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My Heart only Beats for You

Chapter 1593
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Chapter 1593 Normally, Tremaine would have been furious by her conversation with Montez. But when she saw his face, he didn't seem very angry at all.

In fact, Yesseca could have sworn that he looked kind of playful.

She wasn't sure if her eyes were playing tricks on her.

"Montez is a child, you say?" Tremaine slightly parted his thin lips. "But you're an adult." Yesseca cursed at herself.

She remembered that Tremaine held grudges.

This was because she had agreed with Montez's remark about him over the phone.

The smile on Yesseca's lips began to waver. "Mr. Quartley, in Montez's and my point-of-view, calling you a devil is a compliment. It's just our way of relating to your devilishly good looks." Tremaine found this response rather satisfactory.

"Is this true?" "Yes! Yes it is!" Yesseca nodded her head earnestly.

Tremaine smiled briefly.

He knew exactly what Yesseca was doing, but didn't intend to expose her.

Her attempt to appeal to his good graces really did appease his temper.

Tremaine put down his hand. "Go to sleep." He could see the dark circles around her eyes and decided not to tease her anymore.

Yesseca looked at him quietly.

Was he really just going to let her go to bed? Just like that? "So you'll leave then?" Yesseca asked.

"No." Tremaine looked behind her at something in the distance and said, "I'll stay and guard you, just for tonight. Whether it was a nightmare or someone causing trouble, I'll figure it out by tonight." Yesseca's heart jolted.

Wasn't she just having nightmares? It didn't sound like it based on what Tremaine said.

"Does he know something I don't?" She gasped. "Mr. Quartley, what do you mean? Aren't I just having nightmares? Have you found something?" Tremaine squinted.

He hadn't found anything yet.

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There was nothing unusual from the lab analysis report.

But he had a gut feeling that this wasn't as simple as it looked.

He wanted to look into it personally.

Tremaine replied casually, "It's nothing. This isn't the first tyou've had a nightmare. I'll keep an eye on things so you can rest." Yesseca felt disappointed.

It turned out it really was just a nightmare.

"No. Thank you, Mr. Ou art ley." "It's important for you to feel safe." He looked at her thoughtfully.

Yesseca felt a warm feeling in her heart.

Tremaine was a really good man.

"There's really no need. You should go hand get srest." Yesseca declined once again.

Tremaine assured her calmly, "Don't worry, I won't do anything to a dried pickle like you while you sleep." Yesseca's face blushed red. "That's not what I meant!" She was just worried that he would get exhausted staying up all night, and felt that there was no need for him to stay! However, since Tremaine thought of her that way, she might as well give up. "Do as you like then!" Having said that, Yesseca stormed into her bedroom and laid down on the bed.

She had slammed the door shut, but then it swung open again a moment later. Tremaine walked in.

Yesseca sat up in shock. "What are you doing here?" She thought he'd be in the living room for the rest of the night.

Tremaine looked at Yesseca like she was a fool.

"How can I be sure unless I cin?" Yesseca was quiet.

"Sleep. I already said I wouldn't do anything to you." Tremaine repeated.

After saying that, he pulled up a chair and placed it near to Yesseca's bed before sitting down.

Yesseca watched him in silence.

This man sitting so close to her bed embarrassed her tremendously.

If she said anything else, he would just repeat the fact that he said he wouldn't do anything to her. Besides, he had done this before.

He had kept an eye on her in her bedroom the last tas well! She simply laid down on her bed and closed her eyes! "Don't even think about it!" Wasn't this just like last time? Besides, as Tremaine said, she was a dried pickle.

For a man like him, she wouldn't be very appealing at all.

With that thought in mind, Yesseca becdrowsy and soon fell asleep.

After she fell asleep, Tremaine switched off the lights in her bedroom.

It was now dark inside.

Tremaine stared outside the window, without moving a muscle.

Tpassed slowly.

Within a blink of an eye, it was three o'clock in the morning.

Nothing had happened.

He had been staring at the window, but there was nothing there.

It was probably nothing after all. He had read too much into it.

After all that waiting he was feeling quite thirsty.

Tremaine stood up and went into the living room.

There was an empty cup by the kettle.

But his eyes fell on the cup next to it that had a printed "Hello Kitty" stamp on it.

It was obviously Yesseca's cup.

Tremaine narrowed his eyes.

A moment later, he picked up Yesseca's cup and poured swater into it.

The water tasted sweet in his mouth.

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His lips curled up into a smile.

He put the cup down and was about to walk towards the bedroom when something caught his eye.

There was a thick notebook in the corner of the living room.

Tremaine picked up the notebook.

There was a photo on the first page.

It was a photo of Yesseca with a man.

The two of them were smiling at the camera.

Yesseca and the man shared similar facial features.

Tremaine could tell it was Yesseca's older brother.

He turned the page, and found a diary entry with very neat handwriting. The date of the entry was written on the top left of the page. The entry was written half a year ago.

"Although I've refused to believe it, I have to accept the fact that my brother is really gone. As of today I swear that won't hide in bed and cry, and won't keep waiting for my m back brother to cwith tears in my eyes, because my brother is never coming back! But I have to cheer up. Even though he's gone, I'm sure he'll keep looking out forup in heaven. If my brother could seelike this, he'd be very sad." "Today is the second day since I've made that promise. I didn't cry, but my eyes are a little red. I'm sure I'll get better in time. I'll be happy again, just like I used to be! I want my brother to be happy too up im heaven!" There was a silence.

He closed the diary.

Then placed the diary back down.

He wasn't sure if that diary entry was the cause of it, but he felt moved.

Tremaine pushed the idea out of his mind and went back into the bedroom.

For now he was convinced that Yesseca did have a nightmare the night before. However, he had always been extra cautious, so he stayed until dawn. The moment he entered the bedroom, he felt a cold stare looking right at him.

Tremaine quickly looked at the window.

There was a face against the window.

It was a man's face.