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New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live

Chapter 288 Setting The Pieces On The Board
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Phoenix drew her gaze upon everyone present. Around the table, with her and Astaroth, were the founding members of Paragons.

She and Astaroth were at the helm of the table, and to their left were I'die, Gulnur, Violette, and Athena. To their right sat Khalor, Gale, Silent Light, and Morticia.

Death the Gnome had refused the chance to be an officer. He argued he was someone that loved to fight and hated taking decisions.

He rather be like a gun, and be pointed in the direction he needed to fire. Phoenix had respected his will, and left him out of the decision process.

But in case a fight broke out, she still knew she could count on him.

Looking each one in the eye, Phoenix knew she had their attention.

"Earlier today, Astaroth and I were inspecting the progress on fortress defences and building, and we were shot at by an archer who was standing out of vision range. This means the first members of a guild have made it to our territory."

Phoenix paused to see if anyone would say something, but silence covered the room.

"Since at least one person is here, we can assume more are, too, or that they are on their way. We have practically done our defence building, so we can say we are ready. But the actual fight will require more than just good defences."

"The players coming here are not just common players. The guilds answering our challenge will be filled with pro players, and players that can at least match them in power. Some of which will be higher level than us, or better equipped."

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Khalor snorted a small laugh.

Everyone's gaze landed on him.

"Anything you want to say, Necromancer?" Phoenix asked him.

"I was just laughing at the prospect of someone being higher level than me, or better equipped. I doubt that would happen."

Astaroth frowned.

"Care to explain why they couldn't be better equipped than you?" he asked Khalor.

"Because it's impossible."

"Khalor," Phoenix interjected.

"I've seen your equipment. Aside from your weapon, everything you wear seems like special grade, at best. There are bound to be people with better gear than you in those guilds."

Khalor shook his head and clicked his tongue.

"You 'think' you have seen my equipment. Truth is, no one has seen my real gear yet. It'll be a surprise for everyone, and the reason I will maintain a big part of the attention during battle."

Phoenix looked pissed that Khalor had interrupted just to toot his own flute. But she brushed his arrogance aside, for now, and went back to the meeting's purpose.

"We'll see about that when the shit hits the fan. For now, let's focus on important matters. Like the fact that we are still grossly under-manned for what area we need to defend. Now. I have looked at our numbers and made sure everyone can do their part. But since the Bastion is so big, and we don't have the manpower to defend all around it, this will be a tough siege."

Phoenix looked at I'die, who nodded his head.

The following second, I'die raised his hand, waving it over the table. On the center of the table, a replica of the tree palace and the stone walls surrounding the Bastion grew out of the center.

This impressed Astaroth. His Perfect Mana Senses picked up the minute movement of mana, as well as the extreme control I'die had exercised on it.

Once the replica of the Bastion was done growing out of the table, I'die also made small stone figurines of the people sitting around the table. Phoenix picked up every figurine, positioning them on the replica.

"Now, keep in mind this isn't to scale. But it will be enough to explain my plan."

Everyone nodded before focusing on the small tree on the table. Phoenix knew she had little time to explain her entire plan, since enemies were already at their doors.

But she still wanted to make as many details as possible clear to the people here, since she wouldn't have time to guide all of them on the battlefield. Phoenix would already have to lead a small portion of their players.

She spent the next hour explaining the plan in as much detail as time allowed her, while answering questions that popped up as she did. Phoenix was like a teacher, guiding students on a group project.

She wanted to give them as much agency as she could, as long as they respected their assigned roles.

I'die was given a simple role. He was to go around the base as needed, building blockades or cinch points, so they could focus the enemies on smaller points.

Their lack of players meant they had to fight that much smarter. Limiting the zones where enemies could try to enter the base from would improve their odds.

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I'die quickly understood what he needed to do, and had already started forming some plans of his own in his head. Once Phoenix saw he understood his role, she switched to the next person.

Khalor had already decided what role he was going to play, so when she went to him, he just told her to skip him. Phoenix almost smacked his face, but she clenched her fists and contained her anger.

Going over each one of their roles, Phoenix ended with Astaroth. He had the hardest role, with the simplest function.

He was the shredder blades.

"Astaroth, you will be inside the Bastion wall. I will have I'die form a closed-off area, spanning from the open gate, to look like the bottom of an hourglass."

"So all I have to do is mow as many of them down as I can?"

"Yes. but you also need to stay alive without getting healed. I can't assign a healer to you, since they will be needed elsewhere. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, I'll make it work. I just need to fight with more prudence."

"And if we ever need you outside that zone, we will need you to clear out the hourglass, close the gates, and become mobile. Can you do that?"

Astaroth thought for a moment, but in every scenario he thought of, he wiped the floor clean with any amount of player he would be up against.

"Easy peasy. I doubt any player will overpower me. That isn't on our side already."

Astaroth gave a side-eye to Khalor, who simply chuckled.

"Alright then. Meeting adjourned. Let's catch some rest while we still can. When this battle starts, it will end in either our victory or our defeat."

Everyone got up and left the room. They could feel the tension in the air, and their excitement was obvious to the eye.