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My Heart only Beats for You

Chapter 1314
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In the afternoon, Matthew finally accepted that fact.

The fact that he and Saoirse were married to each other.

He did not know why he had lost his consciousness the day before, but since what was done was done, he could not possibly go back on his words.

Already guilty towards Saoirse, he couldn't hurt her once more.

He could not make Saoirse suffer just because of his clouded consciousness.

In the end, Matthew could only bury the lady in the red dress in a place deep down in his heart.

Half a year passed in the blink of an eye.

During the past half a year, Saoirse had carried out her duty as a wife, and had always been taking care of Matthew.

But they had never had any intimate contact with each other before.

Matthew's body recovered after, and he was able to have relations with Saoirse.

However, Matthew still did not do so.

Saoirse felt really disappointed.

Matthew could see her disappointment.

He felt that he couldn't drag things on any longer. He couldn't hurt Saoirse any further.

That morning, Matthew told Saoirse about his intentions to return to his country.

"Saoirse, I will bring my father over, for him to meet you and your family," Matthew said to Saoirse.

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Saoirse agreed to his request.

She personally saw Matthew off, until he boarded the plane.

"William, I'm somehow scared." Before Matthew got on the plane, Saoirse suddenly said, "I have a feeling that you won't cback again if you leave." "Silly girl." Matthew said in a gentle voice, "I will cback." He was not such an irresponsible man.

Saoirse then nodded. "William, when are you coming back then?" "Within a week." "All right." "William, can you kissbefore you leave?" Saoirse asked.

William had never kissed her before.

Matthew hesitated for a moment.

Inside Saoirse's blue eyes swirled a hint of yearning.

Matthew finally bent forward and gently kissed Saoirse on the forehead.

Although it was just a light peck, it still called forth a sheer satisfaction in her.

A faint smile appeared on her lips. "I'll be waiting for you to cback then." After getting on the plane, Matthew looked out of the windows.

Outside the window there were a citadel of white cumulus.

All of a sudden, a dense puff of cloud slowly morphed into the figure of a girl - but it wasn't Saoirse.

Matthew's eyes narrowed a bit.

She had only been 16 when he met her.

He fell in love with her at first sight.

He was always a person who had never hesitated in doing something, and he immediately confessed his love to her right on the spot. Yet she ruthlessly rejected his confession.

Matthew averted his gaze.

Perhaps from that moment Selina rejected her, he should've known that he would never end up getting together with Selina.

Matthew had made up his mind.

But then, the plane suddenly shook.

Sof the passengers began to scream.

One month later, Saoirse's waiting still hadn't yielded Matthew's return.

She finally began to panic.

Liselle told her that William had lied to her, and that he would never, ever cback.

But Saoirse still insisted on believing him, and she believed that he would surely return.

She murmured to herself, "When he left, he said that he would cback. He wanted to bring his father to cfor a visit, and he also kissed me. How could he not cback? He will cback, he will definitely cback." "Miss, open your eyes. He's just a liar, he promised to marry you so that the Master wouldn't kill him. Miss, he's deceived you!" : "No!" Saoirse's eyes turned red. "William would never lie to me! He would never do such a thing!" "Miss, he lied to you. The truth has been laid out for all to see. He said that he would return within a week yet it has been a month already, and he's not back!" "Something must've cup, William probably got into trouble." "If anything cup on his side, he would've called you to inform you. He's never contacted you ever since he left. Miss, please wake up!" "I'm going to the airport-I'm going to wait for William at the airport. Perhaps he would be here by now." Saoirse staggered forward.

However, just after a few steps, Saoirse fell directly onto the ground.

Her vision went black, and she plunged into oblivion.

When she woke up again, she could vaguely overhear the conversation her father was having with the doctor.

The doctor said that Saoirse had had a heart attack. She was doing fine before, but she received too much shock this time. She could lose her life at anytime.

Erhardt was consumed by fury. "It's all that man's fault! He's simply trying to kill my daughter. I'll find him and rip him into pieces!" Saoirse's eyes flew open at once.

"Father, you can't do that!" Saoirse shouted.

"Saoirse, you're awake." "Dad, I heard what you just said. You can't do such a thing. Just let him go. If he's not coming back, then so be it." "Oh my silly daughter, how can you be so foolish! That man is not even human! He lied to you and almost got you killed. I won't spare him!" Saoirse took a deep breath. "Father, chere, please." Erhardt walked over.

Saoirse's hand reached into the pocket of her father's suit.

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Saoirse slipped out a pistol at lightning speed.

Erhardt was astounded at once.

When he was about to snatch it back, Saoirse was already pointing the pistol at her own head.

"Saoirse, don't do anything stupid!" Erhardt shouted.

Saoirse stared into her father's eyes. "Father, promisenot to look for William. Never, ever."

Erhardt raised his hand and said, "Okay okay, I promise that Nife I wouldn't take his life, I'll just go find him and get him to cback to your side. I'll definitely not take his life, okay?" Saoirse shook her head in pain.

"Father, I had a heart attack, and I will die any moment now. What's the use of him coming back? I don't want to drag William down. Let him go.. Father, promisethat you'll never go look for him." Erhardt felt his heart quiver.

He looked at Saoirse and said, "Saoirse, you really want to be this foolish? Do you really not wantto go look for him?"

Saoirse's thick lashes fluttered. "I he don't want you to do that. If he really doesn't want to cback, just let him go then. I don't want to trouble him anymore." Erhardt looked at Saoirse for a whole minute.

"Givethe pistol, and I will never find him again." "Father, is that true?" "When have I ever lied to you?" Saoirse then returned the pistol to Erhardt.

Erhardt turned around and left with the pistol.

At dusk, Liselle went in.

She had prepared ssoup for Saoirse.

"Miss Saoirse, I'll feed you," Liselle said.

Saoirse sat there, waiting for Lily to feed her.

As she ate, tears suddenly fell down her cheeks and were mixed into the soup.

Liselle put the bowl on the table. "Miss Saoirse, how can you be so foolish? How can you not look for him?" Saoirse pointed to her chest, where her heart was, and said, "Liselle, I

heard it from the doctor and my father. The doctor said that my heart may go wrong, and Xmay die at any Owrong, time. If that's the case, it's better for him to let him go. It's good for both him and me."