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My Heart only Beats for You

Chapter 1356
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Chapter 1356 Chapter 1356 Lothar continued on, "Selina, do you know how Yesseca and I survived all these years? I could still handle this, but Yesseca was still a little girl. When our mom died, she almost wanted to commit suicide. She blamed herself for killing our mom. I slapped her and told her that Mom died because she wanted her to live, and if she killed herself, Mom would never forgive her. I told her that she must live her life to the fullest so that Mom could finally rest in peace." "Since then, Yesseca has never made a fuss. She puts on a smile every day, but I know that deep down she is still sorrowful. I have seen her crying to sleep at night yet she acts all cheerful and happy the next day. There were a few times when I almost couldn't make it, and it was Yesseca who comforted and supported me," Lothar said.

"She even folded a lot of origami stars." Lothar shook the jar in his hand gently. "She wantedto bring these stars to you. She said that these stars accompanied her for many years and that they reminded her that no matter how dark a situation may be, there is always hope." Selina felt her chest tightening.

She didn't feel any pain at all, just a deep throbbing ache that almost made her eyes water.

"Selina, your situation can't even compare with Yesseca's. Do you know how old Yesseca was when our mom died? Yesseca has already survived so why can't you? Can you not even compare with a ten-year-old girl?" Lothar demanded.

Selina felt as if the huge stone in her heart had finally dropped, making her heart and organs twist in pain. After this intense pain, a deep sense of calmness washed over her.

She suddenly felt a ray of hope.

If Lothar and Yesseca could make it, why not her? Why not her? She felt a surge of strength rose within her.

She sat up from her bed.

Lothar remained silent and just stared in Selina's direction.

"Lothar," Selina finally spoke.

Her voice was hoarse as if she had just recovered from a serious illness.

Lothar's heart was filled with joy.

"Selina, I'm here," Lothar said.

"Turn on the lights," she requested.

Lothar immediately switched them on.

The whole bedroom was flooded with light, just like the light of hope.

Selina took a deep breath.

"I smell something delicious. Did you bring coffee over?" She turned to Lothar and asked.

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"Yes! It's coffee." Lothar answered.

"I heard that you bought the most expensive type of coffee," Selina continued on.

"Yes." Lothar's face was filled with joy. "It's the most expensive type." "Well, then hurry up and give it to me," Selina prompted him.

Lothar immediately handed the coffee to her.

Matthew, who was waiting downstairs, felt a little uneasy.

There were a few times he wanted to take a look upstairs but was stopped by Natalie.

"Matthew, since Lothar's already with Selina, let's just give him stime," Natalie reasoned with him.

Matthew had a complicated look in his eyes.

He managed to control himself in the end.

Selina had gotten down from her bed.

She smiled bitterly at Lothar and said, "I think I need sfood." Lothar looked at the bottles of coffee she had finished. "Selina, tellhonestly, how long has it been since you last ate?" he asked. Any normal person would have been so full after drinking so many bottles of coffee, that they wouldn't even feel like eating.

"I haven't eaten anything since yesterday," Selina replied with a serious look on her face.

Lothar was speechless.

"Let's quickly get sfood then," Lothar said.

She tried to take a step forward but her footsteps were shaky.

Lothar reached out to hold her but was rejected.

"It's fine, I'll do it myself," she said.

Lothar felt a little awkward.

He didn't have the right to hold her, after all, it was improper for them to be so intimate, not to mention that Matthew was still downstairs.

Lothar wanted to ask her about Matthew but he didn't want to risk it.

He was afraid that this would trigger her again now that she had finally recovered.

Lothar and Selina went downstairs together.

When Matthew saw Selina walking down, he felt as if his breath had left him.

After a while, he cback to himself.

He strode towards Selina.

He was filled with uncontainable excitement. "Selina," he said.

The corners of Selina's lips curled slightly. "Matthew, I want to eat something, I'm starving." "Yes, yes, let's eat now," Matthew answered her happily.

Natalie immediately asked the kitchen to serve the food.

The dishes were already prepared long ago, they had kept it warmed so that Selina could have sanytime.

Matthew was staring at Selina as she ate until Natalie reminded him, "Matthew, have sto eat too, you also haven't eaten anything since yesterday." Selina looked at Matthew with a shocked expression.

"He also starved himself with me?" Selina thought.

Matthew smiled bitterly. "It's fine, I'm not hungry," he replied.

"No, you must eat," Selina's voice was firm, "Otherwise, I will starve myself with you." "Alright, I'll eat." Matthew immediately agreed.

Lothar stood at the entrance of the dining room and watched them.

He heard their whole conversation.

He had a complicated look in his eyes.

He was right about the fact that Matthew and Selina's relationship was as strong as ever.

The public opinion seemed to have not affected their relationship.

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This was excellent.

Lothar feared up a bit at that thought.

As long as Selina was well, everything was excellent.

Although he also felt that Matthew was not a good match for Selina since he already had a wife.

However, he would wholeheartedly support Selina no matter whom she chose.

Natalie walked over to him.

"Lothar," she said to him softly.

Natalie walked away after she said that. Lothar understood and followed after her.

"Lothar, thank you so much." Natalie gave him a sincere look.

Earlier on, she wasn't in the mood to look at Lothar properly, she had only vaguely glanced at this young and energetic boy. Now that she took a closer look, she realized that Lothar looked like someone. Dylan Cowell.

They really shared sresemblance.

However, both of them had a completely different air around them.

Dylan was dark and gloomy while Lothar was bright and energetic especially when he spoke with a smile that would automatically lift up a person's mood.

"Even I had noticed that both Lothar and Dylan share sresemblance, Matthew must have noticed this as well." Natalie thought. X However, Matthew had acquiesced to Selina's friendship with Lothar, he even agreed for Lothar to talk to Selina.

This could only mean that Matthew was acting like the bigger person and that he had absolute trust in both Selina and Lothar.

"There's no need to thank me. This is only what I should do as Selina and I are good friends," Lothar said.

"Selina's lucky to have a friend like you," Natalie replied.

"I'm also lucky to have Selina as my friend," he declared.