Liu Mang naturally understood her. He was no longer the college student that could not understand the feelings of the people from ancient times.

Liu Mang laughed and replied, “Little sister. You need to look after your husband carefully! If not, he would end up disappearing elsewhere. Even just now, he had just invited me to the brothel.”

Liu Mang sold out Kuai Ran with his reply.

“Brother Liu! You!” Kuai Ran wanted to refute but it was futile. He could only accept his fiancee’s tender loving care with a distorted expression.

“Ah. It is nice to be young. Youngsters have so much energy they can work until daybreak.” Jia Xu sighed.

“Jia Wenhe. You must have nothing better to do! If you are so free, go and prepare the things I need to do today!” Liu Mang gnashed his teeth at Jia Xu.

Chen Kang had already prepared tea early in the morning. On the other hand, Liu Mang was not like the ancient people who ate alone. He took the tea to his room and gave it to the barbarian princess.

“Girl. Eat your breakfast.” Liu Mang said as he poured tea for the barbarian princess.

“Hmph!” The barbarians did not have the custom of eating breakfast. Although Qian Yu tried to ignore Liu Mang out of shame, her stomach continued to grumble in hunger. She realized that she could not kill Liu Mang and was determined to starve herself to death.

“You said you wanted to kill me right?”

“Hmph!” Qian Yu struggled again but she was already tied up with the quilt. She looked like a cocoon with a head.

“If you want to kill me, you will need your strength!” Liu Mang took out a pastry and smelled it. “Mm. It smells delicious. This should be the best pastry in Jingzhou. I haven’t tried it before!” Liu Mang said as he handed the pastry towards Qian Yu for her to smell.

Qian Yu continued to harrumph but her stomach grumbled even louder.

“Mm. It is really delicious!” Liu Mang ate the pastry after waving it in front of Qian Yu. He then sighed in satisfaction. This caused Qian Yu to gulp down her saliva.

“What a pity. There is such delicious food here and someone wants to starve to death.” Liu Mang continued his provocation.


“Haha! And you said you want to kill me! Yet here you are, starving to death!” Liu Mang said as he molested her through the cloths of the bedding. Her skin felt nice. Liu Mang regretted not enjoying her more the previous night.

“Mm!” Qian Yu twisted her body and glared at Liu Mang. She would have shouted curses at Liu Mang if she had not been gagged.2

Liu Mang was not trying to be a hooligan. He simply understood that Qian Yu would have killed herself if he ignored her. Liu Mang would not agree to this. He had painstakingly detoxified her and almost got himself killed. It would be a waste if she simply killed herself.

“You want to kill me right? Come!” Liu Mang laughed as he taunted her again. Tears then formed from Qian Yu’s eyes.

“Shit!” Liu Mang thought to himself.. Rather than armies and weapons, he was more afraid of a woman’s tears.

“If you eat, you can still take revenge! If you don’t eat, you will die naked! Even in death, you would still be a shameful woman!” Liu Mang said as he started to leave. He was afraid he would immediately hug and comfort her, destroying his own efforts.

Qian Yu cried even harder after she saw that Liu Mang had left. Her innocence was destroyed so easily.

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Liu Mang put his hand towards his nose. There was still a delicate fragrance. He then immediately shook his head to stop thinking of weird things. Liu Mang thought it was weird that the barbarian princess was so eager to die. Did the barbarians not value? According to the books he read, the wives of a person who died would go to the son, and then brother. Basically, it was a disorderly mess with no ethics. It was to the extent that one would not know whether they would be raising their child. The woman must then belong to the tribe.

Liu Mang thought it was strange that such indifferent people would act like the barbarian princess. However, he did not know that this would only apply to the barbarians from the North such as the Wuhuan and Xiongnu tribes. They were people without morals or ethics and lived according to the law of the wild where strength was everything. That was how a person’s wife can be inherited by their children.

On the other hand, the barbarians from the South had the same ancestry as the Han. They were the people of defeated nations such as Yue, Chu and Qing, that refused to surrender after being defeated and escaped to the hills. Rather than barbarians, they were simply Hans that lived on mountains.

There were also other barbarians from the South. These were the real locals of the place that had taken in the culture of the Han people. Although they did not take in everything, they complied with basic ethics. That was why it was easier for the barbarians from the South to integrate with the Han population. Many years later, these barbarians would also help the Han fight against foreign invaders. One of these people was Qin Liangyu.

This barbarian princess was also one of those that had learned the cultures of the Han people. In fact, her own mother was a Han that lost her way in the mountains before marrying the King of the barbarians. It was why her daughter knew a little.

Qian Yu wanted to commit suicide but her hatred for him won over. Even if she said she was not hungry, her stomach could not lie. Once Liu Mang had left, she kept struggling until she eventually broke free and undid her bindings. She then ate the pastry which she found delicious and luxurious. It would not be a bad life if she could keep on eating things like this.

After all, the barbarians did not know how to make things like weapons and salt. They needed to trade with the Han for it. However, these things were very expensive. One catty of salt was worth a ten catties of game. That was why the Han people’s things were luxurious to the barbarians.

“No that’s not right. I want to kill him! Yes. I am eating to gain the strength to kill him.” Qian Yu shook her head as she thought to herself. She could not help but recall that night.

After she had eaten, she wore the dress Liu Mang had prepared for her. It was a green dress for Han women. She had no choice but to wear this as her original clothes had already been torn.

It was normal for people to want to look at their best. After Qian Yu wore the dress, she saw her own stunning appearance in the mirror and was dumbfounded. She had never worn such clothes before as most of her clothes were old or handed down by others. They were definitely not fancy clothing made with silk.

Qian Yu was clothed and ate her fill. She wanted to go out and take revenge on Liu Mang but there was no sword. Of course, Liu Mang would not have left the sword there for her to use in the first place. Since she could not find a sword in the room, she decided to search for it outside. Unfortunately, she was stopped by the guards posted right outside the room.

“My apologies. The Lord said that you cannot leave without his permission.”

“Do you think the two of you can stop me?” Qian Yu asked. She knew that the two guards were referring to Liu Mang. She tried to rush out thinking that the two men were just servants but swords were quickly drawn to ensure that she could not leave.

These guards were skilled as they were two of the four guards Jia Xu had brought over. Liu Mang had posted them here to look after the barbarian princess. Qian Yu was skilled in martial arts but she was unarmed and as a woman, she was also weaker.

On top of that, her green dress was also in the way. Liu Mang had given her this dress to restrict her. As Han women were supposed to be dignified and beautiful, they did not need clothing that allowed fierce movements. It was impossible to fight like how it is shown in television shows while wearing those clothes as the clothes would tear. If a woman could kill her enemies while being naked, she would definitely be a hero.

That did not stop Qian Yu from trying. As a result, the dress tore exposing her beautiful back.

“Shit!” Qian Yu quickly covered herself. The two guards also lowered their heads and did not dare to look.

“Whats with all the racket? Woman should just do sewing or they would end up naked!” Liu Mang’s voice came from afar.

Qian Yu gritted her teeth. “This perverted bastard must have known that I cannot fight in this clothes. That is why he made me wear this!” She had no choice but to return to the room.

After a while, a female servant entered the room and said, “Milady. His Highness has sent another dress over. He also wanted me to pass on this message, saying that these dresses were expensive and that Milady would have to compensate for any more torn dresses at night.”

“Perverted bastard!” Qian Yu’s face flushed in anger. As she had no money, compensation meant her body.