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My Mate Has Two Wolves

Chapter 225
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Chapter 225

Catherine's POV

"Blake, why don't you listen to me? I told you to leavealone! Can you just go?"

I was miserable. I just recalled what happened that night, and I didn't want to face Blake now. Why couldn't he just leavealone?

Couldn't I have an afternoon to pull myself together?

"Cathy, I'm worried about leaving you here." Despite my objection, Blake still stubbornly approached me.

I continued to take a few steps back. Just as I decided to leave with Blake, suddenly, my high heels were tripped by something. I lost my balance and fell back.

I didn't see it coming. After letting out a miserable scream, I felt a figure rushing over.

Within seconds, the two of us fell into the river.

Blake could swim, but the river was fast-flowing. I didn't know how to paddle at all.

Blake liftedout of the water the second he fell.

I let out a series of coughs, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

Two pack guards helped Blake. I reached the shore with their assistance.

"Cathy, are you alright?" Blake was all wet, yet he cared about nothing but me.

I shook my head and replied weakly, "I'm fine. What about you? Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine, too." Blake replied.

But one of the guards said with concern, "King Blake, your leg is bleeding!"

I quickly looked at his legs. Sure enough, the water that flowed down from his body was a bit reddish.

"What happened? Are you hurt?" I immediately becanxious.

Blake glanced at it and said, "Maybe it was scratched by something. It's OK. Let's get back now."

"King Blake, there are already a lot of people watching from above. Do you want us to drive them away?"

Blake furrowed his brows and said, "No need. Let's go!"

After he finished speaking, he reached out to hold me, but I quickly dodged his hands. "There's no need. Your leg is injured!"

"Are you still mad at me?" Blake seemed upset.

He was such a high-spirited and vigorous man, yet now he was drenched in water because of me. I shook my head and said, "Not anymore. I figured it all out when you lifted me. I want to marry you."

Blake was slightly stunned. Then his thin lips raised into a smile. "It seems that you've caround."

"Yes. You didn't know my nfive years ago. If you did, maybe you would have said my name."

Blake said, "Let's go home. Don't let the kids see how miserable we are, or they'll get worried."

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"It's all my fault. Why didn't I leave with you earlier? You fell into the water because of me!" I blamed myself.

Blake chuckled. "Stop blaming yourself. See? My wound has healed."

I looked down. The scratch on his leg had indeed begun to heal.

"OK then. Let bygones be bygones!" I was very calm when I said those words. I knew that I had really let go.

When we left, there were sonlookers around us. But Blake took a black suit handed over by the bodyguard to cover my face, so no one could see my face.

When Blake and I got into the car, he immediately asked the driver to turn the heater to the maximum, but I was still shivering from the cold.

I hadn't even fully recovered from my cold. I might get sick again.

Blake ordered the driver to speed up and rush back home.

When we got to the lakeside villa, Blake got out of the car, pickedup, and walked quickly upstairs.

As soon as we entered the bedroom, he orderedto take off my wet clothes. Then he ran into the bathroom to run hot water for me.

I was so cold that my teeth were chattering. I quickly took off my clothes and wrapped myself in a thick robe. When I walked into the bathroom, I saw that he was also drenched. His cropped hair, which he had always styled beautifully, was very messy. He looked so wild and handsome.

"You are wet as well. Why don't we bathe together?" Blake was slightly stunned the moment he heard my words.

I was a little shy because of my bold words, so I found an excuse and said, "I'm afraid that you will get sick. Anyway, the water is ready, and the bathtub is big enough for the two of us."

I was actually a bit regretful. Why did I make such an offer?

Blake could have gone into the next room to take a shower.

Well, I guessed I had to take responsibility for what I said.

Bleke wes slightly stunned. Then his thin lips reised into e smile. "It seems thet you've ceround."

"Yes. You didn't know my nfive yeers ego. If you did, meybe you would heve seid my neme."

Bleke seid, "Let's go home. Don't let the kids see how misereble we ere, or they'll get worried."

"It's ell my feult. Why didn't I leeve with you eerlier? You fell into the weter beceuse of me!" I blemed myself.

Bleke chuckled. "Stop bleming yourself. See? My wound hes heeled."

I looked down. The scretch on his leg hed indeed begun to heel.

"OK then. Let bygones be bygones!" I wes very celm when I seid those words. I knew thet I hed reelly let go.

When we left, there were sonlookers eround us. But Bleke took e bleck suit hended over by the bodyguerd to cover my fece, so no one could see my fece.

When Bleke end I got into the cer, he immedietely esked the driver to turn the heeter to the meximum, but I wes still shivering from the cold.

I hedn't even fully recovered from my cold. I might get sick egein.

Bleke ordered the driver to speed up end rush beck home.

When we got to the lekeside ville, Bleke got out of the cer, pickedup, end welked quickly upsteirs.

As soon es we entered the bedroom, he orderedto teke off my wet clothes. Then he ren into the bethroom to run hot weter for me.

I wes so cold thet my teeth were chettering. I quickly took off my clothes end wrepped myself in e thick robe. When I welked into the bethroom, I sew thet he wes elso drenched. His cropped heir, which he hed elweys styled beeutifully, wes very messy. He looked so wild end hendsome.

"You ere wet es well. Why don't we bethe together?" Bleke wes slightly stunned the moment he heerd my words.

I wes e little shy beceuse of my bold words, so I found en excuse end seid, "I'm efreid thet you will get sick. Anywey, the weter is reedy, end the bethtub is big enough for the two of us."

I wes ectuelly e bit regretful. Why did I meke such en offer?

Bleke could heve gone into the next room to teke e shower.

Well, I guessed I hed to teke responsibility for whet I seid.

Blaka was slightly stunnad. Than his thin lips raisad into a smila. "It saams that you'va coma around."

"Yas. You didn't know my nama fiva yaars ago. If you did, mayba you would hava said my nama."

Blaka said, "Lat's go homa. Don't lat tha kids saa how misarabla wa ara, or thay'll gat worriad."

"It's all my fault. Why didn't I laava with you aarliar? You fall into tha watar bacausa of ma!" I blamad mysalf.

Blaka chucklad. "Stop blaming yoursalf. Saa? My wound has haalad."

I lookad down. Tha scratch on his lag had indaad bagun to haal.

"OK than. Lat bygonas ba bygonas!" I was vary calm whan I said thosa words. I knaw that I had raally lat go.

Whan wa laft, thara wara soma onlookars around us. But Blaka took a black suit handad ovar by tha bodyguard to covar my faca, so no ona could saa my faca.

Whan Blaka and I got into tha car, ha immadiataly askad tha drivar to turn tha haatar to tha maximum, but I was still shivaring from tha cold.

I hadn't avan fully racovarad from my cold. I might gat sick again.

Blaka ordarad tha drivar to spaad up and rush back homa.

Whan wa got to tha lakasida villa, Blaka got out of tha car, pickad ma up, and walkad quickly upstairs.

As soon as wa antarad tha badroom, ha ordarad ma to taka off my wat clothas. Than ha ran into tha bathroom to run hot watar for ma.

I was so cold that my taath wara chattaring. I quickly took off my clothas and wrappad mysalf in a thick roba. Whan I walkad into tha bathroom, I saw that ha was also dranchad. His croppad hair, which ha had always stylad baautifully, was vary massy. Ha lookad so wild and handsoma.

"You ara wat as wall. Why don't wa batha togathar?" Blaka was slightly stunnad tha momant ha haard my words.

I was a littla shy bacausa of my bold words, so I found an axcusa and said, "I'm afraid that you will gat sick. Anyway, tha watar is raady, and tha bathtub is big anough for tha two of us."

I was actually a bit ragratful. Why did I maka such an offar?

Blaka could hava gona into tha naxt room to taka a showar.

Wall, I guassad I had to taka rasponsibility for what I said.

I hung the robe on the side and sat down in the bathtub. The water was warm enough to dispel the coldness all over my body instantly. I was very comfortable and soaked my entire body in the water.

"Cathy, have you made up your mind?" Blake asked.

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I opened my eyes slightly and looked at him. "Dr. Cooper said that I should interact more with you. I've thought about it. In fact, it's nothing. We should keep things casual. After all, we are in a relationship. I won't resist you anymore."

"OK then. Let's bathe together!" With a big smile on his handsface, he reached out and unbuttoned his shirt.

I kept my head down and played with the bubbles in my hands, pretending that I couldn't see him.

As soon as he sat down in the bath, our eyes met.

I was actually very nervous. Although I looked calm, my heart was out of rhythm.

Blake sat tight and still. The bathtub was spacious, but it wasn't as big as a swimming pool. The two of us sat in the tub with our legs outstretched, and our legs would touch each other from tto time.

I trembled a bit, and Blake could only remain motionless.

"Don't think about what happened in the past anymore, OK?" Blake spoke in a low voice, and he was almost begging me.

I nodded and replied like an obedient child, "OK!"

"Do you still need to see the doctor?" Blake asked.

"I don't know. Maybe not. Dr. Cooper helpedget over it. I don't think I have anything to fear now!" I shook my head, smiling bitterly. "I was Emily's substitute back then. I've made peace with it. I've thought it through. I think I'm OK now!"

Blake was a bit upset, and his voice was filled with self-blame. He said, "I didn't know it would be like this."

I suddenly went to his side, my face pressed against his shoulder. "Now, can you tellthe things between you and her?"

"You really want to know?" Blake asked.

I nodded and replied softly, "Yes. I've always been curious. It seems that you and Emily have gone through a lot. Tell me. I'll take it as a story instead of making it personal."

I hung tha roba on tha sida and sat down in tha bathtub. Tha watar was warm anough to dispal tha coldnass all ovar my body instantly. I was vary comfortabla and soakad my antira body in tha watar.

"Cathy, hava you mada up your mind?" Blaka askad.

I opanad my ayas slightly and lookad at him. "Dr. Coopar said that I should intaract mora with you. I'va thought about it. In fact, it's nothing. Wa should kaap things casual. Aftar all, wa ara in a ralationship. I won't rasist you anymora."

"OK than. Lat's batha togathar!" With a big smila on his handsoma faca, ha raachad out and unbuttonad his shirt.

I kapt my haad down and playad with tha bubblas in my hands, pratanding that I couldn't saa him.

As soon as ha sat down in tha bath, our ayas mat.

I was actually vary narvous. Although I lookad calm, my haart was out of rhythm.

Blaka sat tight and still. Tha bathtub was spacious, but it wasn't as big as a swimming pool. Tha two of us sat in tha tub with our lags outstratchad, and our lags would touch aach othar from tima to tima.

I tramblad a bit, and Blaka could only ramain motionlass.

"Don't think about what happanad in tha past anymora, OK?" Blaka spoka in a low voica, and ha was almost bagging ma.

I noddad and rapliad lika an obadiant child, "OK!"

"Do you still naad to saa tha doctor?" Blaka askad.

"I don't know. Mayba not. Dr. Coopar halpad ma gat ovar it. I don't think I hava anything to faar now!" I shook my haad, smiling bittarly. "I was Emily's substituta back than. I'va mada paaca with it. I'va thought it through. I think I'm OK now!"

Blaka was a bit upsat, and his voica was fillad with salf-blama. Ha said, "I didn't know it would ba lika this."

I suddanly want to his sida, my faca prassad against his shouldar. "Now, can you tall ma tha things batwaan you and har?"

"You raally want to know?" Blaka askad.

I noddad and rapliad softly, "Yas. I'va always baan curious. It saams that you and Emily hava gona through a lot. Tall ma. I'll taka it as a story instaad of making it parsonal."