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Never See You Again

Chapter 174
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Chapter 174 Maeve handed the ring box back to Sergio. "Give this to the girl you truly like. I'm tired of being Mrs. Brooks." With that, Maeve turned and walked away, leaving Serstanding alone.

That night, Maeve returned to her apartment. The Intewas flooded with news about Mirage Group and Brooks Group, with rumors spreading about the two companies being at odds.

Ssaid Brooks Group was about to fall, jeopardizing its position as the top dog In Seathburn City. Others speculated that the boss behind Mirage Group had significant backing and that Serwas powerless against them.

There were even rumors that Serwas just a lackey for the boss of Mirage Group, and now that Mirage. Group had returned, they were out to eliminate this self-proclaimed king.

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Lyra couldn't stop laughing as she looked at the news online.

Maeve leaned back on the sofa, feeling helpless. “Your laughter is shaking the bed. Don't disturb the neighbors downstairs." "But don't you find it funny? I really want to see Sergio's expression when he sees this," Lyra said, almost in tears from laughing.

That arrogant guy, Sergio, who always thought so highly of himself, was being rumored to be someone else's lackey! If it were her, she would probably be bedridden with anger for a while.

Seeing Maeve looking pensive, Lyra asked, "When you went back to the Brooks Manor today, did Sersuspect you?" "He did, but it wasn't quite what I expected.“.

"What do you mean 'not quite what you expected"? How can suspicion be different?" Lyra was puzzled.

She then hugged a cushion, ready to hear the story.

Maeve said, "He gavea ring today and said... he likes me.

Maeve's words were concise and to the point, leaving Lyra stunned. "Are you talking about Sergio?" "Yes," "Why do I feel like this is something my foolish little brother would do?" Lyra rolled her eyes.

Maeve rested her chin on her hand and pondered. 'Sergio's affection should be for Clara. He must have said this tobecause of the emergence of Mirage Group.

"At this point, Brooks Group can't afford any more scandals, He wants to keepin check. As long as we don't get divorced or cause trouble at this time, he'll save himself a lot of trouble." Maeve repeated, "Yes! It must be like this." How could Serpossibly like her? Whether in the past or this reincarnation, Sergio's preference for Clara had never changed, "Just recently, he was showing off his affection for Clarn everywhere, taking her with him wherever he went. There were even rumors that he doted on Clara to the core, helping her put on high heels, draping a coat over her shoulders, and introducing her to business executives.

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"You mustn't soften your heart. Men's words can be deceiving. I think you're right. Sermust want to keep you in check, especially since you have the Scott family's backing.

"But Clara has nothing. And now, with the emergence of Mirage Group, Brooks Group's people are even less likely to let him marry Clara." Maeve also found Lyra's reasoning reasonable.

The following day, Maeve began to deal with Brooks Group. She didn't directly target the major projects of Brooks Group but instead started with sinsignificant projects.

but they were often corrupt Large enterprises like the Brooks Group might seem glorious on the surface, inside. As the saying goes, appearances could be deceiving, and the larger the enterprise, the more flaws it may have.

Initially, the Scott family was also a large enterprise, appearing om glamorous in recent years. But only a few insiders knew about the internal situation of the Scott family.

"Maeve, cover and organize the documents." Suddenlymiddle-aged woman's cold voice reached Maeve's ears.

Maeve snapped out of her thoughts and replied, "Okay, Syndy." Spin to Claim im Your Surprise Reward! 1,7 Chapter 175 Hot Singles Are Looking For Older Men | > X