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My Vampire System

Chapter 899 Behind everything
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Chapter 899: Behind everything

Up until the very last second, Alex had been wondering whether it was the right thing to give himself up. After all, in a way everyone in the tenth family had been dragged into a fight to protect him.

Would they forgive him, once they found out? Would they blame him for being selfish having made this decision on his own?

Would they understand what he was thinking at the time? Perhaps sympathising with how scared he was allowing that strange vampire to take him away from his friends and family, unaware whether he would see them ever again?

Ultimately, the reason why he had decided to go along with the powerful vampire was because he didn’t want Logan to get hurt. Or anyone else for that matter. Before the vampire had entered the facility they stood a good chance, but after witnessing what he had done to Borden, he knew that even if Logan and him teamed up it would be useless.

If the outcome was bound to be the same either way, wasn’t it for the best to at least save those next to him?

A few seconds later after he had begged the vampire to leave the others alone in exchange for his life, Alex had only been able to see the vampire sigh and nod, before he felt a pain at the back of his head, and his vision had gone black.

By the time he woke up, he understood that he had been knocked unconscious, though he was unsure for how long. The strangest thing was that when Alex opened his eyes again he found himself in a familiar looking room, yet at the same time something seemed slightly off.

’The walls, a throne... am I in another castle?’ Alex thought.

Soon, the figure that had brought him here stood over him once again blocking his line of sight. Out of instinct, Alex scurried away, a little like a little scared cat.

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"Ha, Ha, ha!" Remus laughed out loud. "That’s right, this is how things should be. You’re a pathetic being, just like everyone else from your damned family."

Surprised, Alex noticed that he wasn’t tied up or anything. When he looked back the reason why became obvious. The man before him didn’t care if Alex tried to escape, he would just bring him back in a matter of seconds.

"What...what do you want from me?" Alex asked nervously. He was trying to act brave, but he felt like he might pass out from his own nerves at any second.

"What do I want from you?" Remus pointed at himself with a look as if it was a stupid question to ask. "I am only doing what I have been asked, you are best asking them over there." He tilted his head, and it was only then that Alex noticed there was one more person in the room.

’If this is one of the other castles, then that must be one of the leaders.’ Alas, Alex had been kept inside the tenth family’s castle for the entire of the trip for obvious reasons. As such, he had no idea what the other leaders looked like so he could only guess.

"You’ve done a great job, Great Ancestor, their family turned out to be more troublesome than I thought they would be." The leader bowed lightly.

"You can say that again." Remus scoffed. "I thought our original vampire bloodline was supposed to get weaker with each generation, not stronger. Yet somehow, their family is filled with extraordinary existences."

"You should thank your lucky stars that I didn’t destroy the whole castle down there and then. That place is only filled with bad memories. Don’t expect me to hold back next time. If I ever go near that place again, I won’t be able to stop myself from eradicating the entire family and their castle!"

Hearing these words, Alex knew he was serious, he could see it in the vampire’s eyes. For some reason when speaking about the tenth family, he had a deep hatred for them.

’Did Quinn do something to him to piss him off? No, the other one just called him an ancestor, so maybe it was something a previous leader did?’

"Noted. As promised, I will pay you back once all of this is over." The leader replied respectfully.

Analysing when the two were speaking to each other. Alex noticed that one didn’t speak like the other was less than them, instead it sounded more like they respected this person. It made him wonder if both of them were leaders of a vampire family.

’This could work, I have to try what I can, but maybe I can turn them against each other?’ He naively thought, but he had already been captured and since they hadn’t killed him yet he should have still some use to them.

"Hey, you’re stronger than them, right? In that case why are you listening to what they have to say? You should do what you want! I don’t know what the tenth family did to you, but there is a new leader now and maybe you two can strike a deal." It took a lot of courage for Alex to say those words, and not hearing a response from either one of them was killing him.

"Nice try, boy. However, I will NEVER work with one of them. Not after what they have done to me. You’re correct that I am stronger than them, but I know how to repay a favour. They’ve done something that couldn’t be done by any of the other families."

"What your family took away they brought back, and they have given me a chance to get rid of every single one of your members. Luckily, you get the privilege of hearing about it." Remus said, as he started to laugh and left the room, leaving Alex alone with the leader.

The question was, what were they going to do with him now. What came as a surprise to Alex, was he was handed over to Bryce in the end, and eventually ended up put in the cell with Quinn.

Alex had just finished telling the tale of what had happened. How those in the tenth had been attacked because of what was used on Dwight. How they were after him and everything after he had been taken.

"The mysterious vampire that you saw, the one that entered the castle. Can you describe him?" Quinn asked.

"He had quite long black hair flowing to his shoulders, his clothes were all tattered but I don’t know if they were old or because he was in a fight, but the thing that stood out most was his twirly mustache." Alex described.

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From the description alone, there weren’t any of the leaders that fitted that exact bill, but there were a few that came close.

’Quinn, I’m not entirely sure what Alex said is correct, but from the sounds of it, the person he was describing is one of the Originals.’

’One of the originals are you sure?’

’Yes, and not just any original, but the original belonging to the eighth family. If it’s true, then what Alex felt and the words he heard might be true after all. Do you remember what I told you about Jim? How he had experimented on one of the original vampires, well that was the eighth.’ Vincent explained.

’Wait, but didn’t you say he had died?!’

’Yes, but I don’t know the full details either, of what actually happened, only what we have been told, but if it is true, then his grudge against the tenth family will run deep. Very deep.’

Once again, something that was completely unrelated to Quinn, but to those before him was bringing pain to him and his friends. He couldn’t imagine the experiments Jim must have run on the original for him to be so angry.

"One more question, would you be able to describe the leader in the castle that you saw?" Quinn asked.

"Of course, I didn’t get a good look at her because she had a black veil covering her face.’’ Alex said. "But, it was obvious it was a girl, because she wore a big fluffy black dress."

Out of all the leaders, Quinn only knew of one leader that wore the same dress every time he saw her. It looked like one of his guesses was right.

It was Cindy, and they were for some reason, working with the eighth original leader.
